ESTB/12/15/P 06 January, 2010

From: Financial Secretary

To: Supervising Officers and Accounting Officers of Ministries and Departments


The PRB Report 2008has,amongst others, recommended that all trainees recruited should, invariably, be bonded by an amount equivalent to the full cost of the training expenses incurred on them and that they should produce a bank guarantee for the bonded amount. The Errors, Omissions and Clarifications of the PRB Report 2008 has also recommended that:

(i)Bonded officers drawing basic salary less than Rs 12,900 will continue to sign a bond together with two sureties who should produce evidence that they have the capacity to honour the bond in case of default; and

(ii)Bonded officers drawing basic salary Rs 12,900 and above should produce a bank guarantee within 15 days from the date the bond is signed.

2.Furthermore, the PRB has also recommended that, this Ministry should, for consistency, standardize the layout of bond agreement and review the conditions contained in the bond to make them more explicit and comprehensive, so that the parties concerned are aware of the various implications in case of breach of agreement.

3.In line with those recommendations,Ministries/Departments should, henceforth, use the following Agreements and Guidelines, where appropriate, which have been duly vetted by the Solicitor-General and agreed by the Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative Reforms:

  • Agreement for trainees/officers whose monthly allowances/basic salary is less than Rs 12, 900; ( see Annex B)
  • Agreement for officers whose monthly allowances/basic salary is Rs 12, 900 and more; (see Annex A)
  • Agreement – Personal Particulars of Surety; ( see Annex C)
  • Guidelines in connection with Enforcement of Bond (Principal and Sureties) (see Annex D); and
  • Guidelines in connection with Enforcement of Bond (for Officers of Human Resources Section & those who deal with the issue of bond) ( see Annex E)

4.Bonded officers should be advised thatin addition to commercial banks, the Mauritius Civil Service Mutual Aid Association Ltd may also offer facilities for the issue of bank guarantee/guarantee statement.

5.Ministries/Departments shouldensure thatthe contents of the Guidelines are strictly adhered to and a database of all bonded officers be maintained, as per Annex F. A half yearly status report, as at 30 June and 31 December, should be submitted to this Ministry, at latest by the 15th of the ensuing months.

6.It would be appreciated if the contents of this CircularNotecould be brought to the attention of all officers concerned and of all parastatal and other statutory bodies falling under the aegis of your Ministry/Department.

(P. Yip Wang Wing)

Ag. FinancialSecretary