Dear Mom & Dad,

Today in Sunbeams I learned that Ihave two fathers: an earthly father and a Heavenly Father. Our earthly father is the father of our physical bodies. Heavenly Father is the father of the spirits inside our bodies. Jesus has only one father, because Heavenly Father is the father of Jesus’ spirit and his physical body. That is why Jesus is called the Son of God. Then my teacher told us stories from the scriptures about Jesus.

First we heard about the birth of Jesus (Luke 1:26-35 and Luke 2:1-7). I really like the part about the angel telling Mary that her baby would be the Son of God. She showed us a picture of the nativity and we talked about it. We sang ”Away in a manger” and thought about baby Jesus. Can we sing it together?

Away in a manger, no crib for his bed,
The little Lord Jesus laid down his sweet head;
The stars in the heavens looked down where he lay,
The little Lord Jesus, asleep on the hay.

Here are some questions that I know the answers to, please ask me and let me show you what I learned today.

  • Which person is Jesus’ mother?
  • What is her name? (See Luke 1:27.)
  • Who is the man in the picture? (See Luke 1:27.)
  • Who is Jesus’ father? (Heavenly Father. Joseph was a good man chosen by Heavenly Father to take care of Mary and Jesus.)

We heard another story abouthow Jesus went to the temple when he was just a young boy. (Luke 2:41-52) Jesus went to the temple because he loved Heavenly Father and wanted to teach people about him.

Then we learned about when Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist. (Mathew 3:13-17) Jesus was baptized because he loved Heavenly Father and wanted to obey him. Jesus also wanted to set a good example for us. One way I can be obedient to Heavenly Father and show him I love him is by being baptized when I am eight years old.

We talked about how we were babies just like Jesus and we will grow bigger so we can do the work Heavenly Father has for us. We also sang a silly song but it was lots of fun! Please sing it with me. (To the tune of “Once I was a Snowman”)

Once I was a baby, baby, baby,
Once I was a baby, small, small, small.

Now I’m growing bigger, bigger, bigger,
Now I’m growing bigger, tall, tall, tall!

Thank you for bringing me to church today!


Your Sunbeam