28 August, 2015



“I have an amazing testimony of God’s provision of an amazing beach house.” –Pastor Teresa

Talk about Jehovah-Jireh! Heaven has blessed Pastor Dean and Teresa ABUNDANTLY with a stunning beach house opposite the famously beautiful Wainui beach in Gisborne!

Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.” –Ephesians3:20-21

Our Pastors moved to Gisborne in answer to the call of the Lord and have been faithfully serving in AHKC Gisborne and our efforts in nearby Wairoa. Meanwhile, our faithful Lord has seen fit to house them in a resort home whilst they take care of His Kingdom.

The house was previously rented at $440 per week, but has been given to these Warriors for only $300 per week! Furthermore, the home-owner is eco-friendly and so has supplied all their dish-washing and clothes detergents, shampoos and conditioners, and other chemical needs they may have- for free!

Talk about being cared for! A mansion with all the extras!

“And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work:” -2 Corinthians 9:8


The Auckland and Te Awamutu troops stormed the Manukau cinema, on Thursday 27th of August, to watch the Kendrick brothers’ new film, “War Room”, an epic Holy Ghost movie about the powerful effects of Word-based, faith-filled prayer!

“Inspiringly good, and one of the best Christian movies made thus far!” –Rev Crystal


“The ‘War Room’ is a demonstration of the true nature of the battle, the enemy, and Biblical strategies for Christ’s warriors to enjoy victory. The only time I can remember a theatre clapping and cheering in unison.” –Rev Tom


"Ry has always talked about one day owning his own Skyline" Rev Jac smiles as she talks of first hearing about Nissan Skylines from Rev Ryan when they met back in 1997. After arriving in NZ in 2010, Jac & the children decided to open a "Ry's Skyline" savings account & set up an auto payment of $20p/w. Combined with a tax refund, the savings account finally reached $3,000 a month or so back, & Ryan began scouring Trademe for possible purchases.

He plans to ultimately save towards an R34, but planned to just begin with something, make a hobby out of slowly doing it up upgrading etc. Last week he found a great 2-door, manual, low km, R33 for only $3,100. The car was purchased from Dunedin, so with the remaining savings plus some, it was organized to be transported to the North Island via a transportation company. However, on the day, the company contacted Ryan to say that the car skirts were too low to be taken, so in order to avoid more car yard expenses, Ryan organized a family member who had time off, to drive it up from Dunedin to Levin (with petrol, ferry & return flight ticket paid for with transportation company refund).

Who knows the demon hates true Ministers of Christ seeks to attack & resist them at every turn?!

A couple of hours out from the ferry terminal in Picton, the car driver contacted Ryan to inform him that he had hit the guard rail of the road, lost control the car was now a complete write-off! PRAISE Jesus the driver was unharmed, though we found out later, his impromptu passenger broke her collar bone - please join us in praying for the supernatural healing of her collarbone, more importantly for the genuine salvation of both!

It is again all too apparent that we truly are at WAR - with an enemy who hates us with the ferocity of hell.... Yet we are also SO reminded that we serve the ALMIGHTY Who not only mightily protected the lives of the two travellers, but Who also promises that '...we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose' - Romans 8:28


“Preparing the AHKM Crier has been great fun for both of us, but as well enjoyment, we are also doing this as part of home-school assignment. Through this newspaper, we will be learning several entrepreneurial skills - including the financial side of running a business.

Therefore, for the first month, each newspaper is free available to everyone through bulletins on Sundays. After that, anyone who wishes to have the weekly paper will need to email us at & pay $1 (50c each to both of usJ) into the designated bank account.

We are SUPER pumped excited to keep everyone updated with all the Holy Ghost news! Thanks heaps, guys, for all your support and encouragement!” Sapphiah & Tarezah Paul