

Your task

You may use the following questions as a basis for your answer.

Metal crystals

Describe the structure of a metallic lattice crystal.
State the technology that enabled scientists to work out the crystal lattice structure.

The Braggs

The contribution of the Braggs to an understanding of the crystal structure is undisputed. Assess the impact of their contribution to the understanding of the crystalline structure of materials.
Science is a progression of knowledge. The Braggs built on the work of other scientists. Outline the important discoveries that were useful for their work.
Describe the method used by the Braggs to workout the structure of crystals.
Explain why X-rays and not visible or why ultraviolet light was the best wavelength to use in the discovery of crystal structure.

Conduction in metals

Identify two factors that affect the actual number of electrons per second that can flow along a particular conductor.
Explain why drift velocity of electrons in metals is lower than expected.

Resistance in metals

Identify four different types of lattice defects.
Describe the passage of an electron through the crystal lattice.


Describe superconductivity.
Identify and name two superconductors that operate in liquid nitrogen and two that require liquid helium.
Explain why the development of higher temperature superconductors is of such importance.
Each superconductor has a critical temperature. Represent this using a graph and explain what happens when the critical temperature is reached.

BCS theory

Outline the BCS theory.
Describe the passage of a pair of electrons through the crystal lattice structure during superconduction.
In the BCS theory, explain the role of Cooper pairs and phonons.

Superconductor types

Explain the difference between Type I and Type II superconductors.
Name three Type I and three Type II superconductors. Give the critical temperature for each of these.
Why is the search for higher temperature superconductors so important?
Search the Internet for the current highest temperature superconductor discovered.


List five possible applications for superconductors.
Describe the advantages of using superconductor technology to make better electric motors or electromagnets.
Superconductivity has the potential to be used in many applications. Choose one application. Discuss the advantages and limitations of using superconductors in that application.

Maglev train

Discuss the advantages of a maglev train.
Describe the propulsion of a maglev train.

Meissner effect

Describe the Meissner effect.
In the experiment,state the importance of liquid nitrogen.
List the safety precautions required for this experiment.
Carry out a risk assessment on this experiment.

Advantages and limitations

List the advantages of superconductors.
List some of the limitations of superconductors.


Discuss how this technology has changed your day-to-day life.