Leesville Road HS Women’s Cross Country--2015 Summer Training Rules/Guidelines
1. Summer months are used primarily to build your base mileage (aerobic runs), the most essential component to running a strong 5k (which is approx. 90% aerobic). Your pace for aerobic runs (i.e. regular runs) should be comfortable--at a pace that you can carry on a conversation without being out-of-breath.Each run should be continuous and should be at least 20 minutes. By August 1, everyone should be able run 40 minutes non-stop.
2.Aim to increase mileage by no more than about 10% per week (this will allow your body to best adapt).
3. Warm-up before your run with dynamic stretches (do not do static stretching before you run—this can lead to injury). See:
4.Take at least 1 recovery day/week, but avoid taking more than 2 consecutive days off. Consistency is key!
5. Fill out one of two running chartson total weekly mileage. While it will vary depending on experience/age, summer mileage should not exceed 35 miles/week. Turn in chart on August 1.
6. Take 10 minutes after each run to easily stretch (don’t strain!) your 1) quads, 2) hamstrings, 3) calves, 4) glutes, 5) hip flexor, 6) IT band, 7) inner thigh, and 8) lower backfor 20-30 seconds per leg (to keep muscles flexible/prevent tears). A few suggestions:
7. Hydrate well with water before and after your runs. This is especially important in the summer! Don’t know how?, see:
8. Pushups/ Crunches/ Side Plank/Front Plank/Heel Drops/One-legged Bridgesevery other day— aim to increase no./time each week
9. Communicate with Coach Hawkins over the summer if you have questions or if you experience pain/injury.
10. Avoid running alone—when possible, encourage a friend/teammate to join you!
11. Enjoy your summer! Cross-training is both fun and can help improve your running (swimming, biking, hiking, team sports, etc.). But make sure to do it safely by easing into it--avoid doing too much the first few times.
Leesville Road HS Women’s Cross Country--2015 Summer Training Schedule
Important Dates:
*Unofficial summer practices (Mon-Sat) will begin Monday, July 6 at Umstead at _7:45am__. Both new and returning runners are expected to attend as many summer practices as possible and must have current physical on file.
*The first official (aka mandatory) practice will be Saturday, August 1 at the LRHS Track--Time TBA. It will also serve as the 1st day of tryouts.Allinterested in being part of the team will need to have each LRHS Athletic Participation Forms completed before August 1.
*Our first race, a 3k, will be on Saturday, August 15 at Wake Med Soccer Park (Cary, NC).
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday / Sunday1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
8 (Tier I)
RR-15 minutes / 9 / 10
RR-15 minutes / 11 / 12
RR-15 minutes / 13
RR-20 minutes / 14
RR-20 minutes / 16
RR-20 minutes / 17 / 18
RR-20 minutes / 19 / 20
RR-20 minutes / 21
22 (Tier II)
RR-25 minutes / 23 / 24
RR-25 minutes
Core/Strength / 25 / 26
RR-25 minutes
Core/Strength / 27
RR-25 minutes / 28
29(Tier III-A)
RR-25 minutes / 30
RR-25 minutes
Tier I= Start here if you have not run for 4 weeks or more; Tier II=Here if competed in HS Outdoor Track or ifyou’ve run at least 20 minutes 3 times/week within last 2 weeks;Tier III= Start here (Tier III-A) or week of July 6 (Tier III-B)if you ran Outdoor Track Nationals or have run 30 minutes 3 times/week or more within last week; RR= Regular Run (comfortable pace, will vary for each individual)
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday / Sunday1 / 2
RR-25 minutes
Core/Strength / 3 / 4
RR-30 minutes / 5
(Tier III-B)
1st day of Summer Practice-Umstead Park
RR-30 minutes / 7
TR-20 minutes
Strides (x4)
Core/Strength / 8
*@LRHS *
Running Form Analysis/
Shoe demo / 9
RR-30 minutes / 10
Core/Strength / 11
LR-40 minutes / 12
RR-30 minutes / 14
RR-30 minutes
Strides (x4) / 15
Yoga Practice / 16
RR-30 minutes / 17
Hill Workout
Core/Strength / 18
LR-40 minutes / 19
RR-35 minutes
Core/Strength / 21*
TR-20 minutes
Strides (x4) / 22*
RR-35 minutes
Yoga Practice / 23*
RR-30 minutes / 24*
Core/Strength / 25*
LR-45 minutes / 26
RR-35 minutes / 28
Core/Strength / 29
RR-35 minutes
Yoga Practice / 30
TR-25 minutes / 31
Hill Workout
Core/Strength / 1
1st day of Official Practice/Tryouts-LRHS Track
LR-50 minutes / 2
RR= Regular Run (comfortable pace, will vary for each individual); LR=Long Run (1 min. to 1:30/mile slower than RR pace); Strides=short/quick spurts at 85% effort (length of soccer field); TR=Tempo Run (approx. 30-45/seconds faster per mile than comfortable pace or 1 min. slower than fastest mile time. Should feel “comfortably hard.”); SP=Speedplay (running activity at goal race pace or faster to increase speed; activity will vary from day to day)
*=NCHSAA Dead Period (coaches are not allowed to meet with student-athletes); co-captains will be in charge of running practice.