St. Peter’s Assyrian Academy Parent Agreement 2017-2018

Students’Names: 1-______2-______


Dear Parents,

Welcome to St. Peter’s Assyrian Academy! Listed below are updated guidelines and rules for this year. They are by no means extensive, but they are in place to ensure safety and educational progress of our students. Please make sure that youread them thoroughly.If a segment is not clear, or if you do not speak English, please do not hesitate to ask one of the teachers for help.

  1. Class hours are from 9-10:30 and we will start at 9:00 am, promptly. Holy Communion will follow immediately after. The Academy teachers will NOT be responsible for students after they receive Holy Communion. Parents agree to retrieve their children immediately after The Communion,knowing that the mass may finish at different times each Sunday.It is of utmost importance for students to arrive in a timely manner. Students may receive a tardy notice if they arrive after 9:00 am. Parents of students with 3 tardy notices may be contacted by the teacher or the director of the Academy in order to address the problem.
  1. Absenteeism: Parents are required to give advance notice to the teachers of any time off needed for their children .This will give the teachers an opportunity to provide the students with future homework/class work; this needs to be completed while they are away. If a student is absent 3 or more Sundays without an explanation,parents may be contacted by either the teacher or the director. Unexplained absences may result in expulsion.
  1. A non-refundable registration fee of $35.00 is due at the time of registration for each student.Cash or personal checksare accepted. Registration has begun. First day of school is Sunday September 10th2017.
  1. Students will be provided with text books free of charge. Lost books can be replaced for a fee of $15.00. All books will be available in PDF and will be emailed to parents once school opens.
  1. Students will observe proper church attire; that means NOflip-flops/sandals, tank tops, miniskirts, low cut tops, jeans, or shorts. Students who do not observe this dress code will need to meet with the director or assistant director and if this behavior is not corrected, they may be disinvited to the school.
  1. Academy uniform, a blue polo shirt with Academy logo,is sold at the Academy for $10 each. This can be worn with navy blue, black or khaki pants or skirts (knee length). Pants and skirts are NOT provided by the Academy. The polo shirt can be worn tuck in or out.
  1. The parents understand that the students are required to observe the rules of mass, including taking Holy Communion, as is practiced by the Holy Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of the East. There will not be exceptions to this rule.
  1. Students will receive homework every week. Parents are required to signeveryhomework, everytime. Initials are NOTaccepted. If a student does not turn in their signed homework when due, they may be recorded as absent.
  1. Student pictures may be taken throughout the year for various reasons, such as plays, choir performances, certain celebrations, and other Academy-related activities. These pictures may be shared on our website and on other social media. Parents who do not wish their children appear in any photos must inform the Director or the Assistant Director.
  1. Parents will keep in close communication with their children’s teachers regarding the children’s progress. Teachers’ contact information isprovided on our website: . All attempts should be made to resolve any issues that may concern a student. The ultimate decision as to whether or not a student will be able to continue at the Academy will be determined by the director, Dr. Ramina Jajoo.
  1. All students will need to bring in their own backpacks. The rest of the supplies are provided by the Academy. Items such as electronic devices must be kept in the backpacks until class is over. If such items are not stored in the back packs, they may be retained by the teachers and then returned to the student after mass.
  1. Chewing gum, disruptive behavior, bullying and foul language are strictly prohibited. We do allow children to drink water during school hours but food is NOT allowed unless provided by the school on special occasions.It is the parents’ responsibility to notify the teachers of any food allergies their children may have.
  1. Parents will be required to respond to teachers’/director’s emails or phone calls regarding a student’s progress within 3 days.

By signing this form the parents understand, agree and will abide by the rules listed above.


Mother’s Name and signature DateFather’s Name and signatureDate