First Sunday of Advent (A) – 27 November 2016
Introduction: (Commentator)
Today, as we begin a new liturgical year, the liturgy invites us to follow the paths of the Lord, so that God may teach us his ways and help us to walk in his light. As we gather in this house of God, the readings give us a ‘Wake-Up call’ as they lead us to reflect on how much we need God’s guidance and continuing mercy.
Prayers of the Faithful:
For the Church – that we may be living witnesses of your light in the world, always aware of the signs of the times, and willing to speak God’s news in new ways to the people of our time.
Response:E te Ariki whakarongomairāki a mātou
For all creation – that the mountains and hills, and the night sky pierced with light of the Southern Cross, may always awaken in us the hope of your return.
For the world – for peace among nations. That weapons of violence may be set aside, and that all peoples will seek peace and not war.
For those in need – for families affected by addictions, and for those whose relationships have broken down, that healing may bring light where there is darkness of heart and mind.
For our community – that we might be awake to the needs of all and ready to assist others through the gift of our time and our financial generosity at this special time of year,as we prepare to celebrate the gift of God’s presence given to all.
For those who have died – that they may now rejoice in the new and eternal Jerusalem.
Concluding Prayer
God of power and might, the dawning rays of your light break through the darkness. Keep us watchful for the day when the sounds of war and human anguish will be stilled, and all your children gathered into one. We make this prayer through the One whose coming is certain and whose day draws near ... Amen