P.O. Box 126158 Fort Worth, TX 76126 - 0158
Please provide the following information to ensure we can maintain contact
Member [Last, First, MI] Nickname
Spouse [Last, First, MI] Nickname
Address Apt/Suite #
City State Zip -
Phone(s): H C E-mail
Facebook Name Website
Executive Council Position(s) and Dates
B-58 Job Description(s) and Dates
Dependent(s) who desire to become Members or a Friend for a Backup Contact
Contact [Last, First, MI] Relationship
Address Apt/Suite #
City State Zip -
Phone(s): H C E-mail
Contact [Last, First, MI] Relationship
Address Apt/Suite #
City State Zip -
Phone(s): H C E-mail
Contact [Last, First, MI] Relationship
Address Apt/Suite #
City State Zip -
Phone(s): H C E-mail
Keep Your Membership Current
Paid-Up-for-Life (PUFL) B-58 Hustler Association Member, widow, or dependant
No Payment Due!
NOT a Paid-Up-for-Life B-58 Hustler Member or Individuals who were NOT associated with the B-58 Hustler Program, but truly admire the first Mach 2 Supersonic Bomber and would like to join the B-58 Hustler Association with full privileges.
Include a $10.00 Check for Two-Year Dues Payment!
Or, determine Paid-Up-for-Life (PUFL) Dues Payment:
Under Age 59: $50.00 Age 60–69: $40.00 Age 70 and Older: $20.00
Current Age . A $ . Check is included for PUFL Dues Payment
Personal Biography
Include: (1) your full name; birthplace; and names of your parents, siblings, spouse(s), and dependents; (2) pre-adult schooling; (3) pre-B-58 employment positions, affiliation(s) with the B-58 Program, and post-employment positions; (4) all associated education, and training; as well as career and life experiences and accomplishments during your working and retirement years; (5) dates and necessary details to describe these pertinent events which made you who you are today; and (6) pictures for an even greater understanding of your life journey. Add additional pages as needed! Our biographies will be published in the Personnel History pages of our Association website (