If you are interested in joining our organization, please contact us at:

(Go to Join MidWest! Link)

If your company is interested in supporting MidWestSSTRC, Inc.,

please contact us at:

MidWestSSTRC, Inc.

Dale Bernstein, President/CEO

P.O. Box 8763

Madison, WI 53708

or email:





MidWestSSTRC, Inc. has been serving multiple area communities since 1983.

In working with committed severe storm groups and individuals over the years, we have seen a need and a direction to become even more committed to increase our efforts, involvement, and professionalism toward severe storm tracking and response.

We have developed a close working relationship with the National Weather Service, Dane County Emergency Management, agencies on the local, state and federal levels, along with other similar volunteer organizations within the United States.

The MidWest SevereStorm Tracking Response Center (MidWest SSTRC Inc.) is comprised of members whose primary purpose is to assist in providing early detection of severe weather.

We communicate this critical information to government officials, other recognized agencies and organizations, including the National Weather Service, allowing for timely public severe weather warnings and providing emergency responses as appropriate.

MidWest SSTRC Inc. endeavors to assist in any way it can in the protection of life and property from any threat, be it natural or man-made.
MidWest SSTRC Inc. is a

501c3Non-profit Corporation

We welcome anyone who is interested in helping their

community by educating

themselves about

severe weather.

**There is a membership fee for becoming a full member.

Membership Benefits include:

  • Photo ID Card
  • Personal email account & access to members section of our web site
  • Helping your community in the early detection of severe weather by participating in MidWest severe weather events
  • Various levels of training
  • Meet & work with emergency professionals and like-minded weather enthusiasts
  • Learn the latest meteorological science and technology to fulfill your desire to track storms in a safe manner