8.5.15Meeting Minutes
Members Present:David Hall, Rick Lucas, Ashley Treat, Andrew Garrison, Wes Sheridan, Roger Jeffers, Andrew Martin, Chip Prescott, Jearl Ledbetter, Shari Anderson, Ken Patton
Call Meeting to Order @6:34 PM by David Hall
Approve Minutes
Resolved: A motion was made by Andrew to approve the minutes and seconded by Ashley . The vote was unanimous.
W9s – Rick
Work with Zebra-ware is progressing and will be in place before the season starts.
501(3)(c) - Rick
Application has been submitted.
Financials – Rick
Chip moved/Wes seconded to accept the Report. Unanimous.
Foundations Camp – Ken Patton
Evaluations from camp were positive and passed among the Board.
Discussion: Chip moved/Jearl seconded that Ken would be paid a $500 honorarium and a stipend of $30 per session/per volunteer. Unanimous.
Ken reported that Andrew and Wes had purchased Samsung tablets and tripods from previous camp proceeds for this year’s camp. They will be made available for Training and other Chapter events. He also announced that location of camp had to be moved to the RoundRockRecreationCenter due to difficulties with SouthwesternUniversity.
30 Registered/27 Participants
2015 Financials
Revenue 3980.00
Expenses 1848.57
Net Income 2131.43
2012-15 Total CampRevenue $4932.83
Recruiting - Wes/Andrew/Roger
Currently @ 297, including 30 new and transfer.
Schools Covered – Roger
Discussion: If membership remains stagnant at last year’s numbers,
Motion was made by Andrew/ second by Ashley to drop Rockdale Wimberlyand require to service only one gym @ Llano on Varsity and MS nights. Unanimous
Mentor Program – Chip
Discussion: Tony Sykes has been approached about taking on the program, but an additional option is to find out others who could fill this role.
Fall Training – Chip
Discussion on class participation Roger/Shari moved to award 2 points per class attended at Fall training, second by Ashley. Unanimous.
Chapter Administration Policy - David
Andrew made a motion for 6 minute Quarters for Middle schools. Motion did not receive a second and thus failed.
Rankings – All
2015 Rankings
Here is a rough estimate for doing evaluations on Zebra-ware.
Need 3 new tables to store questions, evaluation detail and evaluation summary per season. (1 hour)
Need a new page for evaluators to find officials to evaluate. (1 hour)
Need a new page for evaluators to add and edit their evaluation. (This will be the majority of work with formulas. Guessing 5 hours.)
Need a report page for officials to view evaluation details without knowing who evaluated them. (1.5 hours).
Might need some logic to update the existing skill-level on the official profile record using the logic above.
So it could be 8.5 hours of work (programming and testing) or more.
Resolved: A motion was made byRoger to adjourn the meeting and seconded by Ashley at 9:02. The vote was unanimous.