Indian Epilepsy Association Governing Council Meeting 2015 Minutes

16th Joint Annual Conference of Indian Epilepsy Society (IES) & Indian Epilepsy Association (IEA)-ECON 2015

Venue-: Taj Coromandel, Chennai

Date : 06.02.2015 (Friday)

Time : 1600 Hrs -1730Hrs

IEA/2015/GC/01 Welcome address by the President

President IEA Dr. V.V. Nadkarni welcomed all the members and requested Secretary-General to

start the proceedings.

Untimely sad demise of Mr. V. R. Parameswaran-IEA GC member: All the GC members stood for one minute to pay condolences to late Shri V. R. Parameswaran and GC decided to approach one of his family member to become GC member. Dr. B. Rajendran will write his obituary in Epilepsy India News Letter’s upcoming edition.

IEA/2015/GC-/02 Following members attended the meeting

Drs. V.V.Nadkarni, Satish Jain,H.V.Srinivas, Man Mohan Mehndiratta,Goutam Ganguly, Bindu Menon, G.T.Subhas,Ashok Kumar,R.V.Narayana, V. Natarajan, Param S. Kharbanda,B.Rajendran & Mr. K.V. Muralidharan

Intimation from members

Drs C.M.Sharma, Sudhir Shah, Ashis Bagdi,Kavita Shanbhag informed SG about their

Inability to attend. There was no intimation from Dr. R. K. Garg

IEA/2015/GC/ 03 Approval of the minutes of the last GC meeting

The minutesof lastmid-term GC meeting held at Taj Coromandel, Chennai on 30.08.2014were published inEpilepsy India News Letter. There had been no observations on the minutes of EC meeting held at Chennai. The minutes were approved, proposed by Dr. B.Rajendran

andSeconded by ParamPreetKharbanda.

IEA/2015/GC/04 Report of the Secretary General

Secretary report was presented by Dr. Man Mohan Mehndiratta highlighting,Chapters Disaffiliation from IEA, INGVyasa Bank follow up; Printing of IEA Constitution wasWith held because of some amendments and upcoming EGM, International Conference onEpilepsy: Opportunities and Challenges (EpiCon 2014)

Chapters Disaffiliation from IEA was discussed in GC Dr. Nadkarni suggested that member organization nomenclature should include keywords as per the memorandum however, due to government official reasons if member organization differs slightly in the name they should not be disaffiliated from the IEA central office because thiese member organizations like SANMAN ASSOCIATION & INDORE EPILEPSY VISHESHAGYA ASSOCATION SAMITI with similar objectives of IEA central office precisely to include such eventualities in future we called the EGB for amendments in the constitution .. Dr. Satish Jain President Elect suggested that we should take opinion from other financial expert’s i.e from Chennai and Kochi to have their own PAN and association registration from their respective states.Dr. H. V. Srinivas suggested that the who are sending Annual fee and audited report andactivities of chapter should not be disaffiliated and should encourage the other chapter also.Global effort to improve epilepsy care at country level“Global effort to improve

epilepsy care at country level” WHO Executive Board (EB)meeting in Geneva from

January 26th-February 3rd, 2015.

Dr. Man Mohan Mehndiratta presented slides and documents on status of burden of Epilepsy in India and in the World to Mr. Anshu Prakash, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Govt. of India and Dr. Manjari Tripathi also sent few lines on Epilepsy to support the motion during meeting in Geneva.The agenda item was discussed in Geneva earlier this month, the support received from member countries was extremely gratifying, with 28 countries making oral statements supporting the resolution. The next step will be the WHO General Assembly in May at which time, we are confident, the resolution will be passed. This will lead to the development of a set of recommendations for governments on how to achieve their aims, working with WHO and with particular support to low and middle-income countries. The aim is to see a positive change that can be reported back at the time of the WHO General Assembly. The SG report was Proposed byDr. V. Natarajan and seconded by Dr. Satish Jain

IEA/2015/GC/05 Report of the Treasurer

Mr. K.V.Muralidharan presented the balance sheet. A contribution of Rs. 2 Lacs was received from the organizers of ECON 2014 and audited statement was duly submitted. ING Vyasa Bank issue was discussed. Dr. Satish Jain President Elect suggested that we should write a letter to Reserve Bank of India and Finance Minister. Bank should transfer the FDs amount with interest to IEA. The Charted Accountant of IEA suggested that, each chapter who use the PAN of the central chapter can have serious repercussions with the tax authorities, unless they merge their account with the Central office and agree to common audit by the central office.Each member chapter has to register their chapter with the registrar of the society and have their own PAN.Further Dr. Satish Jain President Elect Suggested that we should take opinion from other financial expert’s i.e from Chennai and Kochi Chapters who have their own PAN and Society registration. The Report was proposed by Dr. GautamGanguly and seconded by Dr. Satish Jain.

IEA/2015/GC/06 NED2016

Dr. V.Natarajan had planned to cerebrate International Epilepsy Day one day before during ECON 2015, at Chennai. He will send the IED report later. The international Epilepsy Day will be celebrated on 2nd Monday of February each year

IEA/2015/GC/ 07 SammanChapter affiliations

This matter will be discussed in EGM.

IEA/2015/GC/08 Declaration of Election Results

Dr. Satish Jain, Returning Officer announced election result of IEA GC which are as follows-

Dr. G.T.Shubhash,President Elect, Drs. P.S.Kharbanda, BinduMenon, AshisBagdi, AtulAgarwal, SangeetaRavatwere elected as GC Members.

Co-opted:Dr.Mathew Abraham (Kochi), Ashok Kumar (Patna), Vinay Jain (Delhi), V. Natarajan (Chennai), ChandaKulkarni (Bengaluru) GoutamGanguly (Kolkata).

IEA/2015/GC/09Any other item with the permission of the Chair

Dr. V.V.Nadkarni informed that IEVAS was registered as Indore organization &as far as the nomenclatore goes ILVES has three keywords (place) INDORE , epilepsy &* Association as required in memorandum & extension of the name should merely be considered statutory convenience for government official reasons however, Dr. HV Srinivas has objected to this

Diploma in Epilepsy Course (DEC): Dr. H.V. Srinivas informed that the Vice Chancellor of Bangalore University has changed, till there is other VC further enrollment on this is on hold.

IEA/2015/GC/10Vote of thanks to the Host and Chair

The Organizers were thanked for facilitating the Indian Epilepsy Association GC meeting. Membersthanked the host and the chair of IEA, Dr. V.V. Nadkarni

Dr. Man Mohan Mehndiratta


Indian Epilepsy Association (IEA)