Palm Harbor University High School


Teacher: Madame Mercier email: voicemail: (727) 669-1131 ext 1349

Mission Statement: The mission of Madame Mercier is to create an enthusiastic learning environment within which students will be improved and motivated to reach their highest possible level of personal achievement and succeed the IB French Curriculum.

Course Objectives: Students will work toward proficiency in French. To achieve a level of writing, reading, listening, and speaking proficiency in French which will enable the student to effectively communicate on any given topic at a French II Pre-IB.

Course Description: Students will learn grammatical principles and vocabulary (oral, writing, and reading skills). A greater awareness of the culture of French-speaking world will be acquired.

Resources/Books Bienvenue, Glencoe French 1, Schmitt/Lutz, McGraw-Hill (Book & Workbook) AMSCO, First year, Blume-Stein Booklet- Vocabulary & Verbs (Bienvenue & AMSCO)

Materials: 3 ring binder 1.5”with 3 dividers (Grammaire, Vocabulaire et Devoirs & Projets), papers, pens, and pencils.

Assessment Assessments consist of quizzes, tests, written assignments (letters, articles, a journal, compositions, and guides), and oral presentations (speeches and skits) (85%).Homework is worth 15% of the total grade, to have the full credit I expect completion of it (right or wrong). My expectation is for every student to try their best and do all their notes and assignments in the classroom and homework. Each student will know his/her average at all times. Also, each student is responsible to check HOMEWORK, ASSIGNMENTS, TESTS, QUIZZES, PROJECTS, ORALS and DUE DATE on daily basis on PORTAL. (Everything is available on this link: )Please bookmark this page on your browser for easy access.☺

Classroom Rules: The classroom is a place of learning, and a few basic policies are required. The student must: a) Complete his/her homework on time b) Be prepared for class c) Demonstrate a positive attitude in class d) Be respectful

Make up If a student is absent: *****He/she has to make arrangement via email to make-up work. His/her work has to be completed before /after school or during coaching period.

Extra help Tuesday (after school) is the day for extra help. The student will have to make sure to contact his/her teacher and sign up.

*****It is required for students to make an appointment with me for a make-up work or assignment clarification before or after school.

Personal Contact policies: Parents or students may email me at any time. It is challenging to make phone calls for me during the day, although email is very convenient.

Student name:______Date:______

Parent signature:______Home phone:______

Email (parents):______My son/daughter has access to internet at home YES NO