SAT KINDERGARTEN At Risk Academic I Intervention Process

(SAT Form KARA 1)

Student Name: ______Teacher: ______Grade______

DOB:______Student ID:______ParentName/Number:______

Person Responsible / Action
Referring Party / Refers student to SAT team
**If student is an ELL student, refer to BICS AND CALP page in References Section of LCPS SAT Manual for language support
SAT Team / To School Nurse:
Print and fill out the Vision/Hearing Screening (SAT Form LCPS VHS)
To Parents:
Print Case History for Initial Academic Referral (SAT Form Academic CH)
From Teacher:
Gather data
·  Discovery, DRA, EDL, and/or student samples of work
·  Student’s Home Language Survey (found in cumulative folder)
·  Behavioral or disciplinary referrals, if any
·  Medical / health information, if any
·  Social worker or counselor information, if any
SAT Lead / Schedule a SAT meeting
Send out Invitation to SAT Meeting (SAT Form ITM) to parents and teacher
Referring Party
SAT Team
Parents / At the meeting
Analyze student data:
·  Discovery, DRA, EDL, and/or student samples of work
·  Student’s Home Language Survey (found in cumulative folder)
·  Behavioral or disciplinary referrals, if any
·  Medical / health information, if any
·  Social worker or counselor information, if any
·  Case History from parents
·  Vision and hearing
Together as a team complete a Student Academic Improvement Plan. Be sure to include how interventions will be assessed.
Is speech an issue? See SAT Speech Referral Checklist
Is language an issue?
If so, please consult with building SLP to prescribe interventions for possible language issues.
If the applied interventions are ineffective, consult with SLP to determine if a Pre-referral Speech and Language Checklist (SLP will provide from Hawthorn) are needed. SAT plan will prescribe next cycle to include interventions from SLP recommendation.
If interventions have been applied and don’t work, complete a Request for Speech Screening (SAT Form SLS in Appendix) and give to Speech and Language Pathologist. Send Permission for Consent to Screen/Observe (SAT Form PC1) to parents.
·  Is an observation needed? If so, Print and fill out Permission for Consent to Screen/Observe (SAT Form PC1). Obtain parent signature. Print Student Observation (SAT Form SO) and give to administrator after parent permission has been given.
·  Schedule next meeting to revisit prescribed interventions and analyze success.
After Meeting:
·  Put a copy of AIP in a yellow folder in Cum.
·  Give copies to staff who interact with student.
Referring Party
SAT / At next meeting:
Referring party will provide updated student data (observation, current CFA’s, Discovery, etc.)
SAT will determine whether interventions should be continued or if new interventions should be prescribed.
Referring Party
SAT / If after sufficient “learning” time and cycle interventions have taken place and the student is showing no progress, then SAT should determine if student should be referred to SAT Academic I.