Linda Aycock Mabry Middle School
Voicemail #455 770-928-5546
Math 6 Syllabus
Textbook: Holt Mathematics Course 1 Replacement Cost: $54.95
The following mathematical concepts will be covered. THIS IS ONLY A GUIDE AND IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.
1st 9 Weeks 3rd 9 Weeks
3 weeks: Data Analysis 4 weeks: Scale
3 weeks: Factors and Multiples 3 weeks: Direct Proportion
3 weeks: Fractions and Decimals 2 weeks: Solids
2nd 9 Weeks 4th 9 Weeks
4 weeks: Ratios and Percents 2 weeks: Solids and Measurement
4 weeks: One-Step Equations 2 weeks: Probability
1 week: Symmetry 5 weeks: Extend and Review
Students will have homework on a daily basis. They are required to keep assignments in a spiral notebook for math and to correct assignments in class. Assignments are listed on my blog daily and are subject to change.
All problems must be attempted to receive full credit. If a student turns in incomplete homework, he/she will receive a grade of 50%. Homework is designed to support daily instruction. The expectation is that homework will be turned in when assigned; however, in the event that homework is not completed on time, late work will be accepted for partial credit (no more than 70%). All late homework for a given unit must be turned in by the date of the unit assessment. Students will receive a grade of zero for work not turned in by the assessment date. It is the student’s responsibility to turn in late homework to the designated area in the classroom.
Please check Pinnacle regularly to make sure your child is turning in his or her homework.
Grades will be determined by averaging grades for all quizzes, homework, projects, class work/ activities, and tests. Group problem solving activities and class participation will count as one grade. Homework grades are based on completion. Parent signatures will be required on the four and one-half week and the nine-week computer generated reports each semester that are provided by the teacher.
Weights: Tests 35 %
Quizzes 30 %
Class work/Partner Work/Activities 25 %
Homework 10 %
Each student is responsible for getting his/her make-up assignments. All assignments are recorded on an assignment calendar, and on my blog. The student should see the teacher to schedule make-up times for tests and quizzes. Please refer to the Mabry Student Handbook for the make-up policy.
I have read the syllabus for Math 6.
Student Signature______
Parent/Guardian Signature______Date______