Van Volkom 6
Michele Van Volkom, Ph.D.
Contact Information
Address: Department of Psychology
Monmouth University
West Long Branch, NJ 07764
Office Telephone: (732) 263-5479
Ph.D., Social Psychology, University at Albany, State University of New York
Albany, NY, 2002
Advisor: Donn Byrne, Distinguished Professor
Dissertation: Cigarette Smoking among College Students: Trends and Implications for Smoking Cessation and Smoking Prevention Programs
M.A., Psychology, University at Albany, State University of New York
Albany, NY, 2000
B.A., Psychology, Seton Hall University
South Orange, NJ, 1996 (Magna Cum Laude)
Teaching Experience
Courses taught as Instructor at Monmouth University:
Summer 2007: Research Methods in Psychology and Lab
Spring 2007: Psychological Statistics (2 sections), Social Psychology, and Introduction to Psychology
Fall 2006: Psychological Statistics (2 sections), Social Psychology, and Introduction to Psychology (Honors)
Summer 2006: Social Psychology
Spring 2006: Psychological Statistics (2 sections), Child Psychology, and Experimental Psychology and Lab
Fall 2005: Psychological Statistics (2 sections), Research Methods in Psychology and Lab, and Introduction to Psychology (Honors)
Spring 2005: Psychological Statistics (2 sections) and Research Methods in Psychology and Lab
Fall 2004: Psychological Statistics, Research Methods in Psychology and Lab, and Introduction to Psychology (2 sections)
Summer 2004: Child Psychology
Spring 2004: Psychological Statistics (2 sections), Research Methods in Psychology and Lab, and Introduction to Psychology
Fall 2003: Psychological Statistics and Introduction to Psychology (3 sections)
Courses taught as Visiting Assistant Professor at Susquehanna University:
Spring 2003: Developmental Psychology: Conception through Childhood, Developmental Psychology: Adulthood, and Gender Stereotypes
Fall 2002: Principles of Psychology, Developmental Psychology: Conception through Childhood, and Gender Stereotypes
Courses taught as Instructor at the State University of New York at Albany:
Summer 2002: Personality
Spring 2002: Personality (2 sections)
Fall 2001: Statistics
Summer 2001: Social Psychology (1 section) and Child Development (1 section)
Spring 2001: Child Development
Fall 2000: Child Development
Summer 2000: Introduction to Psychology
Summer 1999: Personality
Courses taught as Adjunct Faculty at Sage College:
Fall 2001: Child Psychology
Spring 2001: Psychology of Adolescence and Adulthood
Teaching assistantships at the State University of New York at Albany:
Spring 2001: Personality
Fall 2000: Social Psychology
Spring 2000: Social Psychology
Fall 1998: Personality
Other Academic Positions/Teaching Experience
Graduate Assistant, Department of Psychology, University at Albany, State University
of New York. Fall 1997 to Spring 2001.
Study Group Facilitator, Office of Academic Support Services, University at Albany,
State University of New York. Fall 1999 to Spring 2002. Courses: Experimental
Psychology and Introduction to Psychology.
Practicum in the Teaching of Psychology, University at Albany, State University of New
York. Spring, 1999. Course: Introduction to Psychology.
Psychology Tutor, Educational Opportunity Program, Seton Hall University. October
1994 to May 1996. Courses: Elementary Psychological Statistics, Introduction to Psychology, and Learning and Conditioning.
Van Volkom, M. (in press). Attitudes towards smoking among college students.
College Student Journal.
Van Volkom, M. (2007). Instructor’s Manual to Accompany Mastering Social
Psychology by Baron, Byrne, and Branscombe (1st ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Van Volkom, M. (2006). Sibling relationships in middle and older adulthood: A
review of the literature. Marriage and Family Review, 40, 151-170.
Van Volkom, M. (2005). Instructor’s Manual to Accompany Social Psychology by
Baron, Byrne, and Branscombe (11th ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Van Volkom, M. (2003). The relationships between childhood tomboyism, siblings’
activities, and adult gender roles. Sex Roles, 49, 609-618.
Manuscripts under Review
Van Volkom, M. (2005). The effects of childhood tomboyism and family experiences on
the self-esteem of college females. Manuscript submitted for publication.
Presentations at Professional Meetings
Van Volkom, M. & Lazur, C. (2007, May). The influence of cigarette smoking status on
important life decisions. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, Washington, DC.
Van Volkom, M. (2006, May). Tomboyism, self-esteem, and family dynamics. Poster
session presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological
Science, New York, NY.
Van Volkom, M., & Simmons, S. (2006, March). Perceptions of cigarette smoking
among college students. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the
Eastern Psychological Association, Baltimore, MD.
Van Volkom, M. (2003, March). Cigarette smoking among college students. Paper
session (presenter and chair) presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Baltimore, MD.
Van Volkom, M., Osland, J., & Byrne, D. (2001, April). Perceptions of physical and
sexual attractiveness. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.
Van Volkom, M. (2000, March). The relationships between tomboys, their siblings, and
androgyny in adulthood. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Baltimore, MD.
Ashcraft, D. M., Kelley, K., O’Rourke, S., Bagley, C., & Van Volkom, M. (1999, June).
Male and female college students’ sexuality from 1976 to 1995. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Society, Denver, CO.
Van Volkom, M., & Mickler, S. E. (1996, March). The relationship of punishment
styles to conflict resolution strategies. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Philadelphia, PA.
Positive Difference Award, Office of Disabled Student Services, State University of New York at Albany, January 2003
Professor of the Month Award, Sigma Kappa, Susquehanna University, November 2002
Appreciation Award, Office of Academic Support Services, State University of New York at Albany, May 2002
Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook, Blackboard, eCampus, and SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences)
Other Activities/Service at Monmouth University
One of two Department Advising Coordinators (DACs), beginning Summer 2006
Contributor to Allyn & Bacon’s Introduction to Psychology essay question bank, Spring 2006
Participant in Service Learning and Scholarship workshop, Spring 2006
Second Reader for students completing an Honors Thesis, Spring 2005 to present
Supervisor for Independent Study/Senior Thesis students, Spring 2005 to present
Supervisor for Experiential Education students, Fall 2004 to present
Keynote Speaker, Undergraduate Research Conference, Fall 2004
Other Activities/Service at Susquehanna University
Paper Session Chair, meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Spring 2003
Participant in “Liberal Arts in Action Day” for local high school students
Participant in “Mock Interview” sessions with undergraduate students
Member, Hiring Committee, Department of Chemistry, Spring 2003
Guest Speaker at Psychology Club Meetings
Member, Institutional Review Board
Other Activities/Service at the State University of New York at Albany
Author of two literature reviews for book chapters (socialization of African children and the experiences of African women in different regions of the world)
Member, Graduate Student Organization Grants Committee, Summer 2000 to Fall 2001
Contributing Writer, Official Newsletter of the Office of Academic Support Services
Memberships in Professional Associations
American Psychological Association
Society for Personality and Social Psychology
Association for Psychological Science
Eastern Psychological Association