TheApostlefromSt. Paul
The Monthly Newsletter for August 2017
Worship Service: 10:30 am
Promiseland(with hourly components)in session 9:30-11:30
Sunday School: 9:30
Message from Mike
Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life”. John 14:6
A young Navy ensign, after nearly completing his first overseas cruise, was given an opportunity to display his capabilities at getting a ship out of port and under way. With a stream of commands, he had the decks busy with sailors doing their assignments, and soon the ship was steaming out of port and in a clear channel headed to its next destination. The ensign was feeling very proud of his efforts. He had not only managed to successfully navigate the warship out of port, but he had set a new record for getting his ship under way. He was not surprised when a seaman approached him with a congratulatory message from the captain. He was surprised when he noticed the message was a radiogram; and he was even more surprised to read: My personal congratulations upon completing your underway preparation exercise according to the book and with amazing speed. In your haste, however; you have overlooked one of the unwritten rules- make sure the captain is aboard before getting underway!”
I wonder how many times we are like the young ensign in our daily lives. Do we get so busy with the small details of living that we forget to make sure the “Captain” of our life is on board when we get started? Maybe that’s why sometimes we feel like we’re lost in a sea of troubles. We’ve left the one who knows “the way, and the truth, and the life” out of our lives. Perhaps the best thing we can do is to make sure as we prepare to start each day is to make sure that our “Captain” is not only on board with us, but is charting our course. We can do that by reading the Bible and by taking time to pray. By doing that; we’ll find smoother sailing in life even when faced with “choppy” seas.
August Communion Offering ~ MIFA
Our August Communion offering will go to support the work and ministries of the Metropolitan Inter-Faith Association (MIFA) which provides help to people throughout Shelby County. Pastor Mike delivers MIFA meals to elderly shut-ins every Wednesday.
Choir practice will resume on Wednesday, August 2nd at 7:00 pm. Everyone is welcome. If you have questions contact Will Dougan at
Let’s celebrate the end of a successful 3-year capital campaign. Join us for a catered lunch immediately following worship on Sunday, August 6th. You can RSVP to the church office at 387-0007, sign up through the bulletin on Sunday or go the church’s website.
Women’s Wednesday Morning Class to begin soon
Please join us on Wed, August 16th at 10:00am as we begin a new study, “We Saved You a Seat” by Lisa-Jo Baker, led by Sharon Higgins.
This 7-week study on keeping lasting friendships will also be offered Wednesday nights led by Wanda Trieschman. Watch for start date.
The participant book fee is $13.00. Books will be available the first day of class. Wednesday Morning meets in the Fellowship Classroom(Room #7.)
Following “We Saved You a Seat”, the morning class will begin the study, “It’s Good to be Queen, Becoming as Bold, Gracious & Wise as the Queen of Sheba” by Liz Curtis Higgs on October 11th. The participant book fee $12.00.This class will last until December 13th.
To join the Wednesday morning class, contact the church office or Sharon Higgins at
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Simple Updated Directory
Several people have mentioned a desire for an updated list of church member addresses. Vickie and I are going to do a simple print of the directory from her computer. If you want one, please let me know, . I only want to print as many as needed. I plan to have them August 6th available before worship and during the luncheon. A small donation to cover the cost of paper & printing would be appreciated. Thank you, Sharon Higgins
Adopt Chimneyrock
Will you be a Reading Volunteer this year?
We will read on Fridays again, September thru April, to the Kindergarten and First Grade classes.
There will be several times to choose from. We will have those times once classes start.
You may choose to read Once, Once-a-month or as often as you like.
If you want to volunteer and/or need more information, please contact Sharon Higgins,
Uniform and School supply collection will be August 13th – 27th. Please place your donation in the Green Buckets.
Uniform shirts can be white, navy or light blue with a collar. Pants or shorts can be Khaki or Navy.
All sizes are needed.
Kleenex, Glue sticks, Pencils, Crayons, & Erasers are great supplies to donate. Any school supply will be appreciated.
Thank you for participating with this church ministry.
Aldersgate United Methodist Women/Memphis, 4459 Willow Road, 901-683-8861, will offer the study, "Missionary Conferences of the UMC in the United States", on Tuesday, August 15. Registration will begin at 8:30a and the program starts at 9. Breakfast refreshments and lunch will be served. Your congregation is invited to attend. This invitation is open to all, not just United Methodist Women. An overview of the Alaska Missionary Conference, the Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference, and the Red Bird Missionary Conference (Appalachia) will be presented. Learn how these conferences are reaching out, adapting to the needs and affecting changes for good in their communities. You will learn some amazing facts.
Promotion Sunday
Promotion Sunday will be August 6th. All children going into Kindergarten will move up to Promiseland and all 6th graders will move up to Youth!
Blessing of the Backpacks
I can’t believe it but it’s that time of year again! Time for Blessing of the Backpacks!!! Blessing of the Backpacks will be Sunday, August 6th during the 10:30 service. All children young and old are welcome to come up during service and receive a Blessing to start the school year off right!
Acolyte Training
It’s an exciting time for 2nd graders!!! They are finally old enough to be an Acolyte at St. Paul!! There will be a training Sunday, August 13th at 9:30 in the Sanctuary.
Promiseland Back to SchoolBash!
There will be a Back to School Pool Party for the Promiseland kids (K-5th grade) Sunday, August 13th at 3:00pm. Bring your bathing suit, sunscreen and towel to Mr. Moose’s house and we will have a Splashing Good Time!
Youth Mission Trip
The Mountain TOP song says:
“I’d love to live on a Mountain T.O.P. Fellowshipping with the Lord, I’d love to stand on a Mountain TOP ‘Cause I’d love to feel my spirit soar. But I’ve got to come down from that Mountain TOP to the people in the valley below, or they’ll never know that they can go to the Mountain of the Lord.”
We all had a wonderful trip, everyone worked really hard, grew spiritually and we all are looking forward to going again. Sunday we shared a little bit about our trip, but we would like to share more. In a few weeks, we will be hosting a thank you lunch or dinner to share even more stories and pictures.
We also want to thank everyone who loaned us tools, donated money and prayed for us throughout this trip.
Youth initiation & Outing – Aug 6th
Our rising 6th grader (Cameron Stephens) will be made a full member of the youth group at the end of our youth outing. We have been invited to a production of “Legally Blond Jr.” starring our own Kristin Stewart at Harrell Theater in Collierville. The show is free to public and begins at 2:30. Those caravanning to the show should meet at St. Paul at 1:30 pm.
Typical Youth Calendar
Sunday School – 9:30am / Youth Fellowship – Sun. 4-6 pm
For questions about any of the above Youth Ministry items, please feel free to contact Shannon Pryor @ or 463-6885
Actual Year to Date Financial Reporting for period ending July 23, 2017:
YTD offering $306,574
Other Income22,524
Less: Expenses ($316,244)
YTD net Gain $12,854
Capital Campaign:
Total pledged to date: $487,115 from 87 pledge cards.
Year 2014-current
Capital Campaign Funds Received: $432,114 (89% collected)
Less: Capital Campaign Expenses: ($39,002)
Less: Bond Payment (from previous loan):($185,003)
Less: Loan Payment($192,803)
Less: Debt Payment fees:($6,926)
Net Funds Available for Next Loan Payment:$8,380
We Lift Up in Prayer
The family of Sharon Sumrall
The English family
Wanda Cooper
Alyssa Holliday
Ann Hutchen
Our caregivers
Virginia Hopper
Bob Morgan and family
Basil Earnest
Terry Chism
Chimneyrock Elementary
Mountain Top experience
Betty Smithmier
Linda Northam
Guidance through the week
Teachers starting the school year
Greg Delashmit
Marvin and Jean Sanders
President Trump
Back issues
Belanie Kennedy
Richard Mauney
World peace
People of all races to come together
Wesley Fowler
Jim Snowden
Upcoming medical
Brenda Dabb
Collin Crew
Stacey Emerson and family
Joe and Catherine Mensi
My family
Our military
Mountain Top
Praying friends
Son being better after being hospitalized
Good doctor reports
Visiting with friends and family
Celebrating family birthdays
Safe return from two months of Border patrol and cross-country vacation
Wedding anniversary
Breast cancer biopsy being benign
eGiving Is Now Available
You can do it several ways:
Using the Mobile app at
by going to our website and clicking on the “Give” button
If you have any questions
Contact the church office at 387-0007
Regular Weekly Schedule
9:30 amYouth and Adult Sunday School
Promiseland-sp ~ Fellowship Hall
10:30 am Worship
Promiseland-sp ~ Fellowship Hall
11:30 pm Prayer Opportunity ~ Sanctuary Conf. Rm.
4:00 pm Youth Fellowship ~ Sanctuary, Rm.8, Rm. 2, Conf. Rm.
Youth Lounge, Gym
8:30 am Walking Group ~ Wolfchase Mall
9:00 amPreschool
7:00 pmBoy Scouts ~ Rms. 5, 6, FC, 8, FH & Gym
9:00 amPreschool
7:00 pm Cub Scouts ~ Rms. 5, FC, 8, 9, YL and FH (will resume in the fall
7:00 pmGirls Scouts ~ Rm. 2 (will resume in the fall)
6:00 pm Band Practice
7:00 pm Choir Practice (will resume on August 2)
9:00 amPreschool
6:00 pm Girl Scouts ~ FH
Upcoming Meetings and Special Events
Monday, August 1
6:00 pmChurch Council ~ FH
Thursday, August 3
6:30 pmPreschool Meet and Greet
Friday, August 4
9:00amRuth Circle ~ FH
Sunday, August 6
10:30 am Blessing of the Backpacks
11:30 amCapital Campaign Luncheon ~ Gym
Sunday, August 13
3:00 pmPromiseland Pool Party ~ The Woodward’s home
Monday, August 14
6:30 pmSusanna Circle ~ Rm. 2
Wednesday, August 16
10:00 amWomen’s Bible Study ~ FC
Sunday, August 20
11:30 amUMW Executive Board ~ FH
Wednesday, August 23
10:00 amWomen’s Bible Study ~ FC
Sunday, August 27
4:00vc pmK.W.A.M. (Kids with a Mission)
Wednesday, August 30
10:00 amWomen’s Bible Study ~ FC
Church Staff
Church Office ~ 901-387-0007
After Hours Phone Number:
Michael Morris, 901-386-2578
Aldrich, Daina - Director of Preschool
Dougan, Will - Director of Worship & Music
Goldsmith, Gary – Youth Music Director
Hamilton, Vickie - Office Administrator
Holmes, Susan-Finance Administrator
Jordan, Lanee’ – Church Custodian
Kirk, Jill - Director of Children’s Ministries
Machen, Lisa – Pianist
Morris, Mike – Pastor
Pryor, Shannon-Youth Pastor
Ytzen, Nancy – Director of Nursery Ministries