Montrose Rotary Club Board Minutes

Meeting date: November 1, 2011

Attending: Jim Douras, Nancy Hoganson, Amy McBride, Dan Paradis, Adam Miller,

Keith Caddy, and Brad Wallis. Absent: None

Call to order: President Adam Miller at 10:31 a.m.

Approval of October meeting minutes:

Motion: Pete Peterson Second: Dave Hample Motion carried.

Executive Director’s Report:

Jim expressed concern that at least two former members are still getting billed by the club. Jim will follow up with accounting firm to see why this may be the case.

Old Business:

  1. Brad reported that he contacted Pam Pine, the Shelter Box representative, and she said she had not yet submitted our check (dated August 23rd) to Shelter Box, but that she intended to complete the submission shortly.
  2. Brad also reported that in reviewing the proposal from RI to have clubs use Club Runner to track membership and how that might effect the SARs report, it was his belief that no conflict should arise and that if the club kept the Clun Runner data base current it would make the development of the SARs report easier.
  3. Jim agreed to develop an announcement to encourage club members to use electronic billing through the accounting service rather than receive paper bills.
  4. The date has been set for the club Christmas party, December 13th at the Bridges Club House. The cost will be $30 per person, all costs including tip included. There will be no regular club meeting that day.
  5. Adam requested that if the board had nominations for Rotarian of the quarter to get them into him A.S.A.P.
  6. The board was comfortable with having reading glasses sold at meetings as a fund raiser.
  7. Pete Peterson and Judy Wind will seek three other club members to serve on the nominating committee for officer elections for 2012-2013. Three seats will be up for election, with Pete, Adam and Amy completing their terms in June of 2012.

New Business:

  1. Amy will follow up on the possibility of having a Rotary Bowling Tournament as a club fund raising event.
  2. Amy will monitor the process with RI regarding the surge of new Paul Harris fellows which occurred due to the recent triple match opportunity.
  3. One of the candidates for the GSE team to Turkey,which was sponsored by our club, Erica Lewis Kennedy, has advanced with six other finalists in the selection process. The GSE team leader will make the final selections in the next few weeks.
  4. The club will have a formal “ground-breaking” event at RotaryPark for the new enhancement project after the club meeting on 11/8.
  5. The club meeting on 11/15 will be at Cobble Creek.
  6. The Edwards Rotary Club has requested that our club partner with them in funding a mobile library project in Kosovo. Brad will contact the club President and invite him to make a brief presentation to our club.
  7. The club has received an application from a local student to participate in the Rotary Youth Exchange Student program. Her name is Erin Hoover.
  8. A board member expressed concern that perhaps club members where missing Board meeting minutes since they are being attached to the club bulletin rather than included in the body of the bulletin. Brad will contact Kristin and will ask her to include future minutes in the body of the bulletin.
  9. Jim will be on vacation most of the month of November, but asked if the club can proceed with asking for a lead person for the annual Fishing Derby.
  10. The Board felt that a board retreat would be better in January/February rather than during December.
  11. The Board received member feedback that the current process of having the club vote by the use of hands for expenditures in excess of $1,000 may not be the best methodology for having club approval. The member felt that perhaps it would be better to have any such proposed expenditures be published at least two weeks in the club bulletin, prior to the actual vote. They also felt the vote should be in writing and private to assure that each member has their say without feeling pressure to conform to the majority. The Board felt this was a very good idea. Amy made a motion to create an amendment to the bylaws to this effect, which was seconded by Jane, motion carried. As an example of the new process, the Board will develop a proposed bylaw amendment to this effect, which will be included in the bulletin for at least two weeks and then will be voted on in writing, with a private ballot, at an upcoming club meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 11:50 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Brad L. Wallis, Secretary