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SIArchives Jul 26 2006 11:54AM
SEARCHTYPE: General - Keyword, DISPLAY VIEW: biblist
mq_index marc_map Contains Conditional one base ty di
autkws zautkw Authority Keyword (Combined) 008/16=a NO auth KW COM
bibKWs SbibKW Bib Keyword (Combined) NO bib KW COM
marc_map tag part auth for bib (dep'ds on cond.) tag cond.
zautkw 100 abcdfgklmnopqrstvxyz 100,240,243,400,600,700,800
zautkw 110 abcdfgklmnoprstvxyz 110,410,610,710,810
zautkw 111 acdefgklnpstvxyz 111,411,611,711,811
zautkw 130 adfgklmnoprstv 130,440,630,730,830
zautkw 150 abvxyz 650,690,695
zautkw 151 avxyz 651,691
zautkw 673 ax
SbibKW 028 6abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz234
SbibKW 035 abz6
SbibKW 040 abcde
SbibKW 099 abcef
SbibKW 245 abfghinp56
SbibKW 210 ab6
SbibKW 212 a6
SbibKW 222 ab6
SbibKW 240 adfghklmnoprs6
SbibKW 242 abchnpy6
SbibKW 243 adfghklmnoprs6
SbibKW 246 abfghnp56
SbibKW 247 abfghinpx6
SbibKW 250 ab6
SbibKW 260 abcdefg6
SbibKW 265 a6
SbibKW 300 abcdefghno36
SbibKW 340 abcdefhin36
SbibKW 351 abc36
SbibKW 362 az6
SbibKW 500 alxz356
SbibKW 501 a56
SbibKW 502 a6
SbibKW 503 a6
SbibKW 504 ab6
SbibKW 505 agrt6
SbibKW 506 abcde356
SbibKW 507 ab6
SbibKW 510 abcx36
SbibKW 520 abz36
SbibKW 522 a6
SbibKW 524 a236
SbibKW 525 az6
SbibKW 530 abcdz36
SbibKW 533 abcdefmn367
SbibKW 535 abcdg36
SbibKW 540 abcd356
SbibKW 541 abcdefhno356
SbibKW 544 abcden36
SbibKW 545 ab6
SbibKW 546 abz36
SbibKW 547 az6
SbibKW 555 abcd36
SbibKW 561 ab356
SbibKW 583 abcdefhijklnoxz3568
SbibKW 590 abc
SbibKW 591 abcdefghil9
SbibKW 592 abc
SbibKW 593 abcdefghint9
SbibKW 594 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234
SbibKW 595 abc
SbibKW 596 a
SbibKW 597 abcn
SbibKW 598 a
SbibKW 599 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
SbibKW 656 akvxyz236
SbibKW 657 avxyz236
SbibKW 690 abxyz
SbibKW 692 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz36
SbibKW 693 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz36
SbibKW 694 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz36
SbibKW 740 ahnp
SbibKW 752 abcd6
SbibKW 755 axyz236
SbibKW 760 abcdghimnoqstwxy67
SbibKW 762 abcdghimnoqstwxy
SbibKW 765 abcdghikmnoqrstuwxyz67
SbibKW 767 abcdghikmnoqrstuwxyz67
SbibKW 770 abcdghikmnoqrstuwxyz67
SbibKW 772 abcdghikmnoqrstuwxyz67
SbibKW 773 abdghikmnoprstuwxyz367
SbibKW 774 abcdghikmnorstuwxyz67
SbibKW 775 abcdefghikmnoqrstuwxyz67
SbibKW 776 abcdghikmnoqrstuwxyz67
SbibKW 777 abcdghikmnoqstwxy67
SbibKW 780 abcdghikmnoqrstuwxyz67
SbibKW 785 abcdghikmnoqrstuwxyz67
SbibKW 786 abcdghijkmnorstuvwxyz67
SbibKW 787 abcdghikmnoqrstuwxyz67
SbibKW 851 abcdefg36
SbibKW 852 abcefghijklmnpqstxz238
SbibKW 856 abcdfghijklmnopqrstuvwxz236
SbibKW 945 a
SEARCHTYPE: All Names - Keyword, DISPLAY VIEW: closauth_names
mq_index marc_map Contains Conditional one base ty di
nameKWs Xname All Name Keyword (Combined) YES auth KW COM
marc_map tag part auth for bib (dep'ds on cond.) tag cond.
Xname 100 abcdfgklmnopqrstvxyz 100,240,243,400,600,700,800
Xname 110 abcdfgklmnoprstvxyz 110,410,610,710,810
Xname 111 acdefgklnpstvxyz 111,411,611,711,811
Xname 130 adfgklmnoprstv 130,440,630,730,830
SEARCHTYPE: All Names - Alphabetical Browse, DISPLAY VIEW: openauth_names
mq_index marc_map Contains Conditional one base ty di
names znamebr All Names Browse (Combined) 008/15=a YES auth BR COM
marc_map tag part auth for bib (dep'ds on cond.) tag cond.
znamebr 100 abcdfgklmnopqrstvxyz 100,240,243,400,600,700,800
znamebr 110 abcdfgklmnoprstvxyz 110,410,610,710,810
znamebr 111 acdefgklnpstvxyz 111,411,611,711,811
znamebr 130 adfgklmnoprstv 130,440,630,730,830
SEARCHTYPE: Subject - Keyword, DISPLAY VIEW: closauth_subject
mq_index marc_map Contains Conditional one base ty di
subjKW zsbject Subject Keyword (Combined) 008/15=a YES auth KW COM
marc_map tag part auth for bib (dep'ds on cond.) tag cond.
zsbject 100 abcdfgklmnopqrstvxyz 100,240,243,400,600,700,800
zsbject 110 abcdfgklmnoprstvxyz 110,410,610,710,810
zsbject 111 acdefgklnpstvxyz 111,411,611,711,811
zsbject 130 adfgklmnoprstv 130,440,630,730,830
zsbject 150 abvxyz 650,690,695
zsbject 151 avxyz 651,691
zsbject 173 abfghkvxyz 673,674
SEARCHTYPE: Subject - Alphabetical Browse, DISPLAY VIEW: openauth_subject
mq_index marc_map Contains Conditional one base ty di
subject Xsbject Subject Browse (Combined) 008/15=a YES auth BR COM
marc_map tag part auth for bib (dep'ds on cond.) tag cond.
Xsbject 100 abcdfgklmnopqrstvxyz 100,240,243,400,600,700,800
Xsbject 110 abcdfgklmnoprstvxyz 110,410,610,710,810
Xsbject 111 acdefgklnpstvxyz 111,411,611,711,811
Xsbject 130 adfgklmnoprstv 130,440,630,730,830
Xsbject 150 abvxyz 650,690,695
Xsbject 151 avxyz 651,691
Xsbject 155 avxyz 655
Xsbject 173 abfghkvxyz 673,674
SEARCHTYPE: Title - Keyword, DISPLAY VIEW: biblist
mq_index marc_map Contains Conditional one base ty di
titlKWs Stitle Title Keyword (Combined) NO bib KW COM
marc_map tag part auth for bib (dep'ds on cond.) tag cond.
Stitle 245 abfcghinps6
Stitle 210 ab6
Stitle 212 ab6
Stitle 222 ab6
Stitle 242 abchnpy6
Stitle 246 abfghinp56
Stitle 247 abfghinpx6
Stitle 594 ab
SEARCHTYPE: All Title - Alphabetical Browse (incl. Uniform), DISPLAY VIEW: openauth_uniform_staff
mq_index marc_map Contains Conditional one base ty di
uniauts Zuniaut Multi-Source (auth) Uniform Titl 008/16=a) AND NO auth MU COM
unittls Suniti Multi-Source (bib) Uniform Title NO bib MU COM
marc_map tag part auth for bib (dep'ds on cond.) tag cond.
Zuniaut 100 tfklmnopr 100,240,243,400,600,700,800
Zuniaut 100 aqbdcxyz 100,240,243,400,600,700,800
Zuniaut 110 tfkglmnoprs 110,410,610,710,810
Zuniaut 110 abdcxyz 110,410,610,710,810
Zuniaut 111 tfkglnps 111,411,611,711,811
Zuniaut 111 aqcdexyz 111,411,611,711,811
Zuniaut 130 adfgklmnoprstxyz 130,440,630,730,830
Suniti 245 abfghinp56
Suniti 210 ab6
Suniti 212 a6
Suniti 222 ab6
Suniti 242 abchnpy6
Suniti 246 abfghinp56
Suniti 247 abfghinpx6
Suniti 740 ahnp
Suniti 594 ab
SEARCHTYPE: Title - Alphabetical Browse, DISPLAY VIEW: all_title_list_staff
mq_index marc_map Contains Conditional one base ty di
altitls Stitlbr All Title Browse (Combined) NO bib BR COM
marc_map tag part auth for bib (dep'ds on cond.) tag cond.
Stitlbr 245 abcfghinp56
Stitlbr 210 ab6
Stitlbr 212 a6
Stitlbr 222 ab6
Stitlbr 242 abchnpy6
Stitlbr 246 abfghinp56
Stitlbr 247 abfghinpx6
Stitlbr 740 ahnp
SEARCHTYPE: Local Call Number (public), DISPLAY VIEW: call_list_loc
mq_index marc_map Contains Conditional one base ty di
marc_map tag part auth for bib (dep'ds on cond.) tag cond.
SEARCHTYPE: Local Control Number browse (090, 095 & 099), DISPLAY VIEW: local_control_number_list_staf
mq_index marc_map Contains Conditional one base ty di
locB Slctrl Local Call Browse(090,095,099) NO bib BR COM
marc_map tag part auth for bib (dep'ds on cond.) tag cond.
Slctrl 090 abc
Slctrl 090 bc
Slctrl 090 c
Slctrl 095 abc
Slctrl 095 bc
Slctrl 095 c
Slctrl 099 abc
Slctrl 099 bc
Slctrl 099 c
Slctrl 901 ab
SEARCHTYPE: Electronic Resource Location - Keyword, DISPLAY VIEW: biblist
mq_index marc_map Contains Conditional one base ty di
elockws Selrloc Electronic Keyword (Combined) NO bib KW COM
marc_map tag part auth for bib (dep'ds on cond.) tag cond.
Selrloc 856 abcdfghijklmnopqrstuvwxz2369
SEARCHTYPE: Notes - Keyword, DISPLAY VIEW: bibdisp
mq_index marc_map Contains Conditional one base ty di
notekws snotes Notes KW (Combined) NO bib KW COM
marc_map tag part auth for bib (dep'ds on cond.) tag cond.
snotes 500 a356
snotes 501 a56
snotes 502 a6
snotes 503 a6
snotes 504 ab6
snotes 505 agrt6
snotes 506 abcde356
snotes 507 ab6
snotes 508 a6
snotes 510 abcx36
snotes 511 a6
snotes 512 a6
snotes 513 ab6
snotes 514 abcdefghijkm6
snotes 515 az6
snotes 516 a6
snotes 517 abc6
snotes 518 a36
snotes 520 abz36
snotes 521 ab36
snotes 522 a6
snotes 523 a6
snotes 524 a236
snotes 525 az6
snotes 527 a6
snotes 530 abcdz36
snotes 533 abcdefmn367
snotes 534 abcefklmnptxz6
snotes 535 abcdg36
snotes 536 abcdefgh6
snotes 537 a6
snotes 538 a6
snotes 540 abcd356
snotes 541 abcdefhno356
snotes 543 a6
snotes 544 abcden36
snotes 545 ab6
snotes 546 abz6
snotes 547 az6
snotes 550 az6
snotes 551 abcdefghijklmnop6
snotes 555 abcd36
snotes 556 az6
snotes 561 ab356
snotes 562 abcde356
snotes 565 abcde36
snotes 567 a6
snotes 570 az6
snotes 580 az6
snotes 581 az36
snotes 582 a6
snotes 583 abcdefhijklnoxz3568
snotes 584 ab356
snotes 585 a356
snotes 586 a36
snotes 590 abc
snotes 591 abcdefghil9
snotes 592 abc
snotes 593 abcdefghint9
snotes 594 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234
snotes 594 56789
snotes 595 abc
snotes 596 a
snotes 597 abcn
snotes 598 a
snotes 599 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
SEARCHTYPE: Form & Genre - Keyword, DISPLAY VIEW: biblist
mq_index marc_map Contains Conditional one base ty di
formKWs Sform Form Keyword (Combined) NO bib KW COM
genreks Zgenre Genre Keyword (Combined) 008/15=a YES auth KW COM
marc_map tag part auth for bib (dep'ds on cond.) tag cond.
Sform 593 abc
Sform 300 abcefg36
Sform 340 abcdefhi36
Sform 245 h
Zgenre 155 axyz 655
SEARCHTYPE: Form & Genre - Browse, DISPLAY VIEW: openauth_genre
mq_index marc_map Contains Conditional one base ty di
genre Zgenre Genre Browse (Combined) 008/15=a YES auth BR COM
marc_map tag part auth for bib (dep'ds on cond.) tag cond.
Zgenre 155 axyz 655
SEARCHTYPE: Acquisition Source - Keyword, DISPLAY VIEW: acquisition_source_list_staff
mq_index marc_map Contains Conditional one base ty di
aqsrcKs SacsrcK Acquisition Source Keyword (Comb NO bib KW COM
marc_map tag part auth for bib (dep'ds on cond.) tag cond.
SacsrcK 541 abcdefhno356
SEARCHTYPE: Action - Keyword, DISPLAY VIEW: biblist
mq_index marc_map Contains Conditional one base ty di
actKWs Sact Action Keyword (Combined) NO bib KW COM
marc_map tag part auth for bib (dep'ds on cond.) tag cond.
Sact 583 abcdefhijklnoxz356
SEARCHTYPE: Location - Browse, DISPLAY VIEW: Location_list_staff
mq_index marc_map Contains Conditional one base ty di
locs Slocat Location Browse (Combined) NO bib BR COM
marc_map tag part auth for bib (dep'ds on cond.) tag cond.
Slocat 851 e
Slocat 852 c
SEARCHTYPE: Location - Keyword (852), DISPLAY VIEW: bibdisp
mq_index marc_map Contains Conditional one base ty di
locKW Slockw Location Keyword (852) (Combined NO bib KW COM
marc_map tag part auth for bib (dep'ds on cond.) tag cond.
Slockw 852 3c
mq_index marc_map Contains Conditional one base ty di
marc_map tag part auth for bib (dep'ds on cond.) tag cond.
SEARCHTYPE: Handbook of North American Indian Culture Terms, DISPLAY VIEW: openauth_hnaiB
mq_index marc_map Contains Conditional one base ty di
hnaiB ZhnaiB Handbook of North American India 040f=hnai YES auth BR COM
marc_map tag part auth for bib (dep'ds on cond.) tag cond.
ZhnaiB 150 abxyz 650,690,695
SEARCHTYPE: Number - Browse (035, notis#), DISPLAY VIEW: number_list_staff
mq_index marc_map Contains Conditional one base ty di
numbers Snumber Number Browse (Combined) NO bib BR COM
marc_map tag part auth for bib (dep'ds on cond.) tag cond.
Snumber 035 abz
SEARCHTYPE: Local Call Number (private), DISPLAY VIEW: call_list_private
mq_index marc_map Contains Conditional one base ty di
marc_map tag part auth for bib (dep'ds on cond.) tag cond.
SEARCHTYPE: AAA Local Call Number, DISPLAY VIEW: call_list_AAA_loc
mq_index marc_map Contains Conditional one base ty di
marc_map tag part auth for bib (dep'ds on cond.) tag cond.
SEARCHTYPE: Suppressed Action - Keyword, DISPLAY VIEW: biblist
mq_index marc_map Contains Conditional one base ty di
SSactK Sact Action Keyword (Suppressed) NO bib KW STF
marc_map tag part auth for bib (dep'ds on cond.) tag cond.
Sact 583 abcdefhijklnoxz356
SEARCHTYPE: Suppressed Acquisition Source - Keyword, DISPLAY VIEW: acquisition_source_list_sup
mq_index marc_map Contains Conditional one base ty di
SaqsrcK SacsrcK Acquisition Source Keyword (Supp NO bib KW STF
marc_map tag part auth for bib (dep'ds on cond.) tag cond.
SacsrcK 541 abcdefhno356
SEARCHTYPE: Suppressed Title - Keyword, DISPLAY VIEW: biblist
mq_index marc_map Contains Conditional one base ty di
SStitlK Stitle Title Keyword (Suppressed) NO bib KW STF
marc_map tag part auth for bib (dep'ds on cond.) tag cond.
Stitle 245 abfcghinps6
Stitle 210 ab6
Stitle 212 ab6
Stitle 222 ab6
Stitle 242 abchnpy6
Stitle 246 abfghinp56
Stitle 247 abfghinpx6
Stitle 594 ab
SEARCHTYPE: Suppressed Title - Alphabetical Browse, DISPLAY VIEW: SUP_title_list_staff
mq_index marc_map Contains Conditional one base ty di
SUPtitl Stitlbr All Title Browse (Suppressed) NO bib BR STF
marc_map tag part auth for bib (dep'ds on cond.) tag cond.
Stitlbr 245 abcfghinp56
Stitlbr 210 ab6
Stitlbr 212 a6
Stitlbr 222 ab6
Stitlbr 242 abchnpy6
Stitlbr 246 abfghinp56
Stitlbr 247 abfghinpx6
Stitlbr 740 ahnp
SEARCHTYPE: Suppressed AAA Titles - Alphabetical Browse, DISPLAY VIEW: SUP_AAA_title_list_staff
mq_index marc_map Contains Conditional one base ty di
SUPAti SAtitlB AAA Title Browse (Suppressed) 098b=AAA NO bib BR STF
marc_map tag part auth for bib (dep'ds on cond.) tag cond.
SAtitlB 245 abcfghinp56
SAtitlB 210 ab6
SAtitlB 212 a6
SAtitlB 222 ab6
SAtitlB 242 abchnpy6
SAtitlB 246 abfghinp56
SAtitlB 247 abfghinpx6
SAtitlB 740 ahnp
mq_index marc_map Contains Conditional one base ty di
marc_map tag part auth for bib (dep'ds on cond.) tag cond.
SEARCHTYPE: Collection General - Keyword (Staff), DISPLAY VIEW: biblist
mq_index marc_map Contains Conditional one base ty di
CautKs ZCautk Collection Authority Keyword 997a=COLLECTION NO auth KW COM
CbibKs SCbibK Bib Keyword 000/7=d NO bib KW COM
marc_map tag part auth for bib (dep'ds on cond.) tag cond.
ZCautk 100 abcdfgklmnopqrstxyz 100,240,243,400,600,700,800
ZCautk 110 abcdfgklmnoprstxyz 110,410,610,710,810
ZCautk 111 acdefgklnpstxyz 111,411,611,711,811
ZCautk 130 adfgklmnoprst 130,440,630,730,830
ZCautk 150 abxyz 650,690,695
ZCautk 151 axyz 651,691
ZCautk 673 ax
SCbibK 035 abz6
SCbibK 040 abcde
SCbibK 099 abcef
SCbibK 245 abfghinp56
SCbibK 210 ab6
SCbibK 212 a6
SCbibK 222 ab6
SCbibK 240 adfghklmnoprs6
SCbibK 242 abchnpy6
SCbibK 243 adfghklmnoprs6
SCbibK 246 abfghnp56
SCbibK 247 abfghinpx6
SCbibK 250 ab6
SCbibK 260 abcdefg6
SCbibK 265 a6
SCbibK 300 abcdefghno36
SCbibK 340 abcdefhin36
SCbibK 351 abc36
SCbibK 362 az6
SCbibK 500 alxz356
SCbibK 501 a56
SCbibK 502 a6
SCbibK 503 a6
SCbibK 504 ab6
SCbibK 505 agrt6
SCbibK 506 abcde356
SCbibK 507 ab6
SCbibK 510 abcx36
SCbibK 520 abz36
SCbibK 522 a6
SCbibK 524 a236
SCbibK 525 az6
SCbibK 530 abcdz36
SCbibK 533 abcdefmn367
SCbibK 535 abcdg36
SCbibK 540 abcd356
SCbibK 541 abcdefhno356
SCbibK 544 abcden36