MAY 24, 2017

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Township of Haddon Shade Tree Commission held on Wednesday, May 24, 2017 in the Haddon Township Environmental and Historical Center at 143 E. Ormond Avenue, Haddon Township, New Jersey.

Chapter 231, Public Law 1975 requires adequate notice of this meeting be provided specifying time, place, and agenda. This has been done by placing an Annual Notice in the Courier-Post and Retrospect Newspapers, and by posting on two bulletin boards in the Municipal Building.



Chris Squazzo Present

Marge Howley Present
Paul Mitros Present

Kevin Murphy Present

Renee Papaneri Present

Betty Brookes Present




201 Harding Avenue: Resident Erin Warner from 201 Harding Avenue attended the Shade Tree Commission meeting to discuss an issue with surface roots in the curb strip. The tree roots are not disrupting the sidewalk but the resident feels they are a hazard for people parking their cars. The resident brought pictures of the roots at the surface of the dirt area of the curb strip. Chris Squazzo has evaluated the tree as a healthy pin oak in need of pruning. Chris requested that all commissioners look at the location to vote on the tree at the next meeting in June.


Marge motioned to approve the minutes from the February 22nd meeting. Renee seconded. Minutes approved.

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May 24, 2017


2017 Planting Update: Marge will email the final planting list from 2017 to the commissioners of the Shade Tree Commission. A total of 107 trees were planted, 9 of the trees were mitigation trees from township construction projects. An additional 10 to 15 small trees were planted along Windsor Avenue through funding from PSE&G. Marge Howley continues to go over and above as project manager for the annual tree planting. Chris extended a huge thank you to Marge for her continued efforts to beautify Haddon Township.

2018 and 2019 Plantings: The new lists for 2018 and 2019 have been distributed. Marge requests the information on overhead wires and curb strip size by July 31st. Please double check whether there are overhead wires and that there is room for a new tree. If there is a stump please make a note and allow five years.

Section Reassignment: The following is the list of areas for each commissioner: Section I – Paul Mitros, Section II - Kevin Murphy, Section III, IV and VI – Chris Squazzo, Section V – Renee Papaneri.

1215 Elm (Extension): The issue is tabled until Chris evaluates the tree.

Green Communities Grant and Management Forestry Plan Update: The Shade Tree Commission has received two quotes for the new Management Forestry Plan.

County Roads Tree/Ordinance: The Township is currently deciding on whether the township or the county should maintain the trees located in the curb strip of county roads.

8th Grade Tree Planting Arbor Day Event 2017: The annual Rohrer Middle School 8th grade planting of trees was a success again this year. Chris Squazzo assisted in the planting of 100 blackcherry, 100 white oak and 100 willow oak trees in the Lees Lane woods.

Insurance Reimbursement for Trees Damaged by Vehicles: Tabled

Hayes: Tabled

Stump/Pruning: A list of 50 stumps has been submitted to Frank’s Stump Removal. The work should begin in the summer. The Shade Tree Commission will be gathering information on pruning trees per section. One section of town will be done each year. The scope of work will be discussed at the July meeting. Details will include removing dead wood and elevating the trees.

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May 24, 2017

STC Facebook: Tabled

Mansion Avenue Phase II: As part of the construction project on Mansion Avenue, two trees have been removed and there will be six mitigating trees. For the spring 2018 tree planting, Chris will give Marge six new locations on Mansion Avenue. Paul will give Marge eight new locations on Utica Avenue for trees removed in Edison Woods.

CEU/CORE: Renee Papaneri completed “Right Tree Right Place” seminar on March 31st, receiving 3 CEU’s. The Shade Tree Commission needs a total of 8 CEU’s for the year. Please notify Chris, if you have completed CEU’s or are going to complete CEU’s for 2017. Chris will contact Brial Hotsko, from PSE&G regarding giving a class at one of the Shade Tree Commission’s meetings to obtain CEU’s.

BID: Tabled

Monthly/Quarterly E-Newsletter: Tabled

Violations: Tabled

Tree Pruning Permit: Tabled

Planning Board/Zoning Board: Tabled


Marge motioned to adjourn the meeting, Renee seconded. Meeting adjourned.