4601 67th Ave SE Lacey, WA 98513


Student handbook 2017-2018

Nate Grygorcewicz, Principal

Mike Kraft, Assistant Principal

Office: 360-412-4710

Office Hours: 7:30am – 3:30pm

School Hours: 8:10am - 2:40pm

Campus Opens at 7:50am (7:45am for students eating breakfast)

Everyone a Teacher, Everyone a Learner, Everyone a Success

Welcome to Horizons Elementary School

Dear Student and Parent/Guardian:

On behalf of the staff at Horizons Elementary School, welcome! The purpose of our student handbook is to provide important information about school policies and procedures for you and your student to refer to throughout the school year.

In an effort to foster a strong home-school partnership, we ask that you set aside some time to review the student handbook with your child at the beginning of the school year. Students are expected to familiarize themselves with our school policies, expectations, and procedures, which are designed to make Horizons a safe and enjoyable learning environment. Students are held accountable for their behavior at all times. While every effort has been made to include each building policy in this handbook, there may be occasions during the school year when adjustments or additions to these expectations may be necessary. Additional district polices that we follow can be found in the Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook that is distributed to each student on the first day of school. This handbook is also available on the district website: www.nthurston.k12.wa.us.

If questions or concerns arise during the school year that are not addressed in this handbook, please contact the school at 360-412-4710. We will direct you to the person(s) who can answer your question or address your concerns.

Be Safe
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
District Website / http://www.nthurston.k12.wa.us
Horizons Website / http://www.nthurston.k12.wa.us/horizons
Staff e-mail Contact / Can be directly accessed through Horizons website
Family Access Tracking Tool / Can be directly accessed through Horizons or District sites
Horizons Facebook Page / “Like” us on Facebook: Horizons Elementary School 2016-2017
Horizons Twitter Page / “Follow” us on Twitter: @HorizonsNTPS


Staff Member / Position
Grygorcewicz, Nate / Principal
Kraft, Mike / Assistant Principal
Schmidtke, Katie / Kindergarten
Talley, Lorena / Kindergarten
Thompson, Jeff / Kindergarten
Robins, Tamara / Kindergarten
Borkowski, Carolyn / Life Skills
Mackey, Ryan / Life Skills
Ruiz-Nava, Anakaren / Life Skills
Cameron, Peggy / 1st Grade
McGuire, Ciera / 1st Grade
Sevier, Wendy / 1st Grade
Tamanaha, Michele / 1st Grade
Charette, Stephani / 2nd Grade
Harper, Michele / 2nd Grade
Larson, Brea / 2nd Grade
McRavin, Amanda / 2nd Grade
Taylor, Edna / 2nd Grade
Soens, Nick / 3rd Grade
Beach, Kathy / 3rd Grade
Knight, Janice / 3rd Grade
Stuecke, Stacy / 3rd Grade
Ludeman, Kassie / 4th Grade
Gans, Lauren / 4th Grade
Roarback, Sarah / 4th Grade
Lee, Lisa / 4th Grade
Jewett, Jackie / 5th Grade
Morales, Ivan / 5th Grade
Baxter, Lindy / 5th Grade
Smack, Jakki / 5th Grade
Packard, Chantale / Math Coach
Hall, Nancy / ELA Coach
Peterson, Ingrid / Resource
Hoffman, Jenny / Resource
Lang, Amada / Art
Stillman, Jane / Music
Nylander, Rebecca / STEM
Covey, Amy / Library
Twiddy, Tiffany / PE
Dickinson, Tom / Band
Schooler, Genevieve / Orchestra
Kochta, Carol / Counselor
Hively, Kim / Psychologist
Boster, Shauna/Perez, Adrienne / Paraeducator/PBIS
Nezwazki, Lisa / PT
Quinn, Kathryn / OT
Kane, Kristen / Speech
Lindelof, Lynette / ESL
Van Haitsma, Glenda / Nurse


Arrival Time on School Grounds

Supervison is not available on the playground until 7:50am each school day. Therefore, students should not be brought to school prior to 7:50am. This is an important safety procedure for our students and families. If students arrive before 7:50am, please remain in the car until our crossing guards come out.

District Attendance Procedure

Daily Attendance atschool is necessary to ensure student learning. Parentsand other caregivers mustaccept responsibility for helping their students attend school. Attendance procedures are designedtohelp all students learn responsibly and increase their potential for success.

The school’s office professionals shall attempt to contact parents/guardians by telephone each day of any student absent from school, unless there has been prior notification by the parents or guardians of theabsence. If a student experiences an illness, complications of a health condition, or a family emergency,the parent or guardian is expected to notify the school office of the absence on the morning of the absence. For absences to be excused, a phone call, note or e-mail from the parent/guardian must be received within two school business days to report the reason for the absence.

When a student is absent for more than three consecutive days, the school nurse or other designatedstaff member may contact the home to verify the nature and anticipated duration of the illness orfamily emergency. At the discretion of the Principal or Designee, a physician or school official may requireverification of illness to excuse excessive absences. At any time, parents/guardiansare urged to contact school administration for additional assistance if there are attendance problemswith their students.

Mandatory Attendance in the State of Washington

RCW 28A.225.010 requires that all students between the ages of 8 and 18 attend school. The districtwill petition the Juvenile Court to assume jurisdiction when students between the ages of 6 and 18have seven unexcused absences within any given 30-day period or ten within any given school yearorhave excessive excused absences. Once the Court is notified by the district, a hearing is held to determine whether the named student shall be ordered by the court to attend school. If this occurs,the student is under the jurisdiction of the court for a minimum of one year from the date of the initial petition. Violation of any such court order may result in the student and/or the parent orguardianbeing held in contempt of Court. Sanctions, including communityservice, fines and/orincarceration,may be imposed.

For more detailed information regarding what constitutes excused and unexcused absences, as well as, attendance and appeal procedures specific to K-8 and/or high school students, please consult theStudents Rights and Responsibilities Handbook(SRRHB), Part IX, District Attendance Procedures.

Parents requesting an absence of more than 5 days from school for their child should direct their request in writing to the principal.


Students are expected to be in class on time and to stay throughout the instructional day until school is dismissed. When a student’s tardiness or early dismissals becomes frequent or disruptive, the student’s teacher will notify the principal or designee. If counseling, parenting conferencing, or administrative intervention is ineffective in changing the student’s attendance behavior, additional disciplinary action may follow.

It is greatly appreciated if families communicate any change in plans with a note. Please send this note to school with your student, so your child can share this with his/her teacher. Our staff will notify the office of any changes. Please understand for the safety of your child we cannot allow a student to share what their after school plans are; the school needs written clarification from a parent/guardian. If a change in plans arise at the last minute, please understand that a phone call to the office before 2:10pm is appreciated.


A backpack is considered the personal property of the student and should be respected as such by other students. Any student accessing another student’s backpack is infringing on that student’s privacy and property and will face disciplinary action. School administration or designee has the right to search a student’s backpack with sufficient reason to believe a school policy has been violated or student safety is at risk.



The focus of Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) is to provide a clear and consistent system of expected behaviors for the entire school. We have specific expectations for our students’ behaviors in each area of our school. These are taught and reinforced throughout the school year using consistent language school-wide. Emphasis will be on reinforcing positive behavior and providing students with the tools necessary to be successful at school and to lay the foundation to become productive citizens.


BE Safe, BE Respectful, Be Responsible


Eagles Feathers

Eagle Feather tickets will be given out when students appropriately follow our Eagle expectations. Students will then deposit the Eagle Feathers in their classroom tub. Each week, the classroom teacher will draw tickets for recognition/rewards. At the end of the month, each teacher in each pod will deposit their classroom tub tickets into their pod tub. Every month, at the pod celebration, tickets will be drawn for recognition/rewards. After the pod celebration, the tickets in the pod tubs will be deposited into a school-wide tub. When the school-wide tub reaches its goal, the entire school will earn a recognition/reward.

Character Bracelets

We will use character bracelets to recognize students who demonstrate grit, self-control, zest, social intelligence, gratitude, optimism, and curiosity. Each student will receive an Eagle-Up punch card that focuses on a monthly character trait. Once students receive 5 hole punches on their card they will come to the office to receive a bracelet for that character trait. Students will get a chance to wear these proudly at our monthly Friday Assemblies.


A bicycle rack is provided for those who wish to ride their bicycles/scooters to school. Locks are not provided; it is highly recommended that students lock their bikes/scooters to the bike rack. To ensure student safety, Horizons requires all bicycle/scooter riders to:

·  Walk your bike/scooter on campus at all times

·  Wear a helmet

·  Obey all bicycle rules

Failure to follow these expectations may result in loss of bicycle/scooter privileges. Horizons is not responsible for damage or theft of parts while bikes/scooters are parked in the racks.

We encourage students not to bring a skateboard to school due to limited space to store them; however, if there is no alternative mode of transportation available, the student may keep the skateboard in the classroom. If the classroom teacher does not have adequate space to store the skateboard, or if the skateboard becomes a disruption to the learning environment, the student will be asked not to bring it to school.


Birthday parties and going away parties are not permitted at school. Parents are asked to celebrate birthdays and other special events at home. Students may bring in store bought/packaged food items. Our teachers are asked to share these treats during the lunch block.

In the interest of respecting all students’ feelings, we are requesting that party invitations be turned in to the classroom teacher for thoughtful distribution (i.e. by placing them in the mail cubby or back pack while students are at recess) or that students include everyone in the class.


Students may bring money (cash/check) to school to pay for lunches. Payment can be made at the office or students may submit their money to the classroom teacher. Please have students bring their lunch money in a sealed envelope, clearly marked with their first and last name, as well as the teacher’s name. You may now make credit card deposits into your student’s lunch account and view account balances via our new online program. For more information about online access or if you have any questions, please call our office at 360-412-4710.

Breakfast is served daily from 7:45am to 8:05am in the gym. Student breakfast: $1.60

Student lunch: $2.75 Adult lunch: $3.75 Milk: .50¢

For students receiving free or reduced meals, milk is still .50¢ and lunches are .40¢. Breakfast is free for students K-3 approved for reduced prices. Students will receive a stamp on their hand when they are in need of lunch money.


Students are expected to obey all directions of the driver and follow all bus rules. Failure to abide by any rule will result in bus discipline and may lead to suspension of bus-riding privileges. For questions regarding any incidents occurring at a bus stop or on the bus, please contact the Transportation Department at 360-412-4520.


We strongly discourage students from bringing cell phones to school. However, in some cases, families feel more comfortable having their student carry a cell phone for emergency use. If a cell phone is brought to school, the cell phone must remain turned off and in the student’s backpack during the school day. Cell phones will be taken away if they are on for ANY reason during the school day. First offense for cell phone violations will result in the teacher confiscation of the cell phone. The student will be able to retrieve the phone from the office at the end of the day. Subsequent violations will result in the phone being confiscated and held in the office until a parent can pick it up. We are not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen cell phones.


At Horizons Elementary, staff members emphasize positive behaviors. When discipline becomes necessary, it will be administered in a firm, fair, and friendly manner.

Each student is valuable and important to us. Discipline is directed at changing student behavior, not at the student as a person. When necessary, parents will be contacted and asked to help with discipline.

Horizons staff members use a variety of strategies to redirect students who are not behaving appropriately and take progressive steps to disciplinary actions. Horizons staff will communicate with you concerns about a student’s behavior and any disciplinary actions that are being taken. Common consequences include time out in the classroom, time out in a cross-grade buddy room, written apologies, missing recess, phone calls or emails home to parents, and allowing students to plan a solution to their problem.

Incidents which are illegal, injurious, or chronic are referred to administration. Chronic problems are defined as those which recur frequently and the teacher’s efforts to address the concern have achieved little or no remedy. Administration will meet with the child and will communicate any disciplinary consequences to the child and parents.

We believe in fostering a strong home-school partnership and know that parent involvement and communication is key in shaping a student’s behavior.