The King’s Shadow: Chapter Summaries

Chapter 5

Evyn is summoned back to Lady Ealdgyth. He learns that Gryffin in son the move trying to take over land. Harold plans to stop him. Harold asks Evyn to help him as Evyn knows the land much better than anyone else. Harold shows Evyn maps and Evyn draws and writes about the lay of the land in as much detail as he can. Harold keeps Evyn with him for long into the night, asking many questions. Evyn asks Harold if he can come too as he wants to continue to serve him. Lady Ealdgyth persuades Harold to agree to this. Harold, Evyn and all the men travel towards Wales. They come across many settlements that have been burned and destroyed.


  1. How does Evyn feel when he is summoned back to Lady Ealdgyth?
  1. How does Lewys change his attitude? Explain in detail.
  1. Why does Evyn not tell Harold his real name?
  1. How has Evyn’s life changed since chapter 2?

Chapter 6

Harold and his men travel deeper into Wales and come across Evyn’s old land-Rhywallon’s dyn. It has been destroyed and the people killed. Evyn finds Rhywallon and his Uncle Morgan dead outside the great hall. Harold decides to split his men in half and have his captain Hakon lead the other half. Harold and Hakon switch helmets and horses to try to trick Gryffin. Harold asks Evyn to lead the men to the cave he had hid in with his Unlace. Evyn is worried as he is not sure he will be able to remember the way but they do eventually find it. During their stay in the cave, Evyn sits not far from Harold as he keeps watch. It sounds as if Harold is being attacked but Evyn is frozen with fear and does not help. It turns out to be only one of Harold’s men. Harold’s men trap Gryffin between Hakon’s men and themselves. They win the battle killing Gryffin. Evyn hides in a tree during the battle and manages to warm Harold when one of Gryffin’s men sneaks up behind him to kill him. Evyn’s warning saves Harold’s life and Harold tells Evyn he has earned his freedom. Wales is no longer under attack. Evyn will use his new skills of reading and writing to record the events in the Chronicle of Aethelney.


  1. How does Evyn feel after he fails to help Harold in the cave?
  1. How have events in Evyn’s unfortunate past now been able to bring better fortune?