To achieve the highest total points by scoring in oppositions hoops and/or catching the Snitch.
Points-2 points for large hoop.
1 point for smaller hoop.
10 points catching Snitch and returning it to Referee.
1x Tennis ball in sock/Velcro flag for Snitch.
1x Large Dodgeball for scoring. Used by Chasers.
6x Small Dodgeballs for Beaters to throw at Chasers.
7x Broomsticks/Hockey sticks per team. For Keeper, Chasers and Beaters.
4x Hoops- Two large and two small.
8x Coloured sashes per team.
20xCones to mark out Goal circle/Protected area.
1xKeeper per team- only person allowed in the defensive circle around goals.
1xSnitch (Chosen by teacher, option only available when played on field outside)
1x Seeker per team- only person to chase and catch the Snitch (See above)
3xBeaters per team. These players can throw bludgers/dodgeballs at opposing players to temporarily knock them out of play.
3xChasers per team. These players must move the quaffle/ball down the field running/passing with the aim of scoring through the hoops.
Any penalties called by the referees result in offending player returning to Hoops they are defending to serve time out. Once they have touched the Hoops they may return to play. Offending player may not affect the game in any way until they have served penalty. If they have possession of any dodgeballs at time of offense they must drop ball where it occurred.
Start of Game
All players must line up on end line, broom sticks on ground, dodge balls and scoring ball stationary in middle waiting for umpires whistle to start.
Chasers may move the Dodgeball down field by either running or passing.
Beaters may throw dodgeballs at all opposing players except Keeper.
Mounting the broom
In order to be mounted on a broom, a player must have the broom straddled between his/her legs, touching some part of her body and not lying flat on the ground.
Dismounting- If a player dismounts or “falls off” his/her broom while in play, any plays made by thatplayer while off her broom do not count. The player is considered out of play until he/she has followed the rules and served penalty.
Penalty: A player who dismounts his/her broom while in play must return to hoops.
After a Score.
Once a score has occurred all players return back to their hoops.
Once all players are in position, the Keeper that was just scored on starts play.
All players are except Snitch and Seekers must remain on field at all times.
No player except the Keeper is allowed in the goal circle (Protected area).
Physical Contact
Types of contact - Players are allowed to physically interact over the course of play. Contact that is
prohibited by the rules results in a penalty.
Illegal contact - The following types of physical contact or interaction are illegal:
Blocking out or setting a pick against another player.
Grabbing another player’s broom or clothing
Slide tackling
Reaching over the shoulder or around the neck of a player in an attempt to strip the ball
Punching a ball loose.
Pushing or charging with an elbow or shoulder bump.
Tackling an opponent in possession of ball or not.
Attempting to steal the quaffle from a keeper who is in her own keeper zone
Penalty: Unintentional/intentional illegal physical contact, player sent back to hoops to serve time out penalty.