
Mr. Drahovsky – Room 1109

(717) 540-4606 ext. 74161

Course Content Overview:

This course is designed to build on the concepts learned in Pre-Algebra and other previous courses. Students will expand their understanding of basic mathematical concepts and improve logical thinking skills. Students will develop knowledge and skills required for success in mathematics according to the Pennsylvania mathematics standards for eighth graders.

Course Requirements:

  1. Students will be responsible to complete homework on time.
  2. Students will be responsible to complete missed assignments due to absences.
  3. Students will master material with at least 60% proficiency.
  4. Students will bring required materials to class each day.
  5. Students will ask questions and be actively involved in class each day.


● Glencoe Mcgraw-Hill: Algebra 1; Copyright 2008

Internet resources:

● (online student edition code: FF3DC09768)

● (links to CDMS page, then Mr. Drahovsky’s page)


Students are responsible for keeping an organized notebook for class. In this notebook, you will be keeping class notes, examples and practice problems that are given in class. Loose paper inside a folder or textbook is NOT a notebook. I will provide you with an in classroom file so that you can keep completed homework assignments, tests and quizzes. It is important that the notebook/binder is brought to class each and every day. There should be no loose papers inside of your textbook!!


From time to time, we may use calculators. Calculators are used as a guide, not as a replacement for the written work. Here are some recommendations:

● Texas Instruments – TI-30X IIS

● Texas Instruments – TI-30X IIB

● Texas Instruments – TI-34 Multiview

These calculators can be found in various stores at prices from $10 - $20

Class Rules:

  1. Arrive Quickly and Quietly and complete the opening activity.
  2. Be Prepared for class and write down your homework assignment immediately.
  3. Follow Directions the first time they are given.
  4. Be Respectful.


  • Tests: 2-3 per marking period (30-50 points each)
  • Quizzes: 4-6 per marking period (10-20 points each)
  • Lesson Quizzes: 2-4 per week (5 points each)
  • Homework: 4-5 times per week (3-10 points each)
  • The points will be added to find a percentage grade using the following scale:

90% - 100% - A

80% - 89% - B

70% - 79% - C

60% - 69% - D

0% - 59% - F


Math must be practiced on a daily basis, so therefore there will be homework on a nearly daily basis. You will receive a packet which includes a chapter outline for each chapter that we will be covering. This packet will contain student guided notes, worksheets and homework assignments that will be assigned from the book throughout the chapter. Homework assignments will be collected periodically throughout the chapter and will be stapled within the packet and must be turned in to get credit for the assignments. I may not collect every homework assignment every day, which gives you the opportunity to complete the material with a better understanding. Students must practice math daily in order to be successful with mathematics. Take pride in doing your homework and put the effort into writing out the problem and showing all steps so that you can see your process. You will get so much more out of the assignments by writing out the work. Most of the homework will be graded on a 5 point scale. All questions must be attempted with work shown in order to receive the full amount of points. There may be times that you may have difficulty with part of a homework assignment. If that is the case, write down some thoughts about the question, and move to another part of the assignment. Every homework assignment includes a review section that can be completed.


If you know ahead of time that you will be out of class, it would be helpful to both of us if you let me know. I am willing to give you materials that you may need for the missed class ahead of time so that you don’t fall behind. You will have a chapter outline which will indicate what current homework assignments will be so you can not only keep up, but possibly work ahead. When you are absent, please refer to the Absent Folders in my room to locate any materials that you may need. It is your responsibility to see me to turn in any work that was due and to get the new assignment for that particular day.