Science Essentials
Franklin Middle School Seventh Grade
Participate in class!
Keep a Science Interactive Notebook.
Do all daily work that is assigned in class.
Follow make-up work policy.
Complete all class work and projects by due dates.
Study hard and do your best on tests.
Grading System:
Major grades like tests, projects, and multi-day labs are worth 60% of you grade.
Daily grades like one-day labs, worksheets, book assignments, video assignments, and computer assignments are worth 40% or one-third of your total grade.
Late Work Policy:
1 day late – 10 points off
2 days late – 20 points off
3 days late – 30 points off
4+ days late – Zero
It is your responsibility to ask for your absent work. You should come to me and ask me for your absent work before or after class, or before or after school. I have a file where I keep all of our work. I can get you whatever you miss. If you miss a test or quiz, come see me to schedule a time to make it up. You have the same number of days you were absent to turn in work or make-up the test or quiz you missed. Again, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to check with me and get your absent work. I will not come to you and hand you your work.
-Your science InteractiveNotebook will stay in the classroom unless you need it to study for a quiz or test.
-If you do not have your science notebook in class you are still responsible for the activity. You will do a lot of work in our notebook this year and you will not want to get behind!
-Always be prepared and have something to write with. We start each day with a warm up question, so we will be writing.
First Semester Units:
Unit 1: Cell Structure and Function
Unit 2: Body Systems and Homeostasis
Unit 3: Plant Systems
Unit 4: Genetics
Second Semester Units:
Unit 5: Adaptations in Plants and Animals
Unit 6: Flow of Energy and Cycling of Matter
Unit 7: Organisms and Their Environments
Unit 8: Factors Affecting Earth Systems
Unit 9: Solar System and Living in Space
Unit 10: Physics of Work
I am looking forward to a Great Year!
Mrs. Ward