Name :

I. Structure. Choose the correct answer. Circle the letter of your chosen answer. (30 points)

  1. They are going with you tomorrow, ______?

a) don’t theyb) aren’t theyc) they ared) they aren’t

  1. He knows your brother. They ______to go to school together.

a) usedb) were used toc) usingd) used to

  1. I only ______Russian for one year when I was in 7th grade.

a) studyb) studiedc) studyingd) studyed

  1. The children are doing ______homework.

a) theyb) theirsc) theird) them

  1. What time is your last ______.

a) classb) classesc) a classd) the classes

  1. Could you give ______somesugar, please?

a) myb) mec) mined) to me

  1. His job is ______than my job.

a) dangerousb) more dangerousc) most dangerousd) the most dangerous

  1. Give ______notebooks to him please.

a) thisb) thatc) thesed) them

  1. The tourists went to Hentii aimag ______see the place where Chinggis Khaan was born.

a) becauseb) forc) tod) and

  1. Those buildings ______just last year.

a) builtb) are builtc) were builtd) were builded

  1. ______going to the concert together tomorrow?

a) Why do web) How aboutc) Let’sd) Will we

  1. She didn’t sing ______her brother.

a) as well asb) wellc) as welld) better

  1. Have you been studying English _____ 5th grade?

a) forb) atc) sinced) already

  1. I ______English for 5 years.

a) teachesb) have been teachc) teachingd) have been teaching

  1. What ______last night at eight o’clock?

a) are you doingb) were you doingc) you been doingd) you are doing

  1. “You know, I really hate cats.” – “______”

a) So do Ib) Neither do I c) So did Id) Neither did I

  1. What ______last summer?

a) do you dob) have you donec) did you dod) are you doing

  1. Where are you going ______next week?

a) gob) to goc) goingd) gone

  1. My brother collects stamps. Now he has ______them.

a) quite a littleb) quite a numberc) quite a fewd) quite a few of

  1. His brother is a good driver. He drives ______than other drivers.

a) carefulb) carefullyc) more carefullyd) most carefully

  1. What kind of work ______?

a) does he dob) does he doingc) does hed) he does

  1. I like riding horses and my sister ______.

a) does, toob) likes, tooc) is, tood) riding, too

  1. Lisa wanted to go camping with us, but she ______because she had to work.

a) couldb) can’tc) cand) couldn’t

  1. _____ are you going to Beijing?

a) Whob) Wherec) Whatd) How

  1. This is my jacket, _____ those aren’t my gloves.

a) alsob) tooc) butd) or

  1. My teacher told me _____ my homework by Tuesday.

a) dob) to doc) will dod) does

  1. The students _____ write on the desks.

a) mustn’tb) mustn’t toc) mustn’t to bed) mustn’t being

  1. _____ what time it is, please?

a) Could you tell meb) Could you tell to mec) You could tell me d) You could tell to me

  1. Pete _____ me a very funny joke yesterday. Would you like to hear it?

a) saidb) toldc) spoked) talked

  1. If I cook supper, my mother _____ happy.

a) willb) will bec) beingd) be

  1. Vocabulary. (10 points)
  1. Choose the word that has the closest meaning.

1. LOCAL :a) nearb) farc) alwaysd) long

2. JOURNEY :a) flyb) touristc) tripd) car

3. PLUMP :a) oldb) beautifulc) talld) fat

4. RECENTLY :a) easilyb) justc) neverd) rarely

5.WELL-KNOWN :a) easy goingb) angryc) healthyd) popular

  1. Choose the word that is different in the list.

6. a) charmingb) magicalc) nastyd) lovely

7. a) ringb) cheekc) wristd) throat

8. a) tellb) commandc) advised) take

9.a) campingb) sewingc) hikingd) climbing

10. a) optimisticb) happyc) easy goingd) unkind

  1. Reading. Read the text and choose the best answer. (10 points)

It’s very important to take care of your skin. If you have oily skin, always use the correct beauty products. You shouldn’t use soap to wash your face all the time, because it can make your skin too dry. Using a moisturizer can be helpful. All skin types need it. As well as this, you should always carry tissues with you. Use tissues once or twice a day to wipe the dirt and oil off your skin.

Remember that oily skin is not always bad. For example, oiliness will make your skin look fresher. Also, during the winter your skin gets dryer, but with oily skin this won’t become a problem. You should use a sun screen in all seasons if you work outside. There are some other things that are important to do. First you should also drink lots of water every day. Secondly eat more fruits and vegetables and finally always get enough sleep.

  1. This text is about …

a) soapb) caring for your skinc) the winterd) fruit and vegetables

  1. If you have oily skin you should …

a) always wash you faceb) not wash your facec) choose the right beauty productsd) not use a moisturizer

  1. All skin types need ….

a) soapb) oily skinc) moisturizersd) the dirt

  1. All skin gets dryer in ….

a) waterb) winterc) moisturizerd) oil

  1. You should always use a sun screen if …

a) you work outsideb) you have oily skinc) you carry tissues with youd) you get enough sleep

  1. In this text the words to wipe mean …

a) to carryb) to buyc) to cleand) to paint

  1. Once or twice a day means …

a) every other dayb) one or two times a dayc) many times a dayd) on Monday or Tuesday

  1. Drinking lots of water can …

a) be good for your skinb) wipe the dirt off your skinc) make your skin too dryd) give you oily skin

9. The writer advises people to use a moisturizer instead of …

a) beauty productsb) soapc) sun screend) tissues

10. Getting enough sleep …

a) is not always badb) is bad for your skinc) is good for your skind) makes you drink a lot of water

  1. Writing. My last summer holiday. (30 points)