WexfordVillage Board of Directors Meeting

Meeting Minutes

Date: Tuesday, March 4th, 2003

Time:7:00 PM

Location:Alicia Ashman Library

Present:Jason Jensen, Paul Stang, Trish Watts, Don Michalski, Darren Fortney, Alan Martin, Ken Schmidt, Jim Rather

Not Present:Roger Kong

  1. Minutes - Motion made by Darren, 2nd by Ken. Board approved.
  1. Financial Report (Paul)
  • 22 lots still unpaid

Committee Reports

  • Architectural Review (Al) – Gangler structure was taken down on February 28. Board discussed fact that we have no specific covenants in regards to play structures, therefore Architectural Review Board cannot approve nor restrict these structures unless they effect drainage, setbacks, or resemble outbuildings complete with foundations, etc. Play structures are considered temporary and because of their pervasiveness in the neighborhood it would be extremely difficult to enforce any new covenants
  • Block Captains (Jim) – Filled open sector and block captain spots
  • City Relations (Al) – City agreed to provide 2 Portable Potties for the summer (and future summers) at Wexford Park as part of their commitment for our donation of $2500 for Wexford Park improvement planting to take place this year. Money will be taken from the Wexford Park Fund
  • Contracting (Don) – snowplowing: we have been charged for 6 plowings, when it seems we have only had three measurable snowfalls; Don will check into this
  • Covenants (Darren) – 7645 Sawmill (kennel & fence) – summons was published 3 times during last month as required since resident refused certified letter and other physical notifications. Our attorney proposed removal of fence by end of March in exchange for dropping the case
  • Wexford Watch (Roger) – no report
  • Directory & website (Trish) – Directory will be printed at the end of April
  • Welcoming (Trish) – nothing to report
  • Traffic Control (Don) – Patrols have recently increased in neighborhood, focusing on speeding. Impact already seen.
  • Social – no report
  1. Old Business
  • Light Project – Jim & Ken will identify areas of needs and overlaps in lighting so that we can look at possibility of transferring some lights to other locations to get even and adequate coverage throughout whole neighborhood
  • Naming of Lot 400: Board decided to put article in Watch to encourage submissions for name ideas. Selected name will get $25 gift certificate to Nitty Gritty. May 31st will be due date for submissions
  • Meeting with new Madison police liaison officer – Don reported that Paul Skidmore looking to introduce Scott Favor to area neighborhoods (Wexford, Walnut Grove, etc) at common meeting. Details to come.
  1. New Business
  • Proposal of additional lights along Saukdale path – Don reported that PKK is putting proposal together for trenching and wiring for additional lights along this path. Actual lights and fixtures would be extras removed from other areas (see above comments under Old Business)
  • Park Clean-up is to take place on April 26th
  • High Point pool is sponsoring Citywide Meet at the end of July. There will be significant traffic congestion and parking issues for those days.
  1. Adjournment (8:45 pm); motion by Darren, seconded by Trish


C:\Documents\WVHA\Board of Directors Minutes 03-03-04.doc3/31/03 9:46 PM