February 11, 2012

ATTENDANCE: Lori Lund, Lin Metzger, Susie Matzat, Samantha Lowe, Julie Baumgart, Maggie Powers, Brandie Oliver, Mark Friedmeyer, Kathy Renie, Lisa Crick, Julie Breuninger, Amanda Culhan, Hannah Sasser, Sarah Altman, and Bonnie Colon via Skype.

Susie Matzat called the meeting to order at 9:13 am JulieBaumgart moved to accept our agenda with flexibility and Julie Breuninger seconded the motion. Motion passed 100%

The minutes from the November 10, 2011 board meeting were approved 100%.

Lin Metzger reviewed the treasurer’s report. We made money from the fall conference and elementary retreat, and Learn 360. Mark Friedmeyer moved to accept the treasurer’s report and Brandie Oliver seconded the motion. Motion passes 100%.

Samantha Lowe gave the membership report. Total active members as of today is 490, of which 375 are professional, 107 student, 11 emmeritus, and 7 affiliate. There was discussion regarding how often Wild Apricot sends email notifications

The next newsletter articles need to be uploaded to Newsletter Submission Here link in DropBox by April 1, 2012. The delivery will be April 17, 2012. There was discussion regarding if we should go back to our old way of doing our newsletter, ie: sending it out in a hardcopy, or emailing our own version of the ISCA newsletter out. We will put out an email blast asking for high school students who are interested in developing our newsletter as a class project. We will also survey our membership to see if they prefer paper copies or electronic copies.

Julie Baumgart gave an update on our Day on the Hill that was held February 7, 2012. There were 14 legislators invited, but only three showed up. There were seven counselors in attendance. There were great discussions between the small group. Julie Baumgart also presented to a group of superintendents and a group of principals to discuss the counselor evaluation tool.

Brandie Oliver gave a regional workshop update. The partnership between ICA and ISCA in planning these workshops has not worked well due to lapses in communication in getting them set up. Brandie Oliver suggests we should do webinars or podcasts in the future. Brandie Oliver will work with Amanda Culhan at the DOE to develop these.

Lin Metzger gave an update on our 2011 fall conference. The final report has not been submitted yet from Meeting Services. This should be ready by our April board meeting. We did make money though. We presently have contracts for both the 2012 and 2013 fall conferences at the Marriott East. The next conference will be November 1-2, 2012. Call for proposals will go out on Counselortalk on Monday, February 13, 2012. The keynote speaker will be Carl Olsen.

The graduate student workshop will be March 3, 2012 at Butler University.

Amanda Culhan gave us an update about changes that are coming with regards to taking an assessment, like PRAXIS, to get your school counselor license in the future. The ten-year license may also be going away. Amanda Culhan also said the funding for the school counselor license plate may be reduced. If anyone wants to be part of the Licensure Standards Review committee please contact Amanda Culhan.

Kathy Renie encouraged us to continue to talk to others about our unique skills regarding how we can help students with their career and college readiness. The Education Roundtable is a group we should be making comments to.

We broke for lunch at 11:00 am.

We reconvened at 11:20 am.

End Policies:

We have a fourth spot available to attend ASCA LDI/RA and conference in Minneapolis, MN in June 21 – 26. Sarah Altman is interested. If anyone else is interested please email Lin Metzger by February 18th. We will vote via an email on the 19th of February.

The ISCA Grants Committee is made up the level VPs. We have received three applications. The committee voted to fund all three grants. Mark Friedmeyer moved to accept the recommendation from the grants committee. Lisa Crick seconded the motion. Motion passed 100%. We now have $400 left in the grants budget.

The topic of school corporation membership was brought up again. We feel we would lose money, as well as being complicated to set up.

Susie Matzat shared information regarding Harrison College’s willingness to sponsor conference registrations up to $1500.00. Samantha Lowe will contact Harrison College to set up the particulars so our membership will be aware of the random drawing closer to fall conference registration time.

We then reviewed our board job descriptions. Changes were made as needed.

Susie Matzat encouraged discussion regarding storage of our ISCA historical, PR promotional items, display materials, etc. At the April board meeting, everyone who has ISCA items they are presently storage, we will sort through the items to determine if we need to keep these items.

Amanda Culhan said the level handbooks are almost finished and will be uploaded to the website and used as handouts at conferences.

Julie Baumgart is still pursuing developing a scholarship for K-12 students.

Kathy Renie gave an update on The Foundation. The amount of new funds added to the Foundation have been very small.

The April 21, 2012 board meeting will begin at 10:00 am at Butler University.

Julie Breuninger moved to adjourn the meeting. Mark Friedmeyer seconded the motion. Motion passed 100%.

Meeting adjourned at 12:50 pm.

Written by:

Lori Lund, Secretary