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TO: Wholesale Electric Quadrant (WEQ) Standards Review Subcommittee (SRS) and Interested Industry Parties
FROM: Elizabeth Mallett, NAESB Deputy Director
RE: WEQ SRS Conference Call Draft Minutes – August 14, 2015
DATE: August 21, 2015
Standards Review Subcommittee
Conference Call with Webcasting
Friday, August 14, 2015 from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM Central
1. Welcome
Ms. Berdahl opened the conference call and welcomed the participants. Ms. Mallett delivered the Antitrust and Other Meeting Policies reminder. The participants introduced themselves over the phone and reviewed the meeting agenda. Ms. Berdahl removed the review of the glossary definitions, minor corrections, standards requests, and the NERC Activity Report. Ms. York, seconded by Mr. Cyrulewski, moved to adopt the revised draft agenda as final. The motion passed without opposition.
The participants reviewed the draft meeting minutes for June 11, 2015 and the redlined July 13, 2015 draft minutes submitted by Mr. Cyrulewski. Mr. Cyrulewski, seconded by Mr. Wood, moved to adopt the redlined July 13, 2015 draft meeting minutes and the June 11, 2015 draft minutes. The motion passed without opposition.
The June 11, 2015 final meeting minutes may be found at the following link:
The July 13, 2015 final meeting minutes may be found at the following link:
2. Review the Draft 2016-2018 NERC Reliability Standards Development Plan
Ms. Berdahl reviewed the Draft 2016-2018 NERC Reliability Standards Development Plan (RSDP) and the Unofficial Comment Form with the participants. Mr. Cyrulewski noted that the feedback loops for input into standards development seems to be a comprehensive list. Ms. Berdahl agreed.
The participants reviewed the 2015 WEQ Annual Plan, including 2015 WEQ Annual Plan Item 1.c – Disturbance Control Standard (DCS) (BAL-002) Coordination with NERC Project 2010-14.1 Phase 1 of Balancing Authority Reliability-based Controls: Reserves and 2015 WEQ Annual Plan 1.f – Develop, modify or delete business practices standards to support NERC activities related to NERC Time Error Correction (BAL-004-0). The subcommittee noted on the Unofficial Comment Form that the two NERC projects are currently coordinated with the NAESB 2015 WEQ Annual Plan and that NAESB will continue to monitor the associated NERC standards as they move into completion in 2015 and 2016.
Additionally, the subcommittee noted on the Unofficial Comment Form that NAESB will continue to monitor 2009-02 Real-time Reliability Monitoring and Analysis Capabilities, as the project may affect the NAESB WEQ-008 Transmission Loading Relief (TLR) – Eastern Interconnection Business Practice Standards.
Mr. Cyrulewski noted that the NERC Project 2015-04 Alignment of Terms has not been added to the 2015 WEQ Annual Plan. Ms. Berdahl suggested that work on the project be added as an annual plan item to the 2015 WEQ Annual Plan. She will suggest this action at the upcoming WEQ Executive Committee.
Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. Cyrulewski, moved that the WEQ SRS forward the Unofficial Comment Form on the NERC RSDP to the NAESB Managing Committee. The motion passed unanimously.
The final Unofficial Comment Form as revised and approved by the NAESB Managing Committee will be made available at the following link:
3. Coordination of Glossary Definitions
Ms. Berdahl reviewed the Glossary Coordination and Review Matrix with the participants. The subcommittee reviewed the definitions for the following terms: “Cancel Enrollment Confirmation”, “Cancel Enrollment Rejection”, “Drop Confirmation”, “Drop Rejection”, “Enrollment Confirmation”, and “Enrollment Rejection”. The participants determined that the WEQ SRS will take no further action on the definitions.
The Glossary Coordination and Review Matrix as modified during this meeting can be accessed at the following hyperlink:
4. Review of Minor Corrections
Ms. Berdahl reviewed the Minor Corrections tab within the Requests, Recommendations, Minor Corrections, & Interpretations Matrix. MC15016 was submitted to the NAESB office from Northern Natural Gas on June 9, 2015. The minor correction proposes the addition of one code value for the data element “ Rate Identification Code” in Version 3.0 of NAESB WGQ Business Practice Standard 5.4.22 – Transactional Reporting – Interruptible Transportation. Mr. Wood stated that the WEQ does not use the data element. MC15017 was also submitted to the NAESB office from Northern Natural Gas on June 9, 2015. The minor correction proposes the reduction of maximum field length and notation of such in the implementation guide for the BGNO2 data element of the Nomination data set, WGQ Business Practice Standard 1.4.1. Williams submitted MC15018 to the NAESB office on July 7, 2015. The minor correction identifies various corrections for WGQ Technical documents. The subcommittee determined that the three minor corrections would not affect the WEQ Business Practice Standards.
Mr. Wood reviewed MC15015 with the participants. He stated that the minor correction, submitted on May 28, 2015 by Southern Company, proposes to change phrases similar to “shall have the right to” and “Shall be allowed to”, to the term “may”, where appropriate.
Minor Corrections for the WEQ are posted on the NAESB WEQ Request for Comments on Minor Corrections page.
The Requests, Recommendations, Minor Corrections, & Interpretations Matrix as revised during the meeting may be accessed at the following link:
5. New Business
The next WEQ SRS conference call will be held on September 22, 2015 from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM Central. As always, NAESB conference calls are open to all interested parties.
6. Adjourn
The subcommittee adjourned on a motion by Mr. Cyrulewski, seconded by Mr. Wood at 3:00 PM Central.
7. Participants
Rebecca / Berdahl / Bonneville Power Administration
Tanner / Brier / Bonneville Power Administration
Jim / Cyrulewski / JDRJC Associates, LLC, representing MISO
Paul / Graves / Duke Energy Corp.
Elizabeth / Mallett / North American Energy Standards Board
Robin / Rebillard / Manitoba Hydro
JT / Wood / Southern Company
Kathy / York / Tennessee Valley Authority
WEQ SRS Conference Call Draft Minutes – August 14, 2015
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