June 1, 2008 – Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time


My friends, today we will hear God’s word as we do every time we come to Mass. But will we really hear? Will we really listen? Or are we too distracted to pay attention? Let us ask God to quiet our minds and open our hearts so that we may be ready to hear God’s message to us today.

Penitential Rite

Lord Jesus, you are the Word of God: Lord, have mercy.

Christ Jesus, you are the Word that saves us: Christ, have mercy.

Lord Jesus, you are the Word that lives within us: Lord, have mercy.

Scripture Readings

Deut 11:18, 26-28, 32 Take these words into your heart and soul.

Rom 3:21-25, 28 Faith in Jesus saves us.

Matt 7:21-27 Do not only listen, but act.

Prayer of the Faithful

presider Brothers and sisters, one act of faith to which every believer is called is to pray for those who most need our prayers.

minister We pray for peace: for refugees of war and victims of violence … we pray,

We pray for the church: for those who are sure in their faith and those who struggle with doubt or discouragement … we pray,

We pray for those who are suffering: for comfort for the sick, confidence for the fearful, companionship for the lonely, consolation for the grieving … we pray,

We pray for each of us as we live out our faith for another week; for the presence of mind to act as we believe in all situations … we pray,

We pray for a good summer: for bountiful gardens and fertile fields; for the safety and well-being of our children and all young people; for times of rest and renewal with family and friends … we pray,

We pray for those who have died … (names). And for all who are dying this day, especially those with no one to pray for them … we pray,

presdier Good and gracious God, hear the prayers of your people this day and every day. Grant that we may be people of faith, hope and love. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

June 8, 2008 – Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time


Brothers and sisters, today’s scripture readings are challenging to those of us who are tempted to come to Mass and just “go through the motions.” Religious observance is not enough if it doesn’t guide our daily lives. Let us pray now for a sincere heart and the perseverance to live out our faith throughout the coming week.

Penitential Rite

Lord Jesus, you call us to listen to your word: Lord, have mercy.

Christ Jesus, you call us to be one in the Eucharist: Christ, have mercy.

Lord Jesus, you call us to love, nourished by word and sacrament: Lord, have mercy.

Scripture Readings

Hos 6:3-6 It is love that God desires, not sacrifice.

Rom 4:18-25 Abraham’s faith is an example of the faith that should be ours.

Matt 9:9-13 Jesus desires mercy, not sacrifice.

Prayer of the Faithful

presider Brothers and sisters, we have heard that our God desires mercy and love, not empty sacrifice. Let us pray for the grace to love and for those we find difficult to love.

minister We pray for the church: for leaders who have disappointed us; and for those who encourage, support and inspire our life of faith … we pray,

We pray for our enemies: for those with whom our nation is at war; for those who have hurt us; for those with whom we disagree … we pray,

We pray for those we have hurt: for those injured by our actions or wounded by our negligence; for a way to heal whatever harm we have done … we pray,

We pray for families: for those preparing for marriage and those newly married and those who have been married a long time; for families who live with bitterness and hostility … we pray,

We pray for those who are suffering: for those who are sick or in pain, for those in nursing homes, for all who are anxiously awaiting the results of tests … we pray,

We pray for those who have died … (names). And for those who are mourning the passing of someone dear to them … we pray,

presider Loving God, hear the prayers of your people this day and inspire us to live this new week as people of faith, hope, mercy and love. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

June 15, 2008 – Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time (Fathers’ Day)


Brothers and sisters, God is calling. Today’s readings are about God’s desire to share with us the building of the kingdom. We may be called to be builders. We may be called to be humble bricks. But God is always the architect, and we are part of God’s plan.
Let us prepare ourselves to listen today, to pray, and to answer the call of Christ.

Penitential Rite

Lord Jesus, you came to call sinners: Lord, have mercy.

Christ Jesus, you came to heal the brokenhearted: Christ, have mercy.

Lord Jesus, you came to share your life with all: Lord, have mercy.

Scripture Readings

Exod 19:2-6a You shall be to God a kingdom of priests, a holy nation.

Rom 5:6-11 We are saved by the life and death of Christ Jesus.

Matt 9:36-10:8 Jesus sends out the twelve disciples.

Prayer of the Faithful

presider Brothers and sisters, let us pray for those who most need our prayers today and remember especially those whom God is calling us to serve and to love.

minister We pray for those who seem most abandoned by the world: for those without enough to eat; for those without adequate shelter or medical care; for refugees and all victims of war; for all those whose names we will never know, but who are in need of our prayers and our love … we pray,

We pray for those we encounter today: for our families and friends; for our neighbors and members of our community; for those who serve us in business; for the stranger on the street: for all who are placed on our path to love … we pray,

We pray for those for whom we have promised to pray: for the sick, those who are looking for a job, those who are facing a difficult decision … for all those for whom we are concerned … we pray,

We pray for our fathers and stepfathers; grandfathers and godfathers; for all men who are in positions of influence with young people … we pray,

We pray for those who have died … (names). And for our fathers who have died and all those mourning the passing of their fathers … we pray,

presider Loving God, Creator of us all, hear our prayers this day and fill us with your love for all of our brothers and sisters on this earth, that we may grow in holiness and know your peace. We pray always in Jesus’ name. Amen.

June 22, 2008 – Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time


My friends, we put a lot of energy into preserving the comfort and health of our bodies. In today’s readings we are counseled to be on guard against that which can destroy the soul. As we prepare to hear God’s word and receive the Eucharist, let us ask God for the wisdom to pay attention to what will help us grow in holiness.

Penitential Rite

Lord Jesus, you are the Way that leads to new life: Lord, have mercy.

Christ Jesus, you are the Truth that resides in our hearts: Christ, have mercy.

Lord Jesus, you are the Life for which we are filled with longing: Lord, have mercy.

Scripture Readings

Jer 20:10-13 God rescues the life of the poor from the power of the wicked.

Rom 5:12-15 The gracious gift of Jesus overflows for the many.

Matt 10:26-33 Be afraid of those who can kill the soul.

Prayer of the Faithful

presider We are invited to intercede for the world. Let us pray for all that is good, true, beautiful and holy and ask God for what we need to help build God’s kingdom on this earth.

minister We pray for peace among the nations: for an appreciation of the diversity of gifts and cultures and the harmony that is possible when people agree to live together in peace … we pray,

We pray for a healthy society: for that which promotes the well-being of all people; for quality education, attentive medical care, inspiring worship … we pray,

We pray for those who are most vulnerable: for the very old and the very young and those yet to be born; for those who are sick or in pain; for those who are without food or shelter or family … we pray,

We pray for those for whom we have promised to pray: for those with health issues; for those in harm’s way; for those who have lost a loved one; for all those for whom we are concerned … we pray,

We remember those who have died … (names). And for all who will die this day with no one to pray for them … we pray,

presider Loving and generous God, you give us all that we need to become the holy men and women you call us to be. Inspire in us the desire to live full and gracious lives, faithful to your Gospel and trusting in your promises. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

June 29, 2008 – Saints Peter and Paul


My friends, today we celebrate two great men and ancestors in the faith: St. Peter and St. Paul. Two men with different backgrounds, different temperaments and different gifts who sometimes disagreed with each other, but who were both always passionate in their dedication to Jesus and in proclaiming the Gospel. The examples of Sts. Peter and Paul can give us great hope when there is conflict within the church and also serve as models for those struggling to answer God’s call.

Penitential Rite

Lord Jesus, you are the Lord of all time and all places: Lord, have mercy.

Lord Jesus, you came to win salvation for all peoples: Christ, have mercy.

Lord Jesus, you send us saints to inspire us to grow in holiness: Lord, have mercy.

Scripture Readings

Acts 12:1-11 Peter, imprisoned for the Lord, is released by an angel.

2 Tim 4:6-8, 17-18 Paul, persecuted for the Lord, is strengthened.

Matt 16:13-19 Jesus chooses Simon Peter, the Rock.

See also readings for Vigil Mass: Acts 3:1-10; Gal 1:11-20; John 21:15-19

Prayer of the Faithful

presider Let us pray for those who need our prayers and, on this feast of Sts. Peter and Paul, let us pray especially for leaders everywhere.

minister For church leaders: for bishops and pastors and all those who are charged with the care of souls; for the courage to preach the good news, to inspire faith in others, and to witness to the love of God for every human being … we pray,

For the leaders of nations: for those who are charged with the responsibility of keeping the peace, protecting the vulnerable and ensuring access to the necessities of life for every person … we pray,

For leaders in business and the media: for those whose decisions affect the lives of many people; for those with influence to do great good or great harm … we pray,

For leaders in education and health care: for dedication to service and commitment to those who are most in need … we pray,

For those who most need our prayers … for the sick and all those who are suffering; for those who have died … (names). And for those who are mourning the loss of someone dear to them … we pray,

presider Good and gracious God, hear the prayers of your people this day. May we learn from the example of your saints to seek you above all things and to live in this world as your new creation. We ask this through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.