
Gloucestershire LPC Meeting

11th May 2017 Premier Inn, Tewkesbury Road, Twigworth

Item / Actions
1.  / Present: Rebecca Myers (RM), Sian Williams (SW), Gary Barber (GB) (items 1-6), Wayne Ryan (WR), Pete Arthur (PA), Phil Lewis (PL), Milak Rahman (MR), Fiona Castle (FC), Andrew Lane (AL), Peter Badham (PB) (items 1-6,9), Mike Powis (MP), Lis Jardine (LJ, notes)
Welcome: Will Pearce (WP, CCA member replacing Arvinder Sagar); Sam Bradshaw (SB, LPC Support Officer)
Apologies: Andrew Kings (AK), Iqbal Topia (IT)
Guests: Kalpesh Patel, observer (from 10.30am), Laura Taylor (item 7); Nathalie Delaney (item 8)
2.  / SB introduced herself as the new LPC Support Officer.
Election of Officers
AL was proposed by PA, unanimously elected.
Vote postponed until the next meeting: potential nominees WP and AK to consider their interest.
IT has indicated willingness to stand; unanimously elected. / WP/AK
3.  / Minutes of previous meeting
The minutes were accepted as a true record
Items for redaction from publicly published minutes
Remove all of point 9 for publication (FC/LJ to discuss) / FC/LJ
4.  / Standing items (to note/inform discussions relating to officer updates)
Stakeholder map
Only GB responded. PA will notify of contacts at 2gether NHS Trust. RM commended for excellent layout. RM to bring printed copy next meeting.
Action Plan Update
FC to merge Action Plan and Action Report (strategic focus). FC requested input to targets which need updating
1.  MAS engagement: Existing Target not met: (70% delivering at least 4 MAS per month by April 2017.) SB to enquire re barriers etc. Encourage training/accreditation as part of annual CPD. RM working on referral pathways.
AL suggested identifying pharmacies underdelivering MAS alongside NMS, MUR etc in areas of high/medium deprivation. New target to derive from this data. RM/FC/SB to request input from Rachel Morgan (GCC Strategic Needs Analysis Team) and Jim Emery (Directory of Services Lead).
2.  Local Provider Company: LJ/FC to invite membership from contractors/nominations for directors. RM currently writing bid for Community Connectors service.
3.  Actions and Targets re training needs analysis. SB and RM to gather relevant information.
4.  Training sub group will not reform - ad hoc only. SB to identify potential trainees and barriers. Investigate methods of delivery where location not an issue – webinars etc? Priority.
5.  Locum page – no response received. FC asked whole committee for feedback.
6.  HLP training: some pharmacies lost in process. Signposting to PSNC/PO information, message that the training is an investment. ‘How to do it’ event needed, ideally before summer.
Risk Register: RAG format for risk (FC/RM) / RM
5.  / Officer Updates
Support Officer Activity Report
SB gave an additional verbal report re: SCR – pharmacist antipathy toward ‘staging’ an incident to get QP. Committee suggested SB make use of good manager examples.
GB and PA suggested SB visit lots of pharmacies for a wider perspective and to ensure non-duplication of AM role. SB to connect with Area Managers on committee to co-ordinate.
Partnerships Manager Activity Report
EHC: more signposting to pharmacies needed. SB to provide accurate list of providers.
Claire Proctor, Karen Pitney’s replacement: possible development of first pill service?
Alcohol service: only one pharmacy meeting targets. CGL may decommission re non-delivery.
STP: self-care agenda; RM meeting Matt Pearce. Making Community Connectors tender on behalf of GlosPharm Ltd.
Palliative care ‘Just in case’ boxes: potential service.
Operational Integrity Manager Activity Report
Flu - planning for pandemic, antiviral collection points etc. SLA under development, staged plan for progress of a pandemic.
NUMSAS: no progress locally.
QPs: no one had reported gaining HLP accreditation through the national self-assessment (WP - recently done so).
Chair’s Briefing
PSNC update: recruiting for new CO as Sue Sharpe retiring 2017. PSNC name change to Community Pharmacy England.
Flu - accepted last year’s price to ensure recommissioning.
RedBox Private PGDs no longer valid for use. Pharmacies signed up to them need to stop using and identify an alternative supplier. Any supplies now made using these PGDs would not be covered by insurance. However any flu injection training provided by the company remains valid for use with other PGDs
Judicial review – expecting result at any time.
Election strategy – MP visits, Boots and Badhams willing to help. Must demonstrate exemplar clinical service to raise awareness e.g. inhaler technique, emphasise cost of improper use, how pharmacy is integrated in local primary care (SW training SWAST). FC/RM to develop briefing pack. Will need employed officer support.
Treasurer’s Report
£15K surplus earmarked to fund staffing increase. £114,500 account balance.
Use of Quickbooks: could save £600 accountancy re payroll and expenditure. FC to purchase six months’ trial for this. / SB
6.  / Development Activity
Community Connectors Tender
LPC liked FC/RM draft model very much.
SW – questioned capacity particularly of pharmacies in Stroud & Berkeley Vale. Any way to reduce number of providers needed in area? Question – is Cheltenham more likely to deliver than Stroud & BV? RM to look at figures. Profitability needs to stack up.
Need for academic analysis to prove concept – national development?
In opinion of PL, Lloyds unlikely to reject subcontract of service if no need to join provider company. If contract dictates staffing levels, however, GlosPharm Ltd would be responsible for any redundancies. RM to change to volume service deliveries.
RM to investigate liability for TUPEd staff if service completely decommissioned. / RM
7.  / Guest: Laura Taylor, ICE Creates (Healthy Lifestyles Gloucestershire)
Relationships for Stop Smoking and related services
Current provider for Stop Smoking, alcohol, drug dependency, weight loss (and Slimming World with referral from a GP or nurse), Healthy Activity. Not referring to pharmacy for Stop Smoking.
Patients generally self-referring – 0800 line or email, (FC offered to set up referral on PO). Leaflets, posters etc. available.
NRT voucher scheme – duplicate for records? Still working on internal training.
FC to circulate contact details (Laura and Ian Jackson). RM to offer LPC presentation on community pharmacy to full HLS Glos team meeting and bring list of providers. / RM
8.  / Guest: Nathalie Delaney, AHSN
Working together on Medicines Optimisation Projects
Focus on medicines safety: transfer of care i.e. discharge referrals. Easy for patients to get confused and incorrectly take medicines. Pharmacy should get copy of discharge letter? Currently Glos/Swindon hospitals barriers around ‘extra tasks’ for their pharmacists. Suggestion that keen hospital pharmacy staff from Bath/Bristol could inspire them?
Don’t Wait to Anticoagulate project – joint working a success, may have avoided 14 strokes.
Primary Care Collaborative project on patient safety – electronic culture survey, need a pilot pharmacy. ND to share survey with FC who will pick a suitable pharmacy.
9.  / Guest: Sally Whitely, Senior Manager, Clinical Programmes CCG
Self-care around ear wax removal
GPs sending to hospital, Glos CCG have accepted not included in GMS standard contract. There may be a lot of hidden activity which means redesigning service could be expensive – no budget.
Possible AQP as convenient for patients (PA reported patient experience at Boots).
Need to set own training standard for service specification – no national requirement.
Better advice from counter assistants needed for patient education in pharmacies – cost of acute care and GP. Appropriate self-care (Otex training?).
Sally Whitely to speak to Theresa Middleton re drops and a bulb added to MAS service.
GCare directs to acute care and ASAP Glos has no mention, should have accurate advice.
Sally leaving the team soon; RM to liaise with Laura Scott (team administrator) until replacement identified / RM
10.  / Any other business
MP reported new supply of condoms for C-Card included note saying some supplied would be out of date. MP was advised to send them back.
SW asked re Public Health campaigns - NHSE not concerned with co-ordinating or asking for feedback. How support HLPs to link in to national campaigns? Links/ideas on web site. Use display as evidence for HLP accreditation.
PB raised issue of Pharmacy2You and Emis. Are they data sharing? LPC felt this unlikely, promotion activity a coincidence as P2U very active currently. NPA offer pharmacy poster with accurate information for pharmacy display.
Kalpesh reported an inappropriate job ad. on PharmOutcomes – RM is dealing with this.
SW reported that Gloucestershire POC (Prescription Ordering Centre) will be starting with Rosebank, expanding across Gloucester city before rolling out county-wide. No dates yet confirmed.
Berkeley Vale POC based at May Lane surgery seems to be working well so far. / LJ newsletter