Minutes of AGM held at St.Ninian’s High School on Monday 1stDecember, 2014

In attendance:-

Alan Hay Treasurer David White President

Bob MacDonald Secretary Tommy Millar East Ren/Venue Manager

Adam Whitelaw Child Protection Officer John Gervaise SFA/ERC Football Development

Craig Inglis Giffnock SC 2005 Duncan McCallum Cowglen 1999

Jerry O’Donnell Cowglen 1999 George Boyle Giffnock SC 2006

Ian McNeill Whitacres CA2006? Neil McKirdy Busby Amateurs

Paul McGinley EK Rolls Royce 2005 Alan Burns EK Rolls Royce 2005

Archie McTaggart Arthurlie Maccabi 1999 Tom Noble Giffnock SC 2008

Steven McLaren Carolside 2008 Gordon Miller Carolside 2006


Paul McColgan Southside 1999 Donald Wood Stamperland 1999

David Carr Stamperland 2008

Minutes of the previous AGM and September meetings were posted on the website and were available at the meeting.The President intimated that the previous minutes needed to be approved. This was proposed by Alan Hay and seconded by Adam Whitelaw.

President’s Report

President began by thanking all of the members of the ERSDA Committee, John Gervaise and the match secretaries (including Tommy again) for their sterling work in the past year especially the match secretaries in providing fixtures under, occasionally, trying circumstances. Also the venue co-ordinators especially TM (mostly Cowan Park) and Bill Crawford (Woodfarm). The President also gave mention to the referees who are engaged by ERSDA at the 2004 and 2003 age groups.

The President alluded to the concerns regarding PVG checks (see also CPO Report) as this is still a major issue with little or no support forthcoming so far from Hampden. AW to continue to pursue a resolution with SYFA at Hampden.

Following a West Region meeting at Hampden, it was mentioned by SYFA that club registration is to be tightened with the introduction of a fine to be levied if unregistered clubs/teams are given fixtures from March 2015. See also further mention of this in the Secretary’s report.

The President also expressed concern regarding teams leaving during the season and whether ERSDA should consider that, like other leagues, teams play all the fixtures in a whole session (March to June or August to November) unless the team has folded completely. Further discussion on this subject is to take place. Action: New President/DW

The President then officially resigned as President but intimated that he would put himself forward in the role of Vice President – see later ‘appointments to the Board’.

Treasurer’s report

Copies of the accounts for the year to 31st July, 2014 were distributed to all at the meeting. The Treasurer then ran through the salient points of the income and expenditure for the year. Following the increase in pitch let fees and Pro-Soccer fees, a profit was made in the year which, when added to last year’s surplus resulted in a carry forward surplus of £6,245. Mention was made of the high amount of debtors although this was partly due to the invoicing to the 1999’s having just been completed. The other 4’s, 5’s and 7’s debtors have also been sent reminders.

It was proposed by the Treasurer that the Admin fee should be increased to £30 to cover increased costs. This proposal was seconded by Tom Noble. It is also known that pitch let fees will increase by 10% for the next 3 years and that a new Community Trust may take over the running of pitches from the Council in 2015. The Treasurer stated that no increase in pitch let fees is proposed at this time.

Duncan McCallum then proposed the accounts be accepted and this was seconded by TN.

The same auditor as last year, Andrew Clarkson, was proposed again for this year. This was proposed by the Secretary and seconded by Tom Noble.

CPO Officer

As mentioned in the President’s report, PVG dealings with Hampden have been difficult as AW was struggling to find checkers based on the list supplied by Hampden. This resulted in the November PVG meeting having to be cancelled. AW will continue to liaise with Hampden to resolve the situation. Action: AW

Secretary’s report

The Secretary’s report commenced with mention that ERSDA had 167 teams registered in ERSDA leagues (including 1999’s) but there were 3 clubs at the 2008 age group that had still not registered properly IN NOVEMBER. This situation, in conjunction with the ruling mentioned at an SYFA meeting in October which the ERSDA committee attended which stated that a fine of up to £500 will be imposed on ERSDA if clubs who are NOT registered are included in fixtures, means that ERSDA have no choice but to re-iterate last year’s mantra of NO REGISTRATION, NO GAMES. In order to give clubs as long as possible to become SYFA registered, the Secretary will issue an e-mail to all teams at all age groups (except 1999’s and 2003’s who are registered up to June 2015) stating when clubs can begin to register which will be as soon as ERSDA have registered as a league for 2015. The league registration should be completed before Xmas. There will also be, as last year, an ERSDA registration meeting proposed for Monday, 26th January, 2015 to encourage clubs to attend to complete their SYFA and ERSDA registrations on the night. Action: BM

In order to ensure that your club is registered in time for the first set of fixtures on 28th February and allow the match secretaries to compile those fixtures for the In service day pencilled in for 21st February, clubs will need to register ideally by 14th February, 2015 to be sure of inclusion in the fixtures. In order for the Secretary to be certain that any individual club has registered, the Secretary will ask that each club at each age group send on their SYFA confirmation e-mail to the Secretary as proof that the club has been fully registered. Without that e-mail confirmation having been received by the Secretary, along with the appropriate ERSDA registration forms (one per team), clubs will not be included in fixtures. The Secretary will also receive a list from SYFA of clubs that have registered which will act as backup to confirm that clubs are registered and eligible to be included in fixtures.

Please note that the correct procedure for SYFA registration is to download the forms, complete them and mail the forms, attachments , cheque and SAE to the ERSDA Secretary for countersigning and posting on to Hampden or to bring all of the above to the registration meeting. Action: BM

Note that time will still be given for clubs to register players for the start of the season remembering that SYFA only insist that SUFFICIENT players need be registered.

The Secretary also listed the dates for the March to June 2015 session being:-

ERSDA Registration Meeting – Monday, 26th January, 2015. Action: BM

In Service Day – pencilled in for Saturday, 21st February. This meeting should be attended by all coaches as part of the player pathway. Fixtures for the first week will also be issued.

Action: DW/BM/TM/match secretaries

Start of Session – Saturday, 28th February

Easter – no pitch lets for 11th April and 18th April. Pitches available on 4th April but individual age groups can decide nearer the time whether fixtures are to be issued or there are to be no fixtures (schools stop on 2nd April).

No lets available on Saturday, 2nd May (bank holiday weekend).

No lets available on Saturday 23rd May (bank holiday weekend).

Session ends on Saturday, 20th June.

This gives a 13 week session.

In response to comments from the floor, the Secretary then went onto mention the need for two new match secretaries. Paul Hush, Stamperland is standing down as match secretary for 2003’s and Adam Lawson is standing down as match secretary for 2005’s so anyone interested at those two age groups should please contact either the Secretary or Tommy Millar. Action: BM/TM

Finally, the Secretary’s report was proposed by DW and seconded by Craig Inglis.

Chief Venue Co-ordinator’s report

TM began by mentioning that we had gone a whole season without any week being called off at any of the venues. He then thanked the venue co-ordinators and all the coaches for their work and co-operation over the season. The season was only soured by a couple of incidents with parents and a couple of call-offs by teams without prior notice to their opponents. Coaches were asked to remind parents of their responsibilities whilst watching childrens’ football and also to make every effort to inform opponents of any issues that result in a team not turning up. Note that, at the older age groups, this may mean that a team is left with no game at all.

TM then went on to mention that at Cowan Park and Netherlee there were occasions when goals and equipment were left behind and not returned to cages/pavilion. Coaches are reminded that they should check whether they are last on a pitch and act accordingly and, where possible, enlisting the help of parents to put away equipment but it is the responsibility of the coach to ensure that all equipment is returned safely and tidily.

TM also mentioned that short corners/kick-in rules are being ignored and balls are being lumped into the goal area. TM asked that coaches address this in the next session to ensure that the rules are being adhered to.

The next order of business was the appointment/re-appointment of the committee:-

David White resigned as President and was proposed as Vice President for next term by TN and seconded by CI. This left the post of President open but no candidates had come forward prior to the meeting nor did any one come forward at the meeting. Therefore, this post remains vacant to be filled at a later date/meeting. Action: Committee

Bob MacDonald as Secretary was proposed for another term by DMcC and seconded by AH.

Alan Hay as Treasurer was proposed for another term by AW and seconded by DMcC.

The Match Secretaries in attendance were all re-appointed in their roles except as mentioned above but this is subject to the Secretary receiving confirmation from those unable to attend the AGM. The Secretary will contact them in due course. Action: BM

The meeting then moved on to AOCB:-

The 2003’s will be moving up to 11-a-side in August 2015 but it is unlikely that there will be sufficient teams to set up an ERSDA league at that age group as there are only 7/8 seven-a-side teams left at the time of the AGM.

2004’s – there will still be scope for this age group to make use of Overlee as an overflow venue should there be more than 30 teams who register by March 2015.

2006’s – Gordon Miller asked about streaming once the age group had moved on to 7’s from 5’s. It was stated that, via the venue co-ordinator, Bill Crawford, it may be possible to record scores during March and then to split the teams into Development and Recreational for the remainder of the season. It also remains to be seen how many 7’s teams will register for the next session at Woodfarm but it was also stated that a pitch at Overlee could be made available by ERSDA for this age group if numbers are too high for Woodfarm.

Finally, the Secretary stated that the next ERSDA meeting, other than the registration meeting will be scheduled for late March 2015. Next year’s AGM will be scheduled for November 2015.

The meeting was then concluded.

Bob MacDonald

ERSDA Secretary