New Cumnock Darts League 2011/2012

Registered Players

The Box

Gordon Gray, Stephen Thom, David Kerr, Linsay Wylie, Owen McNiven, Jamie Dignam, Len Wilson, Justin Nicol, Paul Williamson, Alan Paterson, Sheena Thom, Stuart Skilling, David Morton, Sean Kennedy, Katie Laird and Harry Thom.

Brigend A

Rab Bunyan, Gerry Pentleton, Andy Muir, Peter McGuiness SNR, Jock Dunsmuir, Tony Pentleton, Ricky Menzies, Cameron Menzies, George McLaughlan, Les Balfour, Alan Campbell and William Jackson.

Brigend B

Julie Ward, Liz Andrew, Moira Burnett, Agnes Lawrie, Marion Callander, Effie Ferguson, Sheena Govan and Kelly McKinnon.

Catrine Bowling Club

Tam Wilson, Ronnie McEwan, Wayne Seaton, Lionel McEwan, Steven McBride, Michael Ferguson, Dean Lawrie, Ian Stewart, Peter Ainsworth and Chris McGuire.


Alex Thomson, Jim Thomson, Rab McLelland, L.Telfer, B. Crawford, David Thomson, Tam McLuskie, Paul Gray, Callum Brown, Sam Rafferty, Alex McBride, Darren Finliter,G. McLelland


Jocky Bell JNR, Jocky Bell SNR, Alistair Bell, Robert Templeton, Russell Cowan, Robert Drury, Neil Boyle, Steven Burns, J. McMahon and Dougie Imrie.

Glens Bar

Neil McTaggart, Barry Andrew, Damon Armstrong, Marc Jamieson, Jill Brown, Jim Phillips, Craig Capperauld, Kevin Ferguson, Johnny McIndor and Lindsay Torrance.

Logangate A

William Bell JNR, George Wallace, Bert Ross, Manny Keller, Iain Laverty, Andrew Findlay, Stuart Pringle, G.Smith, Alex Blackwood, Billy Galbraith, D. Millin and Alex Wallace.

Logangate B

William Bell SNR, Jimmy Kelso, S. McPheators, Richie McBride, Cyril Shinkfield, Robert Collins, Craig Donnelly, J. Millin, Kevin Shaw, S.Dicko McPheators, R.Neil, Graham Laverty and E.Smith.

Mauchline Bowling Club

Frank Devine, James Mason, Stewart Thomson, Andy McCulloch, R. Davis, William Murdoch, William McEwan and Thomas (The Aura) Cartner.


John Falconer, Sue Ibbotson, Houston Gregg, Tam Dick, John Torbet, Kenny Murray, Andy Reid, Tam Crawford, Ian McLean, Hugh Hodge, Alex Govan, David Shields and Bobby Templeton.

New Cumnock Bowling Club

Ronnie Sharp, Margaret Ferguson, Sammy Stephens, David Noble, Bryan King, Wullie Laird, Alan McNiven, Stuart Lusby, Carol Gibson, Hannah Noble, Marc Stuart and Alistair Stewart.

Working Men's Club

Bobby Callander, Hugh Carmichael, Jake McCutcheon, Antoni Ewer, Steven Morton, Kenny Morton, Richard Dalziel, Kevin Roy, Eric Laird, Gilbert Grozier, Rab Marshall, Brian Park and Wull Carmichael.