The Annual Parish Meeting of South Petherwin was held in the Village Hall on Wednesday 20th May 2015 at 7.30pm.

Councillors Present: Vice Chairman Cllr D Rogers, (Acting Chairman), Councillors: M Screech, P Parson, J Butler, A Hosking, A Finnimore.

Councillor Apologies: Cllrs J Whiting, R Kneebone, C Powlesland, N Burgess

Other Apologies: Helena Northmore (Magazine), Oliver Jones (CORMAC – Highways), Rachel Jeffrey (PreSchool), Vi Brook (BIMBOs), Rev Anne Brown (Church, Community Shop).

Sixteen members of the public and representatives of community organisations were present.

The minutes of the meeting held on 21st May 2014 were approved.

Police Sgt Aaron Ward reported first as he had to leave for another engagement. Due to budget cuts the police are working ‘smarter’ & directing resources to ‘demand’ areas. In the Parish in the last year, 24 crimes were recorded. Realistically, it is an extremely safe place to live. Sgt Ward requested that the public take responsibility for their property ie. don’t leave items out or things unlocked. The Neighbourhood Policing team office number is 01566 771419, where you can leave a message.

Council Vice Chairman’s Report Cllr Rogers reported that wind turbines are still a prominent issue within the Parish. Last year Trevozah Barton and Beacon Hill were refused by Cornwall Council and consequently went to appeal. The Planning Inspectorate dismissed Trevozah Barton but allowed Beacon Hill. As we are aware, there is now a pre-application for a turbine close to the village at East Petherwin.

Three Councillors resigned in the last year: Chris & Terry Goodman and Mary Tyler. But the Council were fortunate to co-opt Mrs Julie Butler, Mrs Chris Powlesland & Mr Nik Burgess.

In February the Clerk Alan Brook resigned. Alan had made a valuable contribution to the Council for which we thank him. We have recently employed a new Clerk, Alison Barham.

Over the last 12 months Trekelland Bridge has been damaged a couple of times. Annual running costs are currently £25,000 a year. A feasibility plan is being looked at to provide a new bridge.

During the year the Parish Council have been pleased to support the Community shop and also the Defibrillator (for which the Parish Council are covering the electrical running costs).

The Council’s major achievement has been the completion of the Children’s Play Area, for which sincere thanks to Cllr Andrew Hosking who put in so much time and perseverance to ensure it would happen. Thanks also to the generous donations that were given to fund the project. The opening of the play area was supported with a Skate Park event – something which will hopefully run again.

Our thanks go to the Councillors and Parishioners who have given their time to mend the Village Pump. Once again thanks for such a great team effort.

Finally, the Victory in Europe weekend was a tremendous success. Cllr Phil Parson’s energy and enthusiasm was infectious. With only a fortnight to organise the events it was an achievement to be proud of. So many people came together and worked as a team. Again, thank you to Councillors and Parishioner’s.

Signed: Page 1

Community Benefit Fund Jonathan Blake reported that this year grants have been given to the PreSchool (£800), Church (£300) and Defibrillator Fund (£1000). Income comes from Trevozah and

Bottonnet. The next fund allocation will be in the Autumn. Mary Tyler had resigned from the

committee, and he expressed their thanks to her. If anyone is interested in the vacancy, please let him know.

Little Red Bus Paul O’Brien reported that the take up on the service has diminished, so they now service a different area every day and offer one-off trips eg to Truro, garden centres etc. They have also won some contracts from the Council. Continuation of the service is at risk, and may not be here in 12 months time. If anyone can assist with volunteer driving etc please advise.

Allotments Abigail Caine reported that the allotments are going well. They have 11 full size plots, and have given one plot back to the landlord as it was not being used. They currently have 2 ¼ vacant plots (a full plot is 25 x 12 metres) and they have 14 separate tenancies. They have a beehive, an orchard area, an edible hedge & are trying new innovations such as the mowing scheme. The are self-funding, but rely on funding for larger projects eg Memorial Hedge from the Forestry Commission.

Methodist Church Wendy Smith Read a report from Chris Richardson. The Chapel has just celebrated their anniversary on 10th May. The Sunday School room hosts several activities: Art Group & Patchwork through U3A, Portrait Group, BIMBO's, Parish Council meetings during the winter, WI meetings and recently served as a polling station for the General Election. Coffee mornings & lunch club are well attended. They were very sad to lose a faithful & supportive member, Mrs Una Goodman, who will be sorely missed throughout the community. The Rev. Eleanor Reddington's farwell service will be on Sunday 19th July at 6.30pm. The Rev. Jo Smart will be her replacement.

Neighbourhood Watch Mary Stoneman is the co-ordinator for Tregaller Lane & Tremeale. The village centre co-ordinator is Helen Masters. New Facebook & Twitter pages have recently been launched. A new sign has been purchased for the Tremeale area. Information is relayed through the Parish magazine & email, but the worry is that those without computers could lose contact.

Church/Community Shop The official opening will be on 20th July at 2pm. This is for the shop only, the post office section is still being finalised.

South Petherwin Emergency Defibrillator The idea for the community defib started in April 2014, and Phil Fox the Chairman of SPED was pleased to say that it was all up and running by March 2015. For those unaware, the machine is on the outside wall of the toilets. Some of the signage needs reviewing. The next step is to put up a noticeboard & plaque next to the Defibrillator.

Skittles Peter Northmore reported that the club is in good health & a new alley was bought about a year ago with the aid of a grant from the Community Fund. Membership is stable at around 30, and last year they celebrated 25 years. In the past they have supported local events & charities as well as enjoying an evening out. The membership fee is £5 pa with an attendance fee of £2.50 a week including coffee & raffle. Page 2

Parish Magazine Peter Northmore reported on behalf of Helena Northmore. The magazine was started in 2004 and continues to go from strength to strength. It is issued 6 times a year with a distribution of approx 500 copies but with a readership that far exceeds that. Copies are distributed by volunteers. Extra copies will be available from the Community Shop when it is open. The magazine is funded entirely through advertising & is produced on an entirely voluntary basis. Any surplus profits are used to give small donations to local causes & projects. Last year, £100 was given to Peter Bailey towards the WWI project, £50 to Abi Caine for the lanterns at Christmas & £66 to Roger Pyke towards maintaining the community website. All suggestions & articles/photo's are welcome.

Pre-School A report was sent in from Rachel Jeffery: Over the past 12 months they have grown in numbers & over 30 families are registered with the Pre-School. Due to demand, they have extended openings to full days on a Wednesday. A contribution from the Community Fund helped to purchase new IT equipment. In October they celebrated 20 years. They are holding a car boot sale on 13th June to help raise money for some new bikes.

Village Hall The hall has a new regular booking from the U3A table tennis club (every Tuesdy 10-12). Other regular clubs are Skittles (Tuesday evening) & Bingo (last Wednesday pm of the month). The Parish Council hold their meetings during the summer months and it continues to be a popular venue for parties and other family gatherings. There are plenty of room for more bookings. They are currently looking into renewing at least one of the external doors & maybe all three, depending on costs and the availability of grants and fundraising.

Bell Ringers The bells are rung for Sunday services and practice is on Monday evening. They are fortunate to have ten regular ringers of all ages. The band is a member of the Truro Diocesan Guild & Tamar Valley Guild of Ringers. Visiting bands are welcome,and this year has seen visitors from Somerset, Dorset, Bristol & Kent. Each year the group visits other towers too. The Tower Captain is now Leon Vanstone, after the previous captain John Atkinson left the village. An old tradition was re-introduced on New Year's Eve when the Old Year was rung out & the New Year rung in. Please come along on Monday evenings if you are interested in finding out more or joining the band.

Highways Oliver Jones sent us a report. The Parish has seen two large resurfacing schemes so far this year (C0146 Trecrogo to Higher Larrick & also Kennards House). Shortly there will be surface dressing undertaken on the B3254 Daws House to South Petherwin. Pot holes can be reported via: or call 0300 1234 222. Rural maintenance has unfortunately been reduced from four times to twice a year and this will reduce again to only once due to budget cuts. The Highway Safety Inspector checks for category 1 defects & collects data for the 3 year treatment programme.

Cornwall Councillor Neil Burden gave us a flavour of the varied committees & work he has been involved with: new Civic Awards for Cornwall, Virtual School Governors (for the 430 school age children in care in the county), Health & Scrutiny Committee, transport contracts, Mental Health in Young People, bed blocking, consultation on Libraries and One Stop Shops (25% of people have no access to a computer).

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Questions from the public:

A member of the public asked why the playground was equipped more for older children & not toddlers. He was advised that due to funding & space constraints, it wasn't possible to include equipment for all ages of children.

Another member of the public commented on the wording of the sign in the playground. Is the playground managed by the school or the parish? Clearer communication was requested.

To be added to the agenda for the June Parish Council Meeting.

A member of the public asked if there could be a speed monitoring exercise as cars on the B3254 going past Trelinoe Gardens were often driving at excessive speeds. The Clerk also reported the same problem at the other end of the village coming in from Daws House.

To be added to the agenda for the June Parish Council Meeting.

A member of the public reported that the Speed sign in Daws House doesn't seem to be working.

To be added to the agenda for the June Parish Council Meeting.

The Chairman closed the meeting and thanked all those who attended.

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