Platinum Mathematics Grade 7 Teaching Plan

About the Mathematics Annual teaching plans

The following teaching plan is suggested plans for Mathematics Grade 7. For a week-by-week guideline, turn to each of the term overview pages in the respective Teacher’s Guide. You can view the Teacher’s Guides online at

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Grade 7 Teaching Plan

Annual teaching plan: Grade 7, Term 1
Week / Content Area / Topic / Time allocation (hours) / Units within each topic
1 / Term Opener / 0.5 / Starting off
1-3 / Numbers,
Operations and
Relationships / Topic 1:
Whole numbers / 9 / 1. Compare, order and round off numbers
2. Properties of whole numbers
3. Calculations with whole numbers
4. Multiples and factors
5. Solve problems
3 / Revision: Topic 1 / 0.5
3-5 / Numbers,
Operations and
Relationships / Topic 2:
Exponents / 9 / 1. Compare and represent numbers in exponential form
2. Use laws of operations with exponents
3. Calculations with exponents
4. Solve problems
5 / Revision: Topic 2 / 0.5
5 / Shape and Space
(Geometry) / Topic 3:
Geometry of straight
lines / 2 / 1. Straight, perpendicular and parallel lines
5 / Revision: Topic 3 / 0.5
6-8 / Shape and Space
(Geometry) / Topic 4: Constructions / 10 / 1. Measure and classify angles
2. Construct angles
3. Construct triangles
4. Construct quadrilaterals
5. Construct circles
8 / Revision: Topic 4
8-10 / Shape and Space
(Geometry) / Topic 5:
Geometry of 2D
Shapes / 10 / 1. Triangles
2. Quadrilaterals
3. Congruence and similarity
4. Circles
10 / Revision: Topic 5 / 0.5
Annual teaching plan: Grade 7, Term 2
Week / Content Area / Topic / Time allocation (hours) / Units within each topic
Term Opener / 0.5 / Starting off
1-3 / Numbers,
Operations and
Relationships / Topic 6:
Common fractions / 9 / 1. Fractions
2. Equivalent fractions
3. Compare and order fractions
4. Addition and subtraction of fractions
5. Multiplication of fractions
6. Percentages
3 / Revision: Topic 6 / 1
3-5 / Numbers,
Operations and
Relationships / Topic 7:
Decimal fractions / 9 / 1. Read and write decimal fractions
2. Rounding off decimal fractions
3. Compare and order fractions
4. Equivalent forms
5. Addition and subtraction of decimal fractions
6. Multiplication and division with decimal fractions
5 / Revision: Topic 7 / 1
5-6 / Patterns,
Functions and
Algebra / Topic 8:
Functions and
relationships / 3 / 1. Number sentences and variables
2. Flow diagrams
3. Tables
6 / Revision: Topic 8 / 0.5
6-8 / Measurement / Topic 9:
Area and perimeter of
2D shapes / 7 / 1. Perimeters of polygons
2. Areas of polygons
3. Solve problems involving area and perimeter
8 / Revision: Topic 9 / 1
8-10 / Measurement / Topic 10:
Surface area and
volume of 3D objects / 8 / 1. Solids
2. Surface area, volume and capacity
3. Solve problems involving surface area and volume
10 / Revision: Topic 10 / 1
Annual teaching plan: Grade 7, Term 3
Week / Content Area / Topic / Time allocation (hours) / Units within each topic
Term Opener / 0.5 / Starting Off
1-2 / Patterns,
Functions and
Algebra / Topic 11: Numeric and
geometric patterns / 6 / 1. Numeric patterns
2. Geometric patterns
3. Finding the rule of a numeric pattern
2 / Revision: Topic 11 / 1
2-3 / Patterns,
Functions and
Algebra / Topic 12:
Functions and
relationships / 3 / 1. Use formulae to determine inputs and outputs
2. Use flow diagrams to determine inputs and outputs
3. Use tables to determine inputs and outputs
3 / Revision: Topic 12 / 0.5
3-4 / Patterns,
Functions and
Algebra / Topic 13:
Algebraic expressions / 3 / 1. Use mathematical language
2. Use variables in algebra
3. Write terms of an expression
4 / Revision: Topic 13 / 0.5
4 / Patterns,
Functions and
Algebra / Topic 14:
Algebraic equations / 3 / 1. Solve number sentences by inspection
2. Use number sentences to solve problems
4 / Revision: Topic 14 / 0.5
5-6 / Patterns,
Functions and
Algebra / Topic 15:
Graphs / 6 / 1. Interpreting graphs
2. Drawing graphs
6 / Revision: Topic 15 / 0.5
6-8 / Space and
(Geometry) / Topic 16:
geometry / 9 / 1. Investigate translations
2. Investigate reflections
3. Investigate rotations
4. Enlarge and reduce geometric figures
5. Solve problems involving transformations
8 / Revision: Topic 16 / 0.5
8-10 / Space and
(Geometry) / Topic 17:
Geometry of 3D
objects / 9 / 1. Classify 3D objects
2. Prisms and pyramids
3. Building 3D models
10 / Revision: Topic 17 / 0.5
Annual teaching plan: Grade 7, Term 4
Week / Content Area / Topic / Time allocation (hours) / Units within each topic
1 / Term Opener / 0.5 / Starting Off
1-3 / Numbers,
Operations and
Relationships / Topic 18:
Integers / 9 / 1. Count, order and compare integers
2. Calculate with integers
3. Properties of integers
4. Solve problems with integers
3 / Revision: Topic 18 / 0.5
3 / Patterns,
Functions and
Algebra / Topic 19:
Numeric and
geometric patterns / 3 / 1. Describing patterns
2. Using rules to complete tables
3 / Revision: Topic 19 / 0.5
4 / Patterns,
Functions and
Algebra / Topic 20:
Functions and
relationships / 3 / 1. Number sentences
2. Number variables
3. Use flow diagrams and tables
4 / Revision: Topic 20 / 0.5
4-5 / Patterns,
Functions and
Algebra / Topic 21:
Algebraic expressions / 3 / 1. Algebraic expressions used in number patterns
2. Use flow diagrams to illustrate expressions
3. Use tables to illustrate expressions
5 / Revision: Topic 21 / 0.5
5-6 / Patterns,
Functions and
Algebra / Topic 22:
Algebraic equations / 4 / 1. Solve number sentences with integers
2. Use number sentences to solve problems
6 / Revision: Topic 22 / 0.5
6-7 / Data Handling / Topic 23:
Collect, organise and summarise data / 4 / 1. Collect data
2. Organise data
3. Summarise data
7 / Revision: Topic 23 / 0.5
7-8 / Data Handling / Topic 24: Represent
data / 3 / 1. Draw bar graphs and double bar graphs
2. Draw histograms
3. Draw pie charts
8 / Revision: Topic 24 / 0.5
8-9 / Data Handling / Topic 25:
Interpret, analyse
and report data / 3.5 / 1. Interpret data
2. Analyse data
3. Report data
9 / Revision: Topic 25 / 0.5
9-10 / Topic 26: Probability / 4.5 / 1. Elementary probability
10 / Revision: Topic 25 / 0.5

Programme of Formal Assessment Grade 7

In the senior phase tests, examinations, projects, assignments and investigations are recommended as formal assessment tasks for Mathematics.

How Platinum Mathematics Grade 7 helps you with assessment

The exercises within each topic of the Learner’s Book have been designed to provide the learners with several opportunities to practice the skills required. Regular feedback to learners on their performance is important. Exercise answers as well as memoranda with mark allocations are clearly indicated in this Teacher’s Guide.

The Learner’s Book includes regular revision exercises. These revision exercises are set out in the form of a test and occur after every topic. You can use these revision exercises to consolidate learning and as preparation for the formal assessment tasks that are required in the Programme of Assessment for each term.

The Target Worksheets are a unique tool that provides additional practice targeted at different ability levels. There are 26 sets of two worksheets to provide additional practice for each topic. Answers are also provided for each worksheet.

The programme of assessment in this series is built in throughout each term of the Learner’s Book, exactly where you need it. There are exemplars of assignments, tests, investigations, a project, a mid-year examination practice paper and an end-of-year examination practice paper in the Learner’s Book. In addition, there are mid-year and end-of-year examination papers in the Teacher’s Guide that can be used for recording and reporting purposes.

Form of Assessment / CAPS Minimum requirements per
term / No. of tasks per year / Weighting
Term 1 / Term 2 / Term 3 / Term 4
School-based assessments / Tests / 1 / 1 / 1 / 3 / 40%
Examinations / 1 / 1
Assignment / 1 / 1 / 1 / 3
Investigation / 1 / 1 / 2
Project / 1 / 1
Total / 2 / 3 / 3 / 2 / 10
End-of-year Examinations / 60%
Grade 7 / Learner’s Book
Term 1 / Assignment: Fun with factors and multiples / 28
Test / 72
Term 2 / Test / 103
Investigation: Sense and nonsense about percentages / 110
Exam practice / 138
Term 3 / Assignment: Interesting ratios / 150
Project: How we use water / 192
Test / 206
Term 4 / Assignment: How rates affect a business / 228
Investigation: Make an architectural model / 242
Exam Practice / 274