The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International

Alpha Nu State Convention

Hilton Garden Inn

Idaho Falls, Idaho

June 17, 2015

First General Session

Item / Discussion / Action
Group Singing
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Inspirational Thought
Roll Call
Convention Minutes
Parliamentary Procedure
and report
Membership and
Treasurer’s Report
Point of information
State Officers,
Chapter Presidents, and Committee Reports
Available Fund Budget
Convention Fund Budget
Chapter of Distinction Award
Convention Planning Booklet
ISU Credit
Elections of the Webmaster and Alpha Nus Editor
Adjournment / Group singing was led by LeeAnne Lish, Beta accompanied by Pat Koehler, Kappa. Shake My Sillies Out and There’s a Little Wheel A-Turnin’ in MyHeart were sung by the group.
President Jane Winston, Delta called the meeting to order at 8:52.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by the group.
The Inspirational Thought was given by Helen Wyant, Gamma.
The State officers and official visitor were introduced: First Vice President Lee Ann Thomas, Eta; Second Vice President Crystal Plumb, Phi; Recording Secretary Juno Van Ocker, Omicron; Corresponding Secretary Betty Ashcraft, Omicron; Parliamentarian Peggy Vogt, Omega;Treasurer Goldie McClure, Omicron;Webmaster June Derie, Kappa; Alpha Nus Editor Jane Zornik, Omicron; Historian Carol Stollfus, Omicron; newly elected Alpha Nus Editor, Glenda Funk, Omega; newly elected Webmaster Shauna Payne, Omega; and Dr. Phyllis VanBuren, Northwest Regional Director.
Recording SecretaryJuno Van Ocker, Omicron called roll. 68 members were present.
The minutes of the 2014 convention held in Boise, Idaho June 10-12, 2014were approved as written and were available at this convention for viewing.
Parliamentarian Peggy Vogt, Omega referred the members to the handout on parliamentary procedure.
Corresponding Secretary Betty Ashcraft, Omicron reported that President Jane Winston, Delta asked that congratulation letters be sent to Dr. Lyn Babb Schmid and Dr. Phyllis VanBuren on their new positions as International President and Northwest Regional Director. Christmas cards were sent to Dr. Lyn Babb Schmid and each Idaho chapter. One get well and two condolence cards were sent. Thank you cards were sent to all guest speakers, workshop presenters, and those who gave inspirational thoughts during last year’s convention.
Alpha Nu State Chapter received a thank you card from TRICA, Treasure Valley Institute for Children’s Art, thanking us for the donation given at last year’s convention.
Treasurer Goldie McClure, Omicron presented the membership and treasurer’sreports. Handouts were supplied and the report is on file with the recording secretary.
Elsie Hollenbeck, state member inquired about the cost of last year’s convention. The treasurer will have that information for her June 18.
State officers, chapter presidents and committee chairmen reports have been e-mailed to all chapter presidents, past presidents, state officers and committee chairmen.
Finance Chairman Kathy Dabestani, Xi presented the proposed Available Fund Budget and the proposed Convention Fund Budget. These are on file with the recording secretary.
Second Vice President Crystal Plumb, Phi announced that perhaps this award’s criteria need to be revisited. She asked that we all read the outline she has given us and be ready to make suggestions during the second session tomorrow.
President Jane Winston, Delta shared the need for the Convention Planning Booklet to be reviewed and updated. She invited those interested in reviewing and updating the Convention Planning Booklet to contact her..
Members were reminded to check with Leadership Development Chairman Susan Mussler, Omicron this morning and also after the convention concerning their credit from ISU for attending this convention.
President Jane Winston, Delta explained to the convention how the Webmaster and Alpha Nus Editor had been elected at the Executive meeting on June 16.
Nominations Chairman Karen Stear,Alpha presented the slate of officers for the next biennium. They include:
  • President: Jane Winston, Delta and Pat Koehler, Kappa
  • First Vice President: Lee Ann Thomas, Eta
  • Second Vice President: Crystal Plumb, Phi
  • Recording Secretary: Shari Webster, Chi
  • Corresponding Secretary: Betty Ashcraft, Omicron
  • Nominating Committee:
Area 1 Rita Haggerdt, Beta
Area 2 Donna Pence, Theta
Area 3 Karen Alldredge, Chi
Area 5 Karen Stear, Alpha
Regarding the ballot containing two presidential nominees, Karen explained the use of a sealed meeting. During this time, each candidate will have one minute to answer each of five pre-written questions concerning their plans for the upcoming biennium. No one will enter or leave during this meeting.
Jane Winston, Delta and Pat Koehler, Kappa participated in the sealed meeting. Voting will take place prior to the Second Session on June 18.
Ann Shively, Deltahas an extra ticket for tonight’s theater performance.
Second Vice President Crystal Plumb, Phi announced that she had 10 new DKG brochures and membership forms for each chapter.
Information about the breakout sessions was given.
The session was adjourned at 10:18. / Total membership 342
Available Fund balance after dedicated funds $7,010.51
Total Disbursements $1,049.79
Ameriprise Investment Accounts $28,209.69
Permanent Fund Balance
$ 5,238.94
Savings Account $2,014.75
Available Fund Budget for 2015-2016 $7,944.00
Convention Fund Budget for 2015-2016 $8,884.06
Total expenses 2015-2016
Total carried over for 2015-2016 $6,334.06


First General Session