BattlefieldSchool Parent Council
1. Name
The name of the Parent Council will be Battlefield Parent Council (BPC)
2. Objectives
- To represent the views of parents[1] on the education provided and the welfare of the pupils to the school, the education authority and other relevant bodies
- To work with the school to create a welcoming community which is inclusive for all parents
- To promote partnership between parents, the school, its pupils and the local authority and other relevant bodies
- To promote parents’ involvement in their children’s education, and the life of the school more widely
- To raise funds, especially in order to promote the social life of the school, working with pupils.
- To carry out or to promote any other activities which are consistent with the above aims.
3. Membership
A maximum of fifteen parents; a minimum of four.
A maximum of six co-optees, with the number of co-optees always fewer than the number of parents.
4. Appointment to Membership
a. Parent Members
Full members of BPC will be parents with children attending Battlefield, i.e. members of the Battlefield Parent Forum, established under the Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act, 2006.
As far as possible, BPC will aim to have members whose children attend a wide diversity of the year groups of the school, and include parents who are also committee members of the Battlefield After School Care Association and any other organised parents’ groups that exist in the school.
Parents can nominate themselves to BPC or can be nominated by other parents, either in writing (including text and email) or in person at an Annual General Meeting of the Battlefield Parent Forum.
An election, with all members of the Battlefield Parent Forum being entitled to vote, will be held in the event of there being more candidates than places.
The Annual General Meeting of Battlefield Parents Forum will confirm the board membership for the forthcoming year.
Appointment to BPC will normally be for a period of three years or until the children of the parent have left the school, whichever is the soonest. Each year a third of the membership will retire, and nominations sought to fill the places. Retiral will be based on the members of longest standing. In the first two years of the BPC, retiral will be by agreement between members. Existing members can volunteer/ be nominated again, but no individual can serve for more than 6 years continuously.
Casual vacancies that arise between AGMs, for example through resignations, will be advertised and volunteers or self-nominations sought.
Members can be removed from BPC outwith the normal period of service only at meetings of the Parent Forum with a majority in favour of removal.
b. Co-optees
The number and identity of co-optees is at the invitation of BPC will be revisited annually at the first meeting after the Battlefield Parent Forum AGM.
Co-optees may include
- The head teacher
- Teaching staff
- Other school staff
(The role of these co-optees is to represent the school, and to partner with the BPC).
- Members of the local community
- Elected members of public authorities
(The role of these co-optees is to represent the wider community outwith the school).
- Other people who have specialist expertise or advice to offer in relation to the activities of the BPC.
C0-options are personal to the co-optee, except in the case of the head teacher who may send a representative in the case of unavoidable absence from a BPC meeting.
4. Office Bearers
The BPC will have the following Office Bearers, who will be selected by the members of the BPC. The identity and number of office bearers will be agreed annually at the first BPC meeting after the Battlefield Parent Forum AGM
- Chairperson, whose main job is to convene and chair meetings, and to represent the board in other fora.
- Secretary, whose main job is to mange the business and administration associated with the council, including correspondence, newsletters etc.
- Treasurer, whose main job is to keep a record of financial transactions and manage any bank accounts held by BPC.
- Other office bearers as required to carry out designated functions as agreed by the BPC.
5. Meetings
BPC will meet at least 4 times per annum, or more often as required. Meetings will take place at a time and place most convenient for members, with a view to satisfying the objective of inclusiveness.
Additional meetings may be called by at least 3 parent members with at least a week’s advance notice to all members.
Decisions will be taken by common consent whenever possible. In the event of voting being required the Chair will have a casting vote. Co-optees do not have voting rights.
Minutes will be taken of meetings.
The public may attend meetings as observers, unless confidential issues are being discussed.
6. Accountability
BPC is accountable to the Battlefield Parent Forum, which will meet at least once annually, normally in September (the ‘Annual General Meeting’ or AGM) and at other times if called.
Outwith the AGM, the Parent Forum can be called by BPC or by 20 other parent members.
Two weeks’ notice (including an agenda) will be given of Parent Forum meetings in advance by ‘school bag’ mail, and by publicity on school notice boards and website.
The BPC will report to the Parent Forum on its membership, activities and accounts and through discussion seek to identify issue of importance to Forum members with a view to representing these to the school and other partner bodies.
Minutes will be taken of all BPC meetings, and made available through the school website and external notice boards to all parents.
7. Financial Probity and Accountability
BPC is responsible for ensuring all monies are used solely to pursue its objectives.
BPC will open a bank account or accounts in the name of Battlefield Parent Council for BPC funds. Withdrawals will require the signature of the Treasurer and one other member.
An accurate record will be kept of all financial transactions. Financial reports will be made available to the BPC and to the Battlefield Parents Forum AGM.
An auditor will be appointed at each AGM who will not be a member of BPC. The auditor will inspect the accounts and report on the financial probity of BPC at the next AGM.
In the event of BPC ceasing to exist, any funds will pass first to any properly constituted successor body representing parents. In the event of there being no successor parents’ organisation, funds will pass to the school.
8. Constitution
The Battlefield Parent Forum will approve any replacement or amendment this constitution, with all parents being sent in advance a copy of any proposed amendments along with the agenda for the meeting.
June 2007
[1] In this document ‘Parent’ includes guardian and any person who is liable to maintain or has parental responsibilities (within the meaning of section 1(3) of the Children (Scotland) Act, 1995) in relation to, or has the care of a child or young person. This can include, for example, non-resident parents, carers, including foster carers relatives and friends who are caring for children.