1. a play-by-play sports commentary
2. A board game
3. aflip book(old school animation)
4. an icon and logo design
5. a puppet show maybe with paper finger puppets of your own design
6. a children's book
7. a letter of complaint
8. anorigami
9. a 1930s radio broadcast
10. a love song
11. a story with a twist at the end
12. a slow-motion, instant replay
13. a play in three 10 second acts
14. an abstractexpressionistpainting
15. an interpretive dance
16. aradio advertisement
17. a cartoon
18. a calendar design
19. a heated dialogue between enemies
20. a playdough/modelling clayscultpure
21. analbumcover
22. animpressionisticpainting
23. A sonnet
24. A nursery rhyme
25. A rap/hip-hop song
26. a chart or a graph
27. A show & tell event
28. A finger puppet show
29. a song sung in the style ofBohemian Rhapsody
30. A telephone interview
31. A product sales package
32. A costume design
33. A television advert
34. A scene from a silent movie
35. A mini-novel of 200 words
36. A matrix-style reinvention
37. A mobile to hang from a ceiling
38. An animation
39. A playscript a flow diagram
40. a paper collage
41. a folded information leaflet
42. A parody of a TV soap
43. Arhyming couplet
44. A collage
45. the news summary
46. a sportscast style commentary
47. a broadway musical snippet
48. a formal 5 minute debate
49. a courtroom trial
50. a movie trailer/preview
51. a newspaper editorial
52. a wallpaper design
53. a billboard design
54. a modelling-clay sculpture
55. a standup comedy routine
56. A storycube: 6 sets image/text , one for each side
57. as a piece ofcollaborative writing online
58. as astorywith annotated paintings and photos
59. as a treasure hunt with QR codes
60. a 3D mindmap
61. a set of flashcards