November 16, 2011

Wood Creek Church

3400 Renner Road

Richardson, Texas 75082


I.  Roll Call/Call to order at

A.  Board: Lina Caggiano-Boer, Hans Giesecke, Jerry Balderrama, Collin Hayes, Amy Parrent, Allen Selz

B.  Homeowners; Oscar Loera, Julie and Patrick Jennings, Rob Walters, Jennifer Mathis, Jimmy Augustino, Laura Zhang, Chuck Bradshaw

Lina welcomes all participants and explains the new state regulations governing HOA board meetings.

II.  Approval of the September 7, 2011 Meeting Minutes

Collin motions to approve; Hans seconds; minutes approved.

III.  Financial Status: September 2011:

A.  Operating Account Balance $14,025.21

B.  Money Market Account $20,157.48

C.  Delinquency Report/Accounts Receivable $ 908.50

Hans provided financial status. Delinquency expected to be closed soon.

IV.  Committee Reports:

A.  Architectural Control – Allen Selz (not present) – no pending applications at this time.

B.  Communications – Julie Jennings has volunteered

C.  Crime Watch – David Bettler. David has agreed to assist, but we still need someone to lead.

D.  Landscaping: Jerry Balderrama: all lights near both entrances have been replaced. Large bushes in front have been taken out. Winter planting completed.

First upgraded sign post has been replaced (in front of Jerry’s house). $1300 for each one requiring stop sign and street sign. $5000 has been set aside in this year’s budget. There are also 3 speed limit signs we could consider upgrading in the future @$850. Jerry asking board for the additional $5600 + $2700 installation ($300 for each pole) = $8300. Total cost for the job would be approximately $13,500. These prices are estimates. Amy motions to allocate an additional $8500 needed for complete the sign posts. Collin seconds. Majority approved to allocate the $8500, which allows a buffer.

Open forum discussion on signs:

·  Are there other priorities we should consider first?

·  Do we need to do all the signs now?

·  Are there pond repairs (aerator/fountain/dredging) more pressing?

·  Every 10 years the pond should be dredged – we’re about there

·  Another need is to completely relandscape the front of the property along Renner (Garcia proposed $7200)

·  One question to install speed bumps, but the City of Richardson does not permit this

$20,000 in reserve + $7000 that will roll over into 2012. $25,000 expected next year = approximately $52,000 in available funds. We need to start spending these reserves. One idea is also to increase the discount for early payment of HOA dues.

E.  Social - Rob Walker has volunteered

Informal discussion on the proposed 7-11 site for the SW corner of Renner and North Star. Allen arrived to give a summary. Only one other HOA representative attended. There will be a public hearing in December and the zoning committee will decide in January next year. If approved, construction would begin immediately. Suggestion that Allen send a summary communication to the homeowners with an update

V. Old Business:

C.  82nd Legislation and New Laws Resolutions Filings

Collin volunteers to review the resolutions to help the board determine how they should be incorporated into our declaration and by-laws. They have to be determined by November 30 so that we can give at least 30 days notice to the homeowners as the changes must go into effect January 1.

D.  2012 Budget Final Review and Approval

Hans motioned to approve; Amy seconds. Motion passed.

VI. New Business:

E.  Lake Service by Magnolia Fisheries & Lone Star Fountains Proposals

i.  Allen, Patrick Jennings, and Chuck Bradshaw have volunteered to do the legwork to research options for aerators and fountains

F.  Meadow Wood Drive Excessive Parking/Homeowners Complaints

i.  Discussion on how to enforce parking and limit parking. Ideas that have been tried are to call police, send violation/friendly reminder letters, speak to the Homeowners in person. Our covenants are difficult to enforce because our streets are considered to be public and governed by the City of Richardson. Next step is to send a letter from the Board to the entire association with a friendly reminder describing the risks of parking on the street and what should be done if someone observes parking violations. Need to research the City ordinances on parking (post on the website?)

G.  Next Door/ Oscar Loera Presented by Amy Parrent

Oscar described the website and the benefits that neighborhoods can gain from having this social media available to them. Oscar’s request: 1) HOA permission for encouraging neighbors to sign up 2) an HOA lead to post items. Collin motioned to approve; Hans accepted. HOA approved. Amy volunteered to act as HOA lead

2012 dues – Amy to draft communication to accompany letter. Amy motions to increase discount for early payment to 20% in 2012. Allen seconded. Motion approved.

Next meeting January 11, 6:30

VII. Adjourn

Jerry motions to approve at 8:54 pm. Hans seconded. Motion approved.

VIII. Executive Session:

H.  Delinquency Update