Dear Applicant,

Thank you for you interest in our opening. Peninsula Baptist Church has a vision of becoming a gathering of missional communities on the Long Beach peninsula to carry out God’s redemptive purpose. The Family Ministries Pastor is an integral part of that vision as we desire to create opportunities for families and their children to learn what it means to live as missionaries in this community.

This position requires the ability to provide leadership over multiple ministries that serve families in our church. Volunteer recruitment and equipping are essential tasks of this position. Successful candidates should be able to demonstrate an ability to recruit volunteers and sustain ministry programs for an extended period of time.

The ability to develop positive personal relationships within the church and the community will also play an important part. Candidates must be able to relate with all age ranges from children to teens, parents to seniors. As a staff pastor candidates must meet the biblical requirements for an elder.

To apply for this position please submit the application and survey contained in this packet along with references and a video or audio teaching sample. All materials must be submitted to the church office by April 30th 2013. Electronic submissions can be sent to . Applications can also be mailed to Peninsula Baptist Church P.O. Box 509 Ocean Park, WA 98460 and must be post marked no later than April 25th. Our desire is to have this position filled before September, 2013. Allowances will be made for candidates who are still completing their education or presently serving in another ministry. Our anticipated timeline is as follows:

May 1st – 15th – Search team reviews applications to narrow field to potential candidates. May 16th – 31st – Telephone interviews conducted with potential candidates.

June 1st – 15th – Second on-site interview with primary candidate. References checked.

June 16th – 30th – Invitation extended to primary candidate to make official candidating visit.

July – August – Church extends a call to a candidate to fill the position of Family Ministries Pastor.

Full details and statement of faith are available on our website http://www.peninsula-baptist.com/Open_position.html. I look forward to hearing from you.

In Christ,

David Curtis

Lead Pastor


Family Ministries Pastor

Hours: 30 per week

Staff Level: Pastoral Staff

Accountable to: Lead Pastor

Total compensation for 2013: $3,000 per month


The Family Ministries Pastor is to provide leadership and pastoral care to all ministries that work with the ages of 0-18. Candidates must demonstrate a strong passion and ability to build and sustain teams of ministry volunteers to carry out the work of the ministries.


·  Organize and lead team of volunteers to develop weekly youth program.

·  Recruit, equip, and train additional student ministry volunteers.

·  Promote the value of family ministries at PBC and encourage student involvement in existing PBC ministries.

·  Provide leadership to existing family ministries.

o  Nursery

o  Junior Church

o  Sunday School


·  Attend weekly staff meetings to ensure unity of vision and purpose.

·  Serve as ex-officio member of the Elder Board. Attend monthly board meetings.

·  Provide general pastoral care for PBC families, teens, & children.

·  Oversee the budget for Family Ministries. Submit annual budget request.

·  Oversee annual training for volunteers in Family ministries.

·  Ensure compliance with Family Ministries Safety & Security Policy.

·  Participate in NABNW enrichment and training opportunities as time allows.

·  Plan and conduct special events (retreats, camps, trips, etc.) as time and resources allow.

·  Maintain a presence on local school campus as time allows.

·  Additional duties as assigned.


·  Meet the Biblical requirements for elder (1 Timothy 3 & Titus 1).

·  Minimum 2 yr Bible certificate required. 4 yr bible or ministry degree preferred. Will consider those presently enrolled in bible or ministry degree program.

·  Preferably married but will consider single man. If married, wife should be supportive of call to ministry.

·  Be in agreement with statement of faith of Peninsula Baptist Church and NABNW.

·  Able to pass Peninsula Baptist Church criminal background check.


Peninsula Baptist Church

Application for Pastoral Ministry

Date: Position Applying for:

Personal Information:

Name: Phone #:


City: State: Zip:


Marital Status: Please check the appropriate bow below.

□ Single □ Married □ Widowed

□ Separated □ Divorced □ Remarried

If separated, divorced or remarried please explain in the space below:

Spouse’s Name:

Names & ages of children:

Educational Preference for your children:

Rank in order of preference (1-highest):

Public School

Private Christian School

Home School

Employment History:

Please list last three jobs held (Most recent first)

  • Previous Employer:

Position(s) Held:

Employed from __/__/__ to __/__/__ Skills used:

Supervisors Name:

Reasons for Leaving:

May we contact this employer: Y / N

  • Previous Employer:

Position(s) Held:

Employed from __/__/__ to __/__/__ Skills used:

Supervisors Name:

Reasons for Leaving:

May we contact this employer: Y / N

  • Previous Employer:

Position(s) Held:

Employed from __/__/__ to __/__/__ Skills used:

Supervisors Name:

Reasons for Leaving:

May we contact this employer: Y / N

Education Background:

Please list schools attended (Most recent first)

  • Name of School:

Course of Study:

Dates Attended __/__/__ to __/__/__

Degree(s) Earned:

  • Name of School:

Course of Study:

Dates Attended __/__/__ to __/__/__

Degrees Earned:

  • Name of School

Course of Study:

Dates Attended __/__/__ to __/__/__

Degree(s) Earned:

What plans do you have, if any, to continue your education?

Personal Finances:

What is your present indebtedness in the following areas:




Credit Cards:



Pastoral Candidate Survey

1.  Briefly tell the story of your conversion and baptismal experience.

2.  Briefly tell the story of your call to ministry.

3.  Briefly describe the gospel as you understand it?

4.  Who has had the greatest impact in your relationship with God and why?

5.  Comment briefly on your personal prayer and devotional life?

6.  What experience do you have in selecting, recruiting, and training volunteers for church ministries?

7.  What role do you believe the church should have in the discipling of children?

8.  What aspect of the job description contained in this packet are you the most excited about? What are you the least excited about?

9.  What are the last three books (other than textbooks) that you have read.

10.  How do you find balance between your ministry and your personal relationships (spouse, kids, friends, etc.)?

11.  Who are you accountable to in your life right now?

12.  Briefly describe your approach to evangelism?

13.  What are your feelings about fundraising?

14.  Briefly describe your approach to developing leaders?

15.  What is your plan for connecting unchurched students with the church family?

16.  Your thoughts on teens serving in ministry within the church?

17.  When a student graduates from your ministry what do you want the to know and who do you want them to be?

18.  Your personal preference for worship style?

19.  Please share your convictions on tongues and sign gifts:

20.  Please share your convictions on divorce and remarriage and leadership in the church:

21.  Please share your convictions on use of alcoholic beverages?

22.  Please share your convictions concerning eschatology?

23.  Do you have any experience with the AWANA program?

24.  Describe your ideal Sunday morning children’s ministry program?

25.  What do you think it means for a church to be ‘missional’?

26.  What is your practice when it comes to counseling women?

27.  This position is expected to involve roughly 30 hours per week. Our anticipation is that you and/or your spouse will need to work in addition to the salary provided by the church. What employable skills do you and your wife, if married, have to help secure additional employment here?

28.  Please indicate whether you have read and are in agreement with the following:

Peninsula Baptist Church Statement of Faith □ Yes □ No

North American Baptist Statement of Beliefs □ Yes □ No

NAB Pastoral Code of Ethics □ Yes □ No

29.  Ordination Information: Please check the appropriate box below.

□ No, I have not been ordained.

□ Yes, I have been ordained. If so, please provide the information requested below.

Name of Ordaining Church Denomination Date of Ordination

30.  Licensure Information: Please check the appropriate box below.

□ No, I have not been licensed

□ Yes, I have been licensed. If so, please provide the information requested below.

Name of Licensing Church Denomination Date of Licensing


1. Name: Relationship:

Phone: Email:


Best time to call: daytime evening

2. Name: Relationship:

Phone: Email:


Best time to call: daytime evening

3. Name: Relationship:

Phone: Email:


Best time to call: daytime evening

4. Name: Relationship:

Phone: Email:


Best time to call: daytime evening

5. Name: Relationship:

Phone: Email:


Best time to call: daytime evening

6. Name: Relationship:

Phone: Email:


Best time to call: daytime evening

Permission to contact (Please check your preference below):

I give Peninsula Baptist Church permission to contact my references without prior approval.

I do not give Peninsula Baptist Church permission to contact my reference without prior approval.