Santa MonicaCollege

Speech 3, Voice and Diction

Fall 2006, Section 3076, Time: 12:45 p.m. – 2:05 p.m., Room: LS 105

Instructor: Catherine McNamara


Course Objectives:

  • Learn to use the speech mechanism most effectively for oral communication.
  • Develop a greater awareness of the basic anatomy and physiology of the human communication system.
  • Learn how speech sounds are organized in the English language.
  • Students will work intensively in groups on voice production, articulation, loudness, vocal variety, speech rate and related skills to improve their individual oral communication skills.
  • Attention will be given to the many parameters of speech and language that characterize the multicultural groups represented on our campus including accent reduction needs.
  • Students will learn phonetic transcription skills using the International Phonetics Alphabet (IPA) to assist their work on their own communication skills, emphasizing precise articulation and to determine variances in their own and others’ speech.

Course Requirements:

  • Students will be required to complete the assigned readings prior to class time.
  • Regular class attendance and participation is required.

0-3 absences – highest possible grade = A

4-6 absences = B

7-9 absences= C

Grades will be based on:

4 quizzes – 3 scheduled [one unannounced] (40%)

Midterm exam (25%)

Final Exam (35%)

Required Reading:

Mayer, L.V. (2000) Fundamentals of Voice and Articulation- 13th ed., Boston: McGraw-Hill

Note: This textbook has a accompanying CD. We will view this CD during class time, but you will be responsible to review this information on your own.

SYLLABUS – Fall ‘06

(Textbook required for every class meeting)

Aug. 28Introduction – Getting Acquainted

Syllabus Overview

Aug. 30Auditory Training

Short Vowels a,e,i,o.u

Phonetics Association

Sept. 4No Class – Labor Day

Sept. 6Anatomy and Physiology of Speech – Respiration

Voice and Articulation – Chapter 2 pp.15-21

Sept. 11Auditory Training

Long Vowels A,E,I,O,U

Phonetics Association

Sept. 13Anatomy and Physiology of Speech – Phonation

Voice and Articulation – Chapter 2 pp. 21-27

Sept. 18/20Voice Quality

Voice and Articulation – Chapter 3 pp. 29-50

Sept. 25Loudness – Quiz #1

Voice and Articulation – Chapter 4pp. 51-63

Sept. 27Articulation

Voice and Articulation – Chapter 5pp. 65-75

Oct. 2Speech Sounds – Plosives

Voice and Articulation – Chapter 6 pp. 77-94


Oct. 9Speech Sounds – Glides

Voice and Articulation – Chapter 6pp. 94-114

Oct. 11/16Speech Sounds – Nasals

Voice and Articulation – Chapter 6pp. 115-126

Oct. 18Speech Sounds – Fricatives

Voice and Articulation – Chapter 6 pp. 127-139

Voice and Diction Syllabus (continued) Fall ‘06

Oct. 23/25Speech Sounds – Affricatives

Voice and Articulation – Chapter 6pp. 140-150

Quiz #2

Oct. 30/Nov 1Speech Sounds – VowelsPart 1

Voice and Articulation – Chapter 7pp. 153-172

Nov. 6/8Vowels (continued)

Nov. 13/15Speech Sounds – VowelsPart 2

Voice and Articulation – Chapter 7pp. 173-193

Quiz #3

Nov. 20/22Speech Sounds – Diphthongs

Voice and Articulation – Chapter 8 pp. 195-215


Nov. 27/29Chapter 9

Dec. 4/6Chapter 9 (continued)

Dec. 11Wrap Up and Review for Final Exam

Final Exam: Wed., Dec. 13 @ noon.All students must take the final exam.