MAY 2010
The importance of science and technology in the socio-economic development of Tanzania today cannot be over estimated. This is why the Sebastian Kolowa University College of Tumaini University (SEKUCo) is introducing science teaching subjects in its Bachelor of Education Special Needs (BEd SN) programme in the academic year 2010/2011.
The objective of introducing science teaching subjects is to contribute to national efforts of increasing the number and quality of science teachers for secondary schools and teacher training colleges. Likewise, with the Bachelor of Science (Eco-Tourism and Nature Conservation) already running at SEKUCo STARTING in the academic year 2009/2010, the introduction of biology, chemistry and physics will enable optimal utilization of staff and, laboratories and equipment. In this way, we hope that the two pro science programmes will add add synergy to each other.
Students in the Bachelor of Education Special Needs (BEdSN) programme will choose biology, chemistry or physics as one of their teaching subjects. This increases the range of teaching subjects at SEKUCo from the current seven (English, Kiswahili, Mathematics, Economics, Geography, Political Science and Administration) to ten, covering the arts, socialsciences and physical sciences.
Course Assessment
All courses will follow the assessment procedure suggested under the following list of activities.
- Course Work will be distributed according to the following
- Fieldwork, portfolio, course journal, or any other form of course project determined by the instructor (15%)
- Timed Test (15%)
- Take Home Essay (10%)
- Semester presentation (10%)
- Final Examination 50%
On behalf of SEKUCO, I wish to express sincere thanks to all who contributed towards the completion of this document. Further inputs are invited to improve the curricula.
Dr. Fanuel C. Shechambo
Deputty Provost for Academic Affairs
6 thMay 2010
. The list of courses for the six semesters is shown below.
Semester Mapping for Biology Core Courses
Year / Semester / Course Code and Title / Credit1 / I / SBL 101: Introductory Cell Biology and Genetics / 3
SBL 102: Introductory Botany / 3
SBL 103: Invertebrate Zoology / 3
II / SBL 104 Chordate Zoology / 3
SBL 105: Developmental Biology / 2
SBL 106: Ecology I / 2
2 / III / SBL 201: Vertebrate Anatomy and Physiology / 2
SBL 202: Parasitology / 3
SBL 203: Introduction to Microbiology / 2
IV / SBL 205: Taxonomy of Higher Plants / 2
SBL 206: Ecology II / 2
SBL 207 Scientific Methods / 2
3 / V / SBL 301: Entomology / 2
SBL 302 Evolution / 2
SBL 303: Vertebrate Anatomy and Physiology II / 2
VI / SBL 302: Anatomy of Angiosperms / 2
SBL 303: Vertebrate Anatomy and physiology II / 2
Optional Courses
SBIO 206: Ecology II 2
SBIO 303: Vertebrate Anatomy and Physiology II 2
Course Description
This is a first year course. It introduces the basic cell components (atoms, molecules), structures (nucleic acids, proteins and enzymes), organelles and processes. It intends to link up the cell processes with the mechanisms of inheritance as explained by neo-Mendelian approaches. The course will enable students understand the mechanisms of transmitting characters in their varied states to future generations, the core in all biological systems.
Course Objectives
At the end of the course student should be able to:
- Describe the cell concept, cell structure, cellular organization of the living matter.
- Relate phenotype of an organism to genotype of an organism.
Course Contents
Definition of a cell, atoms, molecules in cells, proteins and enzymes, nucleic acids, lipids and proteins; Structure and functions of cell organelles and membranes; Meiosis, mitosis and game to genesis; Specialized cells; Mendelian segration; Independent assortment and polyhbrid inheritance; Dominance relations; Gene interactions and modification of Mendelian ratios. Autosomal linkage, sex-linkage and sex-related inheritance; Gene mapping in diploids; Sex determination in prokaryotes, plants and animals; Pseudoallelism, multiple allelism and blood group genetics; Aspects of quantitative genetics; Cytoplasmic genetic systems.
Delivery: 30 Lecture Hours + 30 Practical Hours
Assessment: Coursework 50%, Final Examination 50%.
- Burns, G.W. (1989), The Science of Genetics (4th Ed). Collier-McMillan, London.
- Gardner, E. and Snustadt, P. (1994), Principles of Genetics (6th Ed), John Wiley
- Suzuki, D.T., A.J.F. Griffiths and R.C. Lewontin (1998), Introduction to Genetic Analysis (4th Ed). W.H. Freeman, New York
- Dyson, R.D. (1975), Essentials of Cell Biology. Allyn and Bacon Inc. Boston
- Widnell C.C. and K.H. Pfenninger (1990), Essential Cell Biology. Williams & Wilkins. London
- Hartl D.L. (1995), Human Genetics (2nd Ed). Harper & Row.
- Russel P.J. (1998), Genetics (3rd Ed). Harper & Collins Publishers
Course Description
The course is aimed at introducing students to the biology of plants. It is a broad survey of plant nutrition, physiology, development, anatomy, morphology, reproduction, evolution and ecology. An emphasis is placed on the structure and function of plants and the relevance of plants to humanity and the global environment.
Course Objectives
At the end of the course students should be able to:
- Use the morphology of different parts to place plants in their phyla.
- Describe the evolutionary relationship of plant phyla.
- Describe the structure and life cycle of selected plants.
Course Contents
A general evolutionary survey of the plant kingdom: bacteria, viruses, slime, molds, fungi, algae, pteridophytes, gymnosperms and angiosperms. Structure and life cycle of selected examples to be given: morphology of roots, stems, leaves, fruits and seeds; aestivation and placentation.
Delivery: 15 Lecture Hours + 30 Practical Hours
Assessment: Coursework 50%, Final Examination 50%.
- Pandey, SN; Trivedi, PS and Misra, SP (1996), A textbook of Botany, Vol. 1. Vikas, Publishing House PVT Ltd
- Pandey, SN; Trivedi, PS and Misra, SP (1998), A textbook of Botany, 11th Revised Edition, Vol II . Vikas, Publishing House PVT Ltd
- Salisbury, FB & Ross, CW (1991), Plant Physiology 4th Edition Wadsworth Publishing Company
- Ross, C.W. (1974), Plant Physiology Laboratory Manual. Wadsworth Publishing Company, California.
- Jensen, WA and Salisbury, FB (1972), Botany: An Ecological Approach. Wadsworth Publishing Company Inc., California.
- Dutta, AC. (1999), Botany for Degree Students. OxfordUniversity Press, Culcutta.
Course Description
This is a basic course to all students studying biological sciences. It aims at exposing students to a survey of invertebrates in the evolutionary perception. The narrative of the Kingdom Protista including protozoans will be emphasized.
At the end of the course students should be able to:
- Classify animals based on their basic structure and functional attributes.
- Describe the evolutionary relationship among invertebrates groups.
Course Contents
Classification of animals: habitats, basic structure and functional features of the Protozoa, Polifera, Radiata, Acoeloata, Pseudo-coelomata. Annelida, Arthropoda, Mollusca and Echinodermata. Evolutionary relationships among invertebrate phyla.
Delivery: 15 Lecture Hours + 30 Practical Hours
Assessment: Coursework 50%, Final Examination 50%.
- Wallace, R.L. and K.T. Walter (2004), Invertebrate Zoology: A Laboratory Manual. Prentice Hall Incorporated.
- Brusca, R.C. and G.J. Brusca (1990), Invertebrates. Sinauer Associates Inc.
- Marshall, A.J. and W.D. Williams (1974), Textbook of Zoology: Invertebrates, Macmillan. Ruppert, E.E. and R.D. Barnes (1994), Invertebrate Zoology. SaundersCollege Wallace,
- Barrington, E.J.W. (1974), Invertebrate structure and Function. ELBS
Course Description
The Chordates include not only the vertebrates, but also a number of other less familiar animal forms. The course is intended as an introduction to all chordate animals, with special emphasis on their evolution and classification.
Course Objectives
At the end of the course students should be able to:
- Describe the basic chordate biology (including structure and function) of Cyclostomata, Chondrichthyes, Osteichthyes, Amphibia, Reptiles, Birds and Mammals.
- Explain evolutionary relationships and classify the following chordates: Cyclostomata, Chondrichthyes, Osteichthyes, Amphibia, Reptiles, Birds and Mammals.
Course Contents
The chordate plan, its establishment and elaboration as exemplified by the lower chordates: Protochordates – Hemichordata, Urochordata, Cephalochordata. Adaptability of the plan to the higher chordates. A study of the evolution of the vertebrate classes: Cyclostomata, Chondrichthyes, Osteichthyes, Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves and Mammalia, emphasizing the major structural and functional features of each class. Comparative Anatomy: lntegumentary System, Skeletal System, Coelom and Digestive System, Respiratory System, Circulatory System, Nervous System, Receptor Organs, Endocrine System, Urinogenital System and Embryology.
Delivery: 30 Lecture Hours + 30 Practical Hours
Assessment: Coursework 50%, Final Examination 50%.
- Young, J.Z. (1981) The Life of Vertebrates (3rd Ed.) OxfordUniversity Press, Oxford
- Pough, F. H.; J. B. Heiser, and W. N. McFarland. (1996). Vertebrate Life, 4th ed. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.
- Walker, W. F., Jr. (2004), Vertebrate Dissection, 9th ed. SaundersCollege Publ., Brooks/Cole, Belmont, CA.
- Jordan, E.L. and Verma, P.S. (2009), Chordate Zoology. S. Chand and Co.Ltd,
Course Description
This is a first year course. It exposes students to basic concepts of organism development. Students will be introduced to the stages of animal development from gametogenesis to morphogenesis involved in the early development.
Course Objectives
At the end of the course students should be able to:
- Describe classical concepts of embryology.
- Describe gametogenesis, fertilization, cellular differentiation, organogenesis, metamorphosis and teratology.
- Compare the development process in different classes of vertebrates.
Course Contents
Classical concepts of embryology, Gametogenesis: origin of germ cells; spermatogenesis; oogenesis; vitellogenesis. Sperm-egg encounter and penetration. Changes following fertilization; leavage, gastrulation, neurulation and morphogenesis. Mechanism of cellular differentiation; embryonic induction during differentiation and organogenesis. Metamorphosis; Teratology. A comparative study of development in several vertebrate classes.
Delivery: 15 Lecture Hours + 30 Practical Hours
Assessment: Coursework 50%, Final Examination 50%.
- Balinsky, B.I. (1981) An Introduction to Embryology. CBSCollege Publishing.
- Gilbert, S.F. (1994) Developmental Biology (4th Ed). Sinauer Associates, Sunderland M.A
- Tyler, M.S. (1994) Developmental Biology. A Guide for Experimental Study. Sinauer, Associates, Sunderland M.A.
Course Description
The course aims to expose students to knowledge on how living things interact with their environment. The course should enlighten students as to how to react and control factors that may lead to the perturbations of the ecosystems so that they are maintained for a continued life of communities including humans.
Course Objectives
At the end of the course students should be able to:
- Define and explain different terms and concepts in ecology.
- Describe the existence and meaning of ecological systems, their operating principles and their structural and functional characteristics.
Course Contents
An overview of ecology: Types of organisms, food chains, Food webs, Trophic structure, Ecological pyramids and properties of ecosystems, Flow of energy in ecosystems, laws of thermodynamics, Factors affecting and methods of measuring primary productivity. Comparative productivity of different ecosystems, Secondary productivity, Models of energy flow, Ecological efficiencies, cycling of nutrients: nutrient pools, nutrient flow, turnover rate, nutrient budgets, Human disturbances of nutrient cycles, global warning, acidi rain, depletion of ozone layer. Community structure, species composition, measures of dominance, species diversity, community similarity, pattern diversity, stability, gradient analysis, cordination and ecological succession.
Delivery: 15 Lecture Hours + 30 Practical Hours
Assessment: Coursework 50%, Final Examination 50%.
- Chapman J. L. and Reiss M. J. (2002). Ecology: Principles and ApplicationsCambridgeUniversity Press.
- Kormondy, E. (1999). Concepts of Ecology. Prentice Hall, New Delhi
- Stilling, P. (1992). Introductory Ecology. Prentice Hall Inc., New Jersey
Course Description
The course is targeting to give a general understanding of the vertebrate body, the structure and functions of tissues and organs.
The knowledge gained in this course will be useful for teaching, research and as basis for other Biology courses.
Course Objectives
At the end of the course students will be able to:
- Describe the basic structure of the vertebrate body
- Explain how the various systems function and interact in the vertebrate body.
- Relate the systems and structures functions to the adaptation of the animal to its ecosystem.
Course Contents
Structure and function of vertebrate tissues and organ systems. The integument: dermal and epidermal derivatives. Skeletal tissue, cranial and post-cranial skeletons. Smooth, skeletal and cardiac muscles. Mechanisms of muscle contraction. Nerve cells, regional anatomy and physiology of the brain and spinal cord. Structure and function of the sense organs. Endocrine system: the pituitary, thyroid, parathyroids, adrenal glands and pancreatic islets. Hormones of pancreatic islets.
Delivery: 30 Lecture Hours + 30 Practical Hours
Assessment: Coursework 50%, Final Examination 50%.
- Burkitt, H.G.B. Young, and J.W. Health (1993), Wheater’s Functional Histology, (3rd Ed). Longman Group Ltd
- Kent, G.C. (1983), Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates. Publisher Mosby Year Book
- Schmidt-Nielsen, K. (1997), Animal Physiology: Adaptation and environment (5th Ed). CambridgeUniversity Press.
- Campbell, N.A., L.G. Mitchell and J.B. Reece (1997), Biology: Concepts and Connections (2nd Ed.) The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company.
- Hoar, W.S. (1983), General and Comparative Physiology (3rd) Prentice-Hall Inc.
- Martini, F.H. (1998), Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology (4th Ed) Prentice-Hall Inc.
Course Description
The course is aimed at exposing students to study the main elements of the biology and patterns of life cycles of the main groups of parasites. The course will inculcate into the students appreciation of the ways in which hosts and parasites interact with each other and the basic principles of disease prevention.
Course Objectives
At the end of the course students will be able to:
- Define terms and concepts in parasitology.
- Describe and characterize the main groups of parasites, vectors and their hosts.
- Relate parasites to diseases inflicting human, domestic and wild life animals.
Course Contents
Concepts in parasitism, parasitism as a lifestyle, origins, adaptations and diversity of parasites. Morphology of common parasites, Live cycles and importance of Protozoa/Protists (amoebae, flagellates, ciliates, coccidians), helminthes (Platyhelminthes, Nematoda, Acanthocephala, and Pentastomida), and parasitic arthropods (flies, ticks, mites, lice, fleas, crustaceans, bugs etc.) as agents or vectors, respectively, of disease to humans, domestic animals, and wildlife. Brief consideration on pathogenesis and manifestations of parasitic infections covered (i.e. how parasites cause disease in their hosts). Ecology of parasitic infections: spatial distribution of parasites (geographic, host and site specificity); niche biology and niche restriction; epidemiology. Immunology of parasitism: responses of host to parasites and of parasites to hosts; innate immunity, acquired immunity and methods parasites use to evade host immune responses.
Delivery: 15 Lecture Hours + 30 Practical Hours
Assessment: Coursework 50%, Final Examination 50%.
- Roberts, L.S. and J. Janovy Jr. (2000), Gerald D. Schmidt & Larry S. Roberts ‘Foundations of Parasitology (6th Ed). McGraw Hill. New York.
- Smyth, J.D. (1994), Introduction to Animal Parasitology (3rd Ed). CambridgeUniversity Press, Cambridge.
- Each, G.W. and J.C. Fernandez (1993), A Functional Biology of Parasitism: Ecological and Evolutionary Implications. Chapman & Hall. London.
Course Description
The course is intended to introduce students to basic concepts in microbiology and to inculcate an appreciation of the presence, diversity and role of microorganisms in nature. Students will also be trained in microorganism handling techniques including isolation, culturing and identification of microorganisms. The course coverage will relate microbiology to Parasitology and Physiology.
Course Objectives
At the end of the course students should be able to:
- Explain and relate microorganism to biochemical processes in nature.
- Demonstrate techniques of isolation and culturing microorganisms.
- Classify microorganisms based on their structures.
Course Contents
Brief history of microbiology as a science. Participation of microorganisms in biogeochemical cycles of elements. The cell and its structure; Eukaryotes – prokaryotes. Brief survey of the diversity of prokaryotes. The classification of prokaryotes. Growth of microorganisms.
Delivery: 15 Lecture Hours + 30 Practical Hours
Assessment: Coursework 50%, Final Examination 50%.
- Schlegel, H. G. (1990), General Microbiology 6th Edition. CambridgeUniversity Press
- Talaro, K.; Talaro, A. (1993), Foundations of Microbiology. WCB Publishers.
Course Description
The course will expose students to the basic knowledge and principles of taxonomy of higher plants and their evolutionary relationship.
Course Objectives
At the end of the course students will be able to:
- Identify and classify plants based on their phylogenic relationship and evolutionary features.
- Prepare and manage Herbarium specimens of plants.
Course Contents
History of plant classification, taxonomy of angiosperms emphasizing on the phylogenetic relationships and evolutionary features in classifications, the Botanical Code (ICBN), Herbarium management and techniques, detailed studies of selected families among seed plants, Hybridization and evolution, sources of taxonomic information, character and character states, phytogeography and systematic, experimental taxonomy
Delivery: 15 Lecture Hours + 30 Practical Hours
Assessment: Coursework 50%, Final Examination 50%.
- Woodland D.W. (1991). Contemporary Planet Systematics. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.
- Cronquist A (1981). An Integrated System of Classification of Flowering Plants. ColumbiaUniversity Press, New York.
Course Description
The course is aimed at enabling students acquire comprehensive understanding of concepts and principles of ecology at the level of populations and individuals and application of population ecology at the organism level (including adaptations).
Course Objectives
At the end of the course students should be able to:
- Describe all concepts relevant to the population ecology.
- Develop, adapt and use models of population dynamics.
- Explain the interaction of organism with their environment and the consequences.
Course Contents
Describing populations, patterns of distribution in space and time, age, structure, life tables. Dynamics of population growth and decline: arithmetic and exponential growth, J- and S-curves, carrying capacity, strategies of population growth (r- and K-selection), migration. Limiting factors, density-independent factors and density- dependent factors: competition, territoriality, predation, parasitism, herbivory. Symbiosis, commensalisms and mutualism. Models of population dynamics. Dispersal. Competitive exclusion principle and resource partitioning. Interactions between organisms and the physico-chemical environment, responses and adaptations of organisms to the environment.