Autobiography Assignment- All About Me!
For the next several weeks we will be learning about human development in Psychology class. Each day there will be different lessons that address our development from “womb to tomb”! You will create an autobiography that will allow you to reflect your personal life to the content of the unit.
Format? – Create a book: either on paper or CD
Other ideas? Talk to me please.
The goal: to explore your personal unique background and discover information about your development.
Each section of your autobiography is outlined below.
Much of these assignments will require you to talk with your parents/guardians so plan accordingly! Some class time will be allotted for work days.
Requirements- You must include the following:
1. Title
2. Overall Creativity
3. Dedication page: to whom would you like to dedicate the story of your life? Think this through carefully as it says a lot about who you are. You may choose ANYONE.
4. Intro page: a quote (from a poem, song, just a quote,) or paragraph that begins your story, that prepares us for reading and leaning about you. Be sure to quote the original source.
5. The following chapters, 1-11:
Chapter 1: Part 1: Your Family Tree
Construct a family tree. The assignment is to actually create a tree that includes at least the following people: parents, sisters, brothers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, first cousins, nieces, and nephews.
You may extend this as far as you like. If you have a stepfamily, you may include them if you wish. If you are adopted, you may use your adoptive family and/or your natural family if you are in contact with them.
If your family is extremely large, you may want to choose just one side of your family to represent.
Your tree should be your creation. Part of your grade will be creativity. Creativity would include a unique design, pictures, etc…How you design this is up to you.
Chapter2: My Pre-Birth Story, and interview with:______
-How old were you when you got pregnant: ______
-What sort of family planning did you do? (Was I a surprise or planned…?)
-What was your life like when you were pregnant with me? (Where did you live, what were you doing)?
-What was the world like at the time (any big news stories? Trends?)
-How did you find out you were pregnant and how did you tell Dad and/or other family?
-What sort of plans did you make to prepare for my arrival?
-What was your pregnancy like?
-What words come to mind when you think back on this time of your life?
Chapter 3: On the day I was born, a time of reflection with: ______
Ask your parents to explain the events leading up to your birth, your actual birth, and the hours after your birth.
Suggestions for reflection:
1. Where was I born?
2. Have your parent tell the story of your birth: Where was your mom when she “knew”?
3. Any special circumstances leading to your birth?
4. Who was there?
5. Who delivered you?
6. Any complications?
7. How long was she in labor?
8. Was it natural or other?
9. What did I look like when you first saw me?
10. Did you know I was going to be a boy or girl?
11. How did you pick my name?
12. What do you remember about the first hours with me?
13. What was it like when we first arrived home?
Chapter 4: My First Years, a reflection with: ______
Ask your parents to share information about you during each of the following
developmental topics:
Potty training:
Eating habits:
Sleeping habits:
Social skills:
What are some words you would use to describe me at this age?
Chapter 5: My School Years, ages 5-12
What are some of your memories from your first years of school?
My School Years, a reflection with: ______
Ask a parent to reflect on the following:
What do you remember about my first day/s of school?
What are some memorable events in the stage of my life?
Who were the most influential people in my life? Who was around the most?
What are some words you would use to describe me at this age?
Chapter 6: My Teen years, 13- present.
The best thing about being a teenager is: ______
List some of your best memories:
The worst thing about being a teenager is: ______
List some of your worst memories:
What is your biggest regret at this age?
My Teen Years, a reflection with: ______
Ask a parent to reflect on the following:
What have been some of the most joyous parts of raising me as a teenager?
What has been the most difficult part for your parent/s as you have grown into being a teenager?
What are some words you would us to describe me at this age?
Chapter 7 My future: Has 2 parts
Part 1: My Future. In my life-time I hope to accomplish the following Twenty-five goals: You can use your goals list for this part
Part 2: My Life Map: Instructions given in class
Chapter 8: The end of my life, a reflection on my death.
My funeral: Instruction given in class
Chapter 9: How others see me.
Choose any 3 people and give them a “You are…” sheet.
Ask a teacher/coach/parent/friend,…to write some comments about how they would describe you.
You may display these in any way you choose.
Chapter 10: How I See Myself. This Must include both items 1 and 2 (item 1 has two options)
1. I am poem
2. A song/poem that best describes you OR your view of life
1. “I Am” poem
A good way to get in touch with how you view yourself is to think and write about who you are! This poem assignment will aid in that process. Choose only one option below.
Option 1: write each of the bolded words that introduce a new line and then fill it in with your own words.
First stanza
I am (two characteristics that explain you- make these strong and truthful as this line of the poem is repeated throughout the poem)
I wonder (something you want to know)
I hear (something you hear others say)
I see
I want
I am (repeat the first line of the poem)
Second stanza
I feel
I worry (something that really bothers you)
I dream
I am (repeat the first line of the poem)
Third stanza
I understand (something you know for sure)
I say (something you believe in)
I try
I hope
I am (repeat the first line of the poem)
Option 2
Line 1: begin with the words I am…
Line 2: write three strong nouns that describe you
Line 3: Write a complete sentence about two things you like
Line 4: Begin with three nouns that describe qualities you like to see in others; end the sentence with the works are important to me
Line 5: Write a sentence containing a positive thought about life.
Line 6: and 7: Write a sentence in which you show something negative you see in life;However, the sentence must finish by showing that something good can come out of this.Use the word but to link the bad and the good.
Lines 8, 9, 10: Each line is a short sentence showing your likes and dislikes. These do not have to relate to each other or to the previous line you have written.
Line 11: End your poem with the words This is me. I am.
2. What is a song or a poem that best describes you or your view of life? Make a creative display of the lyrics/stanzas.
Chapter 11: Conclusion: Must include the following.
- What is the Best advice you have ever received? Who gave it to you? Have you followed it? How did it help you in life?
- What piece of advice would you give yourself right now?
- And one piece at least of anything else. (i.e. Any last reflections? Ideas, thoughts, pictures, etc…)
You must have at least one other “end”, something miscellaneous that is your own.
Don’t forget this is your creation!! This is all about you! You can add items to this that are not listed above
Psychology Autobiography RubricName: ______
Points PossibleYour total
Overall Creativity20______
Dedication page2______
Intro page: a quote or paragraph5______
Chapter 1: Your Family Tree20______
Chapter 2: My Pre-Birth Story10______
Chapter 3: On the Day I was born10______
Chapter 4: My First Years10______
Chapter 5: My school Years, ages 5-1210______
Chapter 6: My Teen Years10______
Chapter 7: My Future
Twenty-five goals:10______
My Life Map20______
Chapter 8: My Funeral20______
Chapter 9: “You are…” sheets10______
Chapter 10: How I See Myself:
I am poem15______
A song/poem10______
Chapter 11:
Best advice you have ever received?2______
Your own advice2______
Miscellaneous closing12______
Including this rubric with final project5______
Don’t forget this is your creation!!
This is about you!
Have fun and learn about your own development!