March 28-29, 2013
International scientific and practical conference
devoted to A.S. Makarenko’s 125-th anniversary will be held at
Nizhny NovgorodState Pedagogical University
The theme of the conference:
A.S. Makarenko’s Pedagogy: Education and Life (Achievements and Problems)
The place of the conference:
Nizhny NovgorodState Pedagogical University,
Russia, Nizhny Novgorod, Ulyanova str., 1
Chairperson of the organizing committee
Nikolina Vera, prorector for scientific and social work at Nizhny NovgorodStatePedagogicalUniversity, head of the chair of generalpedagogy, doctor of pedagogy, professor
Range of problems for discussion
The history of mastering and developing of A.S. Makarenko’s heritage
Modern tendencies in developing A.S. Makarenko’s pedagogy as a science of upbringing in Russia, the Ukraine, Germany, Italy, the USA, Japan
Lifestyle of an educational institution, family, children and teenagers organization as the main factor of upbringing
Moral education in the context of A.S. Makarenko’s heritage
Upbringing and life as a general pedagogical problem: history and modern times
The specific features of upbringing as compared with training; as connected with socialization and development of a personality
Economicand labour basis of upbringing
A.S. Makarenko’s ideas as realized in postindustrial pedagogy
The problem of correlation of social and individual in upbringing
Realization of A.S. Makarenko’s ideas in the context of “Conception of moral development and education of a Russian citizen’s personality” as well as the Federal state educational standards
Conference program includes work at plenary session, sections and a round table discussion.
Check-in day – 27th March, 2013
Languages: Russian, English
The organizing committee address:
Nizhny Novgorod, Ulyanova str., 1, the chair of general pedagogy
The article manuscript and conference application should have been sent to the organizing committee by the 15th of December 2012.
Requirements to an article manuscript.
Informationabouttheauthor(s): name,country, institution, position, academictitle.
Short annotation: 6-8 lines
Text of an article: up to 8000-10000printedcharacters.
A list of reference literature.
Traveland accommodationfinancial supportisnot provided.
Conference Application Form
Full nameInstitution
Post address
Phone number
Position, academic title