National Capital Chapter


Date:December 16, 2009

Location:Conference call


Prepared By:Benjamin Freas

Officers / Name / Phone / E-mail / In Attendance
President / Kinga Porst / 240-417-1534 / / X
President-Elect / Tansu Sengezener / 703-253-1785 /
Vice President / Dunstan Macauley / 301-949-5900 / / X
Treasurer / Stephanie Mages / 202-785-5800 / / X
Secretary / Cindy Cogil / 202-974-5193 /
Sr. Governor / Jim Grant / 703-726-4362 / / X
Governor #1 / Lee Guill / 703-995-3821 / / X X X
Governor #2 / Jason Smith / 301-821-1820 /
Governor #3 / Dave Cooper / 703-898-5930 /
Committee/Sub-Committee Chairs / Name / Phone / E-mail / In Attendance
CRC-2009 / Dunstan Macauley / 301-949-5900 / / X
CTTC / Dunstan Macauley / 301-949-5900 / / X
Directory / Brandon Conheim / 240-306-3225 /
Golf Outing / Andy Tech / 703-834-2412 /
Historian / Ben Freas / 301-529-3956 / / X
Holiday Party / Laura Petrillo / 202-747-0419 / / X
Honors & Awards / Jim Grant / 703-726-4362 / / X
Membership / Scott Houghton / 410-980-8538 /
Amy Boyce (YEA) / 202-842-2100 / Amy.
Newsletter / Ameya Soparkar / 202-261-5145 / / X
Programs / Jason Smith / 301-821-1820 /
Reception / Andy Rhodes / 703-834-2433 /
Refrigeration / - / - / -
Research Promotion / Dave Cooper / 703-898-5930 /
Charles Kannapell Memorial Scholarship / TBD
Student Activities / Saunders Smith / 703-524-8800 / / X
Sustainability / Amy Boyce / 202-842-2100 / Amy.
TEGA / Nataliya Olson / 703-531-9699 /
Website / Ameya Soparkar / 202-261-5145 /
Nataliya Olson / 703-531-9699 /
Mike Lo Presti /
Roger Chang / / X
Marty Moran / 301-545-5100 / / X
Steven Niez / / X
Item # / Discussion Item / Status
07.01 / Meeting called to order at 5:10 p.m.
07.02 / Review and approve November Meeting Minutes
  • Stephanie has changes
  • Tansu Out until January
  • Kinga will make changes
  • Vote via e-mail

07.03 / Treasurer’s Report:
  • Need to approve the budget
  • TEGA line 211 increase from $200 to $500
  • Dunstan moves to approve budget as amended, Lee seconded, no opposition. Budget passed.

07.04 / Winter Party:
  • So far we have 8 sponsors, tomorrow we should have 10 sponsors
  • 8 sponsors is the break-even point, goal is at 10
  • Booked the band and DJ $1350
  • Bookmarks ordered for party favors
  • Tickets will have sponsor logos

07.05 / PAOE Report by Dunstan
  • Had a meeting prior to Dec. monthly meeting
  • Tried to find easy points that we have let go in the past
  • Try to get an accurate count of interns in the chapter
  • Points for members who get certified
  • Points for members who go to Orlando
  • If anyone has an idea for easy points, tell Dunstan
  • Saunders to give TC presentation at end of March PES
  • Dunstan to give TC presentation at end of April PES

07.06 / Committee Reports
Engineer’s week:
  • Pete Collat needs E-week volunteers
  • A Student at ClemsonUniversity is looking for internship this summer. If you are interested contact Saunders
  • Ameya out of country until January 4th
  • If anyone has anything to put in on the website get it to him before Christmas
  • Pictures from last monthly meeting are not up on the flickr group yet.
  • Ben will send out URL to flickr group.
Directories: No report
Honors & Awards: No report
Membership: No report
Newsletter: No report
Programs: No report
Reception: No report
Research Promotion: No report
Student Activities: No report
CTTC: No report
07.07 / Dunstan moves to adjourn meeting, Jim seconds, no opposition. Meeting adjourned at 5:40

Upcoming events:

NextBOG:January 27, 2010Bethesda Marriott

The above is the writer’s understanding of the issues discussed and decisions made at the subject meeting. Any omissions or corrections should be brought to her attention in writing.

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