23 June 2016

Dear Parent/Carer

We are pleased to announce that The Oxford Academy is installing a new cashless catering system in September 2016. The new system will allow us to continue with the development of the school meals service and will provide us with a more efficient, faster and ultimately better quality of service.

The system will incorporate the latest biometric technology which will enable them to purchase their school meals and load money onto their accounts using their thumb.

All students and staff will be given training on how to use the system.

We will continue to offer the same payment options – online payments and coin/note payments at the revaluation pay points.

Online payment - please make a same day payment (using your online banking) using the detail below:

Account name:The Oxford Academy Trust Cashless Catering Account

Account number:03276031

Sort code:20-65-20

Ref:Please quote your child name as reference

Please email to notify us once a payment has been made to ensure that the funds are allocated to the pupils account without delay.

As per current legislation we will be operating an ‘Opt In’ policy and therefore require the consent of at least one parent/carer in order that the biometric information of your child can be processed. Please be assured that this information remains within the school and that the biometric information taken is an algorithm and not the actual finger print.

Could you please therefore complete and sign the form below and return it to Jo Winterbourne, Student Welfare Manager, by no later than Monday 4 July 2016.

If you choose not to have your child registered on the Biometric System a 4 digit PIN code will be allocated. Please note that PIN codes do not have the same level of security and it will be your child’s responsibility to remember the code and keep it secure at all times.

You can find a link to an information pack on the website that should answer any questions you may have, but if this is not the case please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely

Louise Waite

Finance Manager


To: Jo Winterbourne, Student Welfare Manager

I/we confirm that we wish our child/children TO BE/NOT TO BE (please delete* where applicable) registered on the school’s Biometric Cashless Catering System with immediate effect.

I understand that I/we may withdraw my child’s registration at any time in writing.

Child’s Name / Tutor Group / Relationship to Child
Name of Parent and/or Guardian / Signature / Date

Please return to Jo Winterbourne by Monday 4 July 2016