Time Required: 30-45 minutes

Content Standards: (AA.S.6) Students will understand the relationship between personal qualities, education, training and the world of work.

Indicators (Students will…): AA.C.12.6.02 Evaluate completeness of senior project and work toward completion.

AA.C.12.6.04 Work towards finalizing the four components of the senior project: the paper, product, portfolio and presentation.

GOAL: Students will identifytopic, start check list and timeline toward completing Senior Project.

Activity Statements:

Students will identify topic for Senior Project and turn incommitment form. Students will follow timeline and check off list using personal planner to organize and prepare for Senior Project benchmarks.


Handout 1 – Commitment Forms

Handout 2 -- Sample Topics

Handout 3 -- Student Responsibilities

Handout 4 – Student Activities Checklist (two copies needed per student)

Handout 5 – Timeline

Teacher should download the SREB Senior Project Guide from Web link below.


  1. Allow time for students to retrieve past information and handouts dealing with Senior Projects from their portfolios.
  2. Review and discuss the information and handouts students have in their portfolios.
  3. Remind students to turn insecond page of Commitment Forms Handout 1 soon,as noted on week 6 and 8 of Timeline.
  4. Students are to review Handouts 4 & 5 with personal planners organizing the completion of Senior Project according to due dates and suggested time frames. Students are to follow suggested timeline or develop their own.
  5. Allow time for students to work on their Senior Projects.
  6. Place handouts in portfolio for later reference. Give copies to students who want to take home.


  1. What topic are selecting? Do you have parental and senior project adviser approval for the topic?
  2. Who is your senior project advisor?
  3. Who is your product mentor?
  4. When is your next step due?
  5. What are your plans toward completion of the senior project?
  6. Have you written a letter of intent to the Senior Project Board?

Additional Resources:

Extension Activities: Discuss senior project information with parents. Ask for help in exploring topics and talk with community leaders to serve as potential mentors for your project idea or to help with topic selection. Work on Senior Project outside of school time.


Students can use their CFWV Portfolio as a storage container for the documents for their Senior Project. Use the Your Profile Documents feature.

Students: Save other assessment results to the Portfolio’


SREB Senior Project Guide