Triennial Turning Point Services Core Competency Review

Employee Name: ______

Part One(every TPS employee)(circle one correct answer for each question)

1. If you suspect abuse of a client, you should: (a) discuss with client (b) call a Supervisor immediately

(c) Call the abuse hotline.

2. While helping a client in town, we meet my friend who owes me money. I argue with him until he leaves in anger. Have I neglected the client? (a) Yes (b) No

3. A person you work with intends to make a phone call and wants you to leave the room. You should

(a) ask who will be called (b) move to a corner of the room and listen (c) leave the room.

4. A Guardian (a) helps people make decisions (b) assists people in dressing (c) protects against computer viruses.

5. You cut yourself while at work. You should call the Supervisor (a) at the end of the shift

(b) immediately(c) whenever.

6. If you must leave a voice mail to report an incident, you should describe the incident and make sure that you leave (a) your name (b) phone number (c) date and time of the incident (d) all of the above.

7. Checking a car regularly increases safety while driving. Which of the following is NOT something to check regularly. (a) tires (b) headlights (c) brakes (d) sun visor (e) turn signals

8. I don’t need to report vehicle accidents while at work to TPS. (a) True (b) False

9. Behavior communicates more than words. (a) True (b) False

10. Which of these is NOT a technique of good communication. (a) Active Listening (b) Check to see if your message was understood (c) Whistle while working (d) Watch for non-verbal communication

11. The #1 rule of diversity is to understand and treat others as they wish to be treated.

(a) True (b) False

12. The role of everyone working at TPS is to keep other people from doing as much as possible on his/her own. (a) True (b) False

Score Part One: ______

Part Two(Home Care employees after finishing Part One)

13. The effects of trauma only last a short time.

(a) True(b) False

14. Everybody shows pain the same way.

(a) True(b) False

Score Part Two: ______

Employee Name: ______

Part Three(IDD employees after finishing Parts One & Two)

15. We will always know what causes an Intellectual/Developmental Disability:

(a) True(b) False

16. Which of these is not a level of Intellectual Disability: (a) moderate (b) trainable (c) profound (d) mild

17. People with autism always have an Intellectual Disability: (a) True (b) False

18. The best way to help someone with IDD learn how to wash clothes is to: (a) practice at the laundromat that he uses (b) use a washer with big labels showing directions (c) use a book with pictures.

19. It is possible for someone with IDD to be productive, like having a job.

(a) True (b) False

20. People communicate even if they do not talk. (a) True (b) False

21. You hand me a cup and I throw it away. I am saying (a) I’m not thirsty (b) I’m angry

(c) Wrong cup (d) any or all of these

22. The best time to correct an error during a training session is: (a) at the next training session

(b) when the error occurs (c) during a meeting

23. Speak in long, complex sentences when giving instructions. (a) True (b) False

24. Person centered planning is a way to support: (a) choice (b) opportunity (c) control

d) all of the above.

25. As long as the person is busy during the day, then we know it is meaningful and productive.

(a) True (b) False

26. When gathering plan information, it’s most important to (a) listen (b) assess (c) diagnose

(d) have parties, when planning.

27. Friendships are important to everyone because they: (a) reduce stress (b) improve health

(c) connect people to communities (d) all of the above.

28. To best help someone with IDD connect to the community, we should: (a) know the person’s likes and dislikes (b) know where other people with IDD spend their time (c) go to all the places that you like to go.

29. It’s pretty common for people with IDD to expect to have a job and a home.

(a) True (b) False

Score Part Three: ______

Passing Score Part One = 9

Passing Score Parts One & Two = 10

Passing Score Parts One, Two, & Three = 20

TPS Core Competency Review (10/26/17)