1.Camberwell Green Surgery conducted a Patient Satisfaction Survey towards the end of 2011 and ran the survey over a period of 2 months.
2.The Survey was widely publicised and questionnaires were available throughout the practice, at reception for when patients booked in or made enquiries, in clinical rooms and in waiting rooms.
3.A total 150 forms were issued out and 120 were collected and the data was taken from the results given.
4.Overall the results were Very Positive towards the clinical and non clinical services and access given at this Practice which speaks for itself in the way all the Clinical and non-clinical staff strive to ensure that the patient experience is as positive as it can be, from entering the practice to being given the all clear after a NHS Health Check or being referred onto a hospital or community pathway consultant.
5.This action plan therefore addresses any data or comments where the outcome was less than very satisfactory and is the plan that the Practice will work towards in order to raise standards or implement measures for the benefit of patient services:
Action Point / Action Required / Deadline Date6% of Patients who completed the survey said they had No Choice when it came to booking afternoon appointments / The Practice can only open up bookable appointments to a max of 14 days in advance. Patients do have the option of seeing the GP of their choice between 0800-0900 or booking early morning appointments 0700-0800 3 times per week or late evening appointments 1830-1930 on Thursdays. As the Practice list grows in excess of 12000 patients we are looking at measures to accommodate more bookable appointments and this is currently being reviewed by the Partnership Management Team (Feb 2012) / 31 Aug 12
4.8% of Patients who completed the survey said that Reception Staff performed “slightly well” when answering their questions or enquiries / All Reception staff undertake rolling training and updates as part of their ongoing performance assessments, and having installed newly appointed staff in early September 2011 we expect that the percentage of patients not being able to have their questions or enquiries answered satisfactorily will decrease further. Ongoing/rolling staff training & education. / 31 Aug 12
1.2 of Patients who completed the survey said they were NOT LIKELY to recommend this practice to others. / This figure equated to 1 patient and demonstrates how low this statistic really is. All staff work hard to ensure that all patient services are of the highest standard and we continue to work on this year on year. Ongoing / 31 Aug 12