Minutes of Board Meeting for

North West Mull Community Woodland Company Ltd

Meeting held on Wednesday 21 June 2017

Present: Colin Morrison, John Morrison, John Addy and Andy Mayo

Also Present: Lesley Hastie (minutes) and Malcolm Ward

1. CM welcomed everyone to the meeting

2. Apologies: Iain Thomson (tried to join via Skype) and Ian Hepburn

3. The minutes of the Board Meetings held on Thursday 4th May 2017 and Tuesday 6th June were signed by CM as a true record of the proceedings.

4. Matters arising:

·  CM has met with neighbouring land-owner. MW has spoken to Rob Borosso who is happy to help.

·  Nothing further to report regarding Lesley McInnes, the woodshed and finance.

·  AM The woodchip business is static. There is a need to justify the money for building the shed and investing in the business.

·  MW still working on the weevil count. FC seem OK for a further years delay in planting, which should reduce further the requirement for the use of chemicals.

·  All is well with the eagle hide. MW to deal with the signs and JM offered to add new greenery to the hide before the BBC come to film. Dave Sexton may use his licence to take them beyond the hide and further along the haul route for filming.

·  Dervaig School have had an eagle fund form and information.

·  Dervaig and Iona schools were the only two to respond to the offer of financial help for transport to the school games at Garmony.

·  The letter were sent, as agreed to the crofters

5. Items not on the agenda

·  None

6. The Finance Report was circulated by AM prior to the meeting.

·  There were no significant movements during May.

·  The trading company balance is higher due to large invoices being paid.

·  The agreed changes to movement of money between the companies has been implemented.

·  There was a discussion around the replanting and fencing of South Langamull and a treating policy. This may devalue the possible leasing of North Langamaull and West Ardhu. MW: West Ardhu could be broken into 5 hectre plots to allow small scale replanting to assist with the cash flow. The focus is to remain on Langamull and the data from there regarding weevils. JA asked where the weevils were coming from & was it from the retained trees. MW: Weevils usually migrate during felling and in especially in Larch Pole Spruce (which is the majority of our retention. Billet testing will take place in North Langamull during the early autumn.

·  The processor and other equipment need attention.

7. The Development Manager’s Report had been circulated by MW prior to the meeting.

·  Forest management –MW met with John Little (Tilhill), John Claire (Tiroran Forest) and Sandy Neil (Oban Times) to visit forests in the south of the island and discuss the general state of forestry on Mull with a view to Sandy writing a feature in the paper. This to also include views on use of pesticide. Currently carrying out a weevil billet test in LMS to help assess the population – results from this to be passed to Steve Miller at Tilhill to run them through MSS software. Cameron Maxwell and Elaine Jamieson to visit for a meeting with members of the Board on 12 July to discuss current community issues and our desire to delay planting. It was agreed that MW would speak to them about including a small group from the “short life committee” for them to understand the concerns.

·  Housing –CM, IAH and MW met Cameron Anson now of Our Island Home/RHS (Jodi’s replacement) who is looking in to alternative routes to take the housing project forward i.e. exploring funding options. It’s now thought that we could apply to the Rural Housing fund

·  Island Woodfuels – Repairs to the roof on the chip store at Crannich almost complete. Issues currently with the processor not picking up power – repairs ongoing. Current chip is very dry. Iona Hyde of the Woodland Trust is to meet MW and some of the crofters regarding possible partnerships. They have taken on more staff and are looking at possible partnerships with larger landowners.

·  Micro Hydro – All documents including specification now received from Mott MacDonald. The main civil specification being reviewed by MW prior to final sign off. All drawings and M&E specification in place. Tender invitation being written ready for sending out this week. Tender submission deadline 2 weeks after invite so cost should be available soon. Delaying further discussion with neighbours until these costs arrive – this will show if project economically viable. There are timing issues on when works can be done. CM liaising with neighbours regarding access, the weir and generation shed.

·  Toilets – Legal documents received by Johnny Bell for review. Some amendments were required relating to clawback if sold/leased within 10 years and restrictions on the use of the site. One restriction stated the facilities are only for tourists. It has been insisted that this is replaced by “community”. Nothing has been heard back. JA has costings for a playpark of a similar size for later discussion. There was a discussion around the hall possibly creating a playpark and the lack of land around the hall (thoughts for them to use the land by the toilets.

8. Policy Reviews

·  LH implemented the changes agreed at the previous meeting and they policies covered were adopted. CM to look at the points system within the crofting policy.

9. Micro Hydro

·  Debentures were discussed and the costs involved. Pledges would be taken but not the actual money. Work needs to start with SSE for the moving cables. AM is nervous that the timeline is too tight if for any reason there is any reason for delay. If the connection date is missed it could lead to the company going bust. It needs to be switched on by March. SEPA’s CAR licence allows no work to be done in/near the water between October and May due to possible water pollution while fish are spawning. The intake and tail race will need bypassed before October and not allowed to be undone until May, so no income could be generated in that period. It is now company money and this cannot continue for long. Timing, the extra costs and lower possible income was discussed. The money the company has available is required for the replant. The holdups and time consuming issues around planning, SEPA and neighbours were discussed. Feed in tariffs are not as high as they were 3 years ago. Tenders (for turnkey end project) are to be sent out to 2 or three companies with a short response date and see what comes back. A meeting will be called for early July to discuss the responses. This may be a tele-meeting. SSE need to move the cable underground (they shouldn’t need to move the pole). A jointing team will be required and the overall job may take quite some time (the quote for the job is still being waited for – earliest will be 12th July). Timing was discussed further.

10. Rally

·  As the rally is not happening this year, the car club have approached the company for possible use of the haul route for an event. The FC require six month’s notice for use of their roads. The cut up of the road surface was discussed. Duncan Brown has asked that Neil Mackinnon have access to scope the route. They are talking about a 35 car sprint using Langamull to West Ardhu 5 times and with access via Kengharair. CM to let Neil know about there being several land owners that will need dealt with. The onus would need to be on the car club to fully reinstate the road and fully insure the event. JM expressed concern over the directors being covered by the insurance and not liable.

11. Isle of Ulva

·  There have been several meeting and the application form is being filled in for submission next week. A meeting was held with Paul Nicol (estate factor). MICT have since withdrawn but are keen to progress the islands development – they had been offered to “run with us”. The estate have provided limited information for the sale. It is hoped to have a negotiated right to buy with them. Ardalanish House belongs to Jamie Howard separately to the island under a separate title and is not included in the right to buy. Tenders have been sent out for a valuation of the island. Tenders are going out for a feasibility study. HIE will pay the cost of these. The company will have to pay the searches made by Johnny Bell. There are now 140 signatures on the petition. We are liasing with the Scottish Government through the submission process. There was a discussion regarding the pier being transferred to the fishermen. The question was asked if they already have a buyer. The application and its progress was discussed. It is almost ready to go subject to Johnny Bells input. JA and MW to deal with the maps (via Ian Heron) and have them ready for Friday, for submission Monday

12. Correspondence

·  An email has been received from a “short term working group” regarding the use of neo-nicotoids. CM replied to say that the company would respond within 2 weeks. CM to draft a reply. The company is still waiting for the new forest plan to be signed off. It was agreed that the group could be given a copy but state that it is not necessarily the final copy – it will change and reformat – it is a living document. The response was discussed including not passing on confidential information (quotes etc).

·  A letter was received from R A Clement regarding insurance against tax investigation. This was decided against, as before.

13. Any Other Competent Business

·  Staff Succession. Notice has been received from LH (due to change in circumstances) and intention of notice from MW (the need to move on). There was a discussion around restructuring the staffing of the company with the possibility of one person dealing with the woodfuels business and a more general manger taking on the administration. Project staff would then be employed to deal with each project. MW would be looking to leave in approximately 3 months. There is funding available for MW’s post until the end of March. A one year fixed term contract for this post was discussed.

13. Date of next meeting: Monday 24th July 2017.

The meeting closed at 10.15pm