CMDT4 – page 1


A40 Elsfield Way to Jackson Road – Experimental Left Turn Ban

Consultation Questionnaire comments and results

Road name / Opinion / Comments
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  1. Thank you.
  2. Used to go home this way, saves time and road not used as a rat run. Used by people to go home not thru.
  3. Route was never used as a rat run. Turn used purely by residents of the estate.
  4. Some drivers ignore the ban. Access must be totally blocked to work with access to A40 from the estate only.
  5. Some still use roads to gain access to Summertown, safer for cyclists especially Jackson Road.
  6. Better to stop access from both directions. Seen drivers slowing down and turning left. Definite improvement seen.
  7. Waste of money - best leaving it how it was.
  8. Ban made no difference. Should be 20mph zone and traffic calming throughout estate. Area ignored as it is in north.
  9. Have avoided by-pass as adds 20 minutes on journey.
  10. Ban only makes journeys longer and sitting in traffic pollutes more.
  11. Ban has made me sometimes late to pick kids up from school.

Aldrich Road / 10 / 9 / 0
Road name / Opinion / Comments
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  1. Let’s have humps in Wentworth Road!
  2. Barrier partly moved and has just made junction unsafe for cyclists as vehicles still turning.
  3. Rat runs a good idea to relieve congestion.

Banbury Road / 8 / 1 / 1
Road name / Opinion / Comments
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  1. Traffic turning left as if ban wasn't in place. Speed is frightening in Wolsey Rd in morning with children going to school.

Bodley Place / 1 / 1 / 0
Road name / Opinion / Comments
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  1. No difference to rat running traffic during peak hours. People ignoring ban. Improve island at Wolsey Road so cars can't drive through.
  2. Rerouting traffic doesn't reduce it, increases through traffic on Banbury Road, Waste of public money, way project has been carried out is unacceptable.
  3. Allow traffic to turn left so not to clog up Banbury Road Roundabout.
  4. Ban not necessary and using taxis cost more as they have to go round.
  5. Get caught in roundabout traffic and can get stuck for up to 5 minutes.
  6. Roads are made to be used and is irresponsible to force traffic on a busy main road and cause further, unnecessary congestion.
  7. Longer queues at roundabout, more damage to environment.
  8. Ban has been ignored. Turning right at junction with Jackson Road/Wolsey Road by island more dangerous.

Buckler Road / 4 / 5 / 1

Road name

/ Opinion / Comments
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  1. Road has become a race track, Speeding motorcycles and cars, more traffic both ways.
  2. Ban is unnecessary and dangerous. No warning sign is provided on the westbound approach.
  3. Make permanent for safety of children.
  4. Humps a better option or even a speed camera.
  5. No difference in traffic flow in Carlton Road, inconvenience to more than it is of benefit.
  6. Still some people driving at high speeds.

Carlton Road / 6 / 8 / 3

Road name

/ Opinion / Comments
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  1. 3 adults/2 child cyclists – We enjoy the improvement to our safety.
  2. At peak times (8.30am) - Drivers ignore ban.
  3. Ban has been ignored. Motorists need to be made aware of cyclists.
  4. Had definite impact for the better in road, appreciated as children play in area on narrow road.
  5. Before ban traffic was fast and heavy between 4pm and 6pm.
  6. Restriction needs to be enforced. High speeds still achieved in area. Parking a problem in Cavendish Road.
  7. Ineffective as people have ignored the ban. If you want to close the junction, close the whole junction.
  8. Successful experiment and rat run in Cavendish Rd now virtually non-existent.
  9. Has had effect on early morning traffic but still a lot around 4-4.30pm. Rat run still being used in opposite direction. Only effective way to stop rat runners is to shut junction.
  10. Was not necessary in the first place and is now more dangerous as people brake suddenly to turn.

Cavendish Road / 4 / 7 / 1
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  1. Normally turn off here but now add to traffic at roundabout and add to Oxford's pollution.

Grimbley Place / 1 / 0 / 0
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  1. Alleviates traffic from Banbury Rd Roundabout. By saying non-replies will be counted as support it is deliberately biased.
  2. Would only use turn in heavy traffic.
  3. Has effect on accessibility but if those living nearby want it then we are in favour of the ban.
  4. Turning should be completely shut off as other drivers are still turning off and endangering others.
  5. Do not monitor - waste of money.
  6. Can a ban be imposed at peak traffic times only?
  7. Excellent development policy, speeds still too high in some roads that are important routes to school and part of the cycle route. Make 20mph zone.
  8. Used to take short cut but not much difference.
  9. Traffic at peak hours reduced. Reduces speeding drivers and makes area safer for children.

Hamilton Road / 12 / 6 / 3

Road name

/ Opinion / Comments
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  1. Very useful experiment. Well done.
  2. Makes residents build up traffic at roundabout. Government should get children to use school in own catchment.
  3. Traffic in road still heavy and clogged up with non local parking during day.
  4. Not democratic. Cannot presume non replies are all content with ban.
  5. I only cycle - Suggest a 20mph zone, lights on Banbury Rd Roundabout if Jackson Road is closed, removes get out for motorists/emergency services when traffic is heavy.
  6. If the ban is made permanent please change current layout. Cars still turn left. Must be total blockage for safety reasons.

Harpes Road / 5 / 4 / 4
Road name / Opinion / Comments
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  1. Drivers ignoring especially mothers dropping off children. Ensure total safety by closing entry completely.
  2. People still using access to by-pass by going through back streets.
  3. Was nearly knocked off bike by two vehicles coming left off by pass ignoring the ban.
  4. Walk past with son, cars come speeding down, please cut off for safety of residents.
  5. Don't drive but still see people using turning to estate for quickness.
  6. Cars still turning left.
  7. People ignoring the ban, junction is pick up and drop off area for lifts, permanent solution should ban traffic entering but safer to remove ban.
  8. Concerned about access for emergency services. Cars still coming down Jackson Road from eastbound direction. Traffic lights within Cutteslowe?
  9. Costs £1831.60 extra per year in fuel, peak times journeys can extend up to 25mins, make Carlton Road one way from west and no access to Banbury Road from A40.
  10. Sat in traffic longer using more fuel and causing more pollution. Railing should force cyclists and pedestrians to go down Jackson Road before they cross.
  11. Could access be allowed for Hawksmoor Road only? Traffic still ignoring no left turn signs.
  12. More permanent blockings need to be in place as well as signing making turn ban clearer.
  13. Hawksmoor Road is a cul de sac so no problems with rat running. Residents ignoring the ban.

Hawksmoor Road / 12 / 6 / 5
Road name / Opinion / Comments
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  1. Ban has increased pressure on A40 & Banbury Road and not reduced traffic on small streets.
  2. Noticed less traffic on Kings Cross Road, cyclists use this so is a lot safer for them.

Hawkswell Gardens / 1 / 0 / 1
Road name / Opinion / Comments
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  1. Don't use car because of age but gut feeling ban must be useful.
  2. Change for the better noticeable between 6-8am. Large vehicles a problem due to tight corner at Hernes Crescent/Hernes Road.

Hernes Crescent / 0 / 1 / 0

Road name

/ Opinion / Comments
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  1. Green Road Roundabout to Banbury Drive Roundabout takes up significant queuing. It is laughable.
  2. Has forced residents to use Hernes Road. Why not make Hernes Road left turn only?
  3. Cars still turn in from A40.
  4. Effect of ban detrimental to residents. Rat running insignificant to this.

Hernes Road / 7 / 4 / 1
Road name / Opinion / Comments
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  1. Cars still turning left, route quicker now road works have finished.
  2. Get rat runners anywhere. People using turn just trying to avoid bottleneck at roundabout.
  3. Has stopped cars running through to Banbury Road - still too many parked cars.
  4. If traffic is heavy, would use turning but not when children are coming from/going to school.
  5. Make estate 20mph zone near school.
  6. Should only be a ban in the mornings. More pollution the rest of the time.
  7. Not sufficient evidence to comment on improved road safety. Ban has not affected us adversely.
  8. Cars still turning during rush hour. Needs better signing and police presence on odd days.
  9. Journey time dependant on A40 traffic, inconvenient to residents during high traffic times, unethical to say non-replies are an acceptance.
  10. Don't think there is less rat running but may reduce rat running when Green Road roundabout is complete. Banbury Road Roundabout will become a bottleneck.
  11. Never a case of rat running. Inconvenient during rush hour.
  12. Although ban has apparently impacted on flows still rat running from Banbury Road into area. These roads have school children on and have observed speeding motorists.
  13. Will delay emergency services.
  14. Underpass at Cutteslowe required and traffic lights at this junction with filter lane from city turning left only.
  15. Jackson Road provides escape route in event of traffic at Cutteslowe roundabout. Sitting in traffic increases pollution. 20 mph signs would be best solution.

Islip Road / 13 / 16 / 2
Road name / Opinion / Comments
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  1. A lot of drivers still using turning - should be permanent for cars safety.
  2. Very few drivers obey the ban and rat running still goes on. Need to block the road.
  3. Prohibition routinely ignored especially during heavy traffic. Junction should be remodelled.
  4. Cars still turn left some on opposite side of road, can still make turn so objective of ban not met. Journey time increased.
  5. Has been significant improvement. Some still making left turn.
  6. Cars that use street as rat run not significant. Drivers cross the A40 to go east from Jackson Road. Should be blocked off.
  7. If complete cut off of the A road in and out then road will be safe.
  8. Has reduced traffic but drivers still turn left. Consider blocking entry from both direction and use as exit only.
  9. Ban ill-conceived and only prevents residents from lawfully accessing their properties. Cause unnecessary diversion past roundabout.
  10. Is very annoying but has cut amount of through traffic on estate.
  11. Still some turning off the by-pass. How do you intend to stop this? Camera?
  12. Not made a difference as cars just don't obey the ban. Should be residents only.
  13. Journey times sometimes less than 5 mins. Inconvenient and pointless in terms of safety.
  14. Would like information on what would happen if made permanent. Would junction be closed completely?
  15. Cars turn left on wrong side of road. Have seen people dumping rubbish behind barrier.
  16. Some people still turning left - feel it is a lot better than before so it should stay.
  17. People still use Carlton Road to cut through. Left turn ban only affects those who live nearby.

Jackson Road / 19 / 18 / 4
Road name / Opinion / Comments
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  1. Car speeds need to be slowed. Rat runners using route going north to A40.

Kings Cross Road / 0 / 1 / 0
Road name / Opinion / Comments
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  1. Ban is of no use, benefit or value. Restore situation as it was before.
  2. Many cars still go too fast through area. Would like 20mph limit/home zone.
  3. Must have had effect on street near Jackson Rd but definite rat running in Lonsdale Road from Kings Cross Road.
  4. Road liberated from rat runners! Safety, noise and fumes much improved - important for school children.
  5. Strongly believe no exit from ring road should be blocked i) in case of emergency ii) if traffic builds up at Roundabout (access to Summertown).
  6. People have been turning left down wrong way. Hope permanent solution will block this.
  7. Ban has made a positive difference in reducing rat running traffic, especially between 7.15 - 9.15am.
  8. Shouldn't deny access to residents. Most traffic goes further westwards anyway.
  9. Definitely noticed a reduction in rat running in the morning.

Lonsdale Road / 10 / 11 / 1
Road name / Opinion / Comments
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  1. Have to go on Banbury Road on to Victoria Road and increases traffic on Banbury Road.
  2. Thank you for finally doing something about the rat running.

Lucerne Road / 1 / 3 / 0
Road name / Opinion / Comments
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  1. Ban has not worked.
  2. Had extremely beneficial effect on traffic levels in rush hours. Rat runners are real danger for children.
  3. Any reduction in residential areas is welcome. Children need to be able to play safely.
  4. No identified reductions in speed/volume. More systematic measures required throughout area.

Portland Road / 4 / 5 / 1
Road name / Opinion / Comments
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  1. Adds to congestion at Banbury Road Roundabout, no difference to rat running.
  2. Creating a safe environment for children is priority.
  3. No reply is an abstention - not an in favour/support.
  4. Ban reduces choice and creates additional travel and fuel consumption. Emergency service journeys increase. Closing streets is an unacceptable principle.
  5. Why doesn't council listen to what people have to say?

Salisbury Crescent / 6 / 4 / 1
Road name / Opinion / Comments
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  1. Desperately need speed bumps in Cutteslowe, especially near school and park. 24 hour and maintenance free.
  2. Feel ban has made no significant change at all.
  3. Delays can vary throughout the day. Safer to reduce congestion at Banbury Road Roundabout and allow left turn.
  4. Delays dependant on time of day, would like to see whole junction closed to traffic, some leave Jackson Road and turn right into Wolsey Road, remove island at south end, road humps.
  5. Ban is inconvenient but should remain if it cuts rat running and effects safety.

Scott Road / 4 / 7 / 1

Road name

/ Opinion / Comments
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  1. Remove ban. Don't want it.
  2. 10-15 in bad traffic, has not reduced commuter parking in area.
  3. Pressure on Banbury Road Roundabout has increased concentrating more traffic on area that is already congested.
  4. Over 15 minutes delay on some days.
  5. A lot of those who object live in Salisbury Crescent and do not feel the effects of the rat running.
  6. No use moving traffic from one road to another, better to have it spread out.
  7. Difficult to assess until other road works have been completed as they have known knock on effects to the level of traffic.
  8. Noticed less traffic going to Banbury Road from Carlton and Wentworth Roads. Also cuts off rat run down Water Eaton and cuts off pushing into traffic.
  9. Convenient to turn into Carlton Road/Southdale Road from A40. This reduces congestion at the roundabout. Not noticed any rat running but this in turn also reduces traffic at roundabout.
  10. Could ban be in place during peak times and when school children are coming and going?

Southdale Road / 9 / 13 / 2
Road name / Opinion / Comments
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Thorncliff Road / 0 / 1 / 0
Road name / Opinion / Comments
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  1. Rat runs caused by poor traffic planning.
  2. Good idea to make permanent. Children’s safety should be paramount.
  3. Concern is safety of children as on main cycle route. Strongly in favour of keeping traffic to a minimum here.
  4. Takes extra time to get home. Never seen cars "racing" through area before or after the ban.
  5. Ban may also reduce need for speed bumps on roads nearby.
  6. Totally support the ban.
  7. Traffic still flows too fast in our road.
  8. Severe delays in returning home from by-pass.
  9. Are some drivers ignoring the ban? Accessibility affected by traffic on main road.
  10. Ban produces hold up at Banbury Road Roundabout. Residents should be able to turn here.
  11. Non-response should not be classed as agreements, questions designed to get response council wants - no way to undertake a consultation.
  12. Green Road works have reduced congestion on A40 during experiment. Turning right out of Victoria Road is more difficult and potentially dangerous.
  13. Noticeable difference when barrier first went up but has got busy again. Should be 20mph zone as danger to pedestrians and cyclists is considerable.
  14. Is rat-running mostly coming from east? If so, closing the central access would have the desired effect.
  15. Difficult to assess changes due to implementation of CPZ. Rat running inevitable if left turn left open.
  16. Unjustified restriction in a congested area. Poor questionnaire that leans towards supporting the ban.

Victoria Road / 14 / 11 / 4
  1. Greater build up of traffic at Cutteslowe Roundabout. Could it be ascertained as to how many vehicles actually benefit from turning here?
  2. Now there are parking restrictions the left turn ban is a waste of time. Decision has probably been made already and just have to be seen to have consulted.
  3. Remove ban but erect "Residents Access Only" signs. Ban risks delays to emergency services.

Road name / Opinion / Comments
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  1. Barrier has been moved recently and has increased traffic at peak times.
  2. Never noticed a problem with rat running. Little to be lost from permanent closure. Kids riding motorcycles a bigger problem.
  3. Delay in rush hour severe, rat running moved to alternate streets, challenge why no reply is to be taken as an agreement.
  4. Would be good to only have a Monday to Friday ban.
  5. Wastes time and petrol. Ban right turns to Banbury Road from side roads or residents only signage on A40.
  6. Used to take daughter 15 minutes to get to house from Wheatley. Now takes 45-50 minutes (some delay due to Green Road Roundabout). Was any census of opinion taken before the ban?

Water Eaton Road / 5 / 13 / 1
Road name / Opinion / Comments
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  1. Council failed to monitor. Speeds on estate have not changed. Ban allows traffic to still turn.
  2. Reduce speeds by installing speed bumps.
  3. There was greater volume of rat running traffic before ban. Believe ban has had a huge impact in reducing dangerous driving in area.
  4. Remove ban but install traffic calming off Elsfield Way to slow drivers before Carlton Road.
  5. Roundabout at junction instead of blocks, 40mph between Banbury Road and Cherwell Bridge, 30mph from Jackson Road to roundabout. New roundabout would connect both estates.
  6. If non respondents are taken as agreement, this is not a proper consultation but an expensive rubber stamp exercise.

Wentworth Road / 6 / 6 / 2
Road name / Opinion / Comments
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  1. Close complete access to Jackson Road. Rat run getting worse. Will you wait till serious accident happens?
  2. No need to do this work.
  3. Access not blocked properly so still used by rush hour traffic.
  4. Take barrier away. Just another obstacle for children to play with.
  5. As eastbound traffic can still cut through, people still rat running.
  6. If made permanent then it should be monitored more as people still ignore the ban.
  7. Dual carriageway and Banbury Road are very busy - frustrating to be stuck in traffic and not be able to turn left.
  8. Parents still dropping off at school coming down Wolsey Road but rat running traffic to Summertown significantly reduced.
  9. No advantage to keeping right turn open. Leaving it open causes drivers to perform hairpin turns. Closing to both turns should be addressed in the permanent solution.

Wolsey Road / 8 / 16 / 3
  1. Permanent - but close road completely. Make island on Wolsey Road longer to prevent right turning traffic on to Carlton Road.
  2. If traffic is bad then you have to go to roundabout and into Carlton Road. Long way round.

Road name / Opinion / Comments
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  1. Very effective for right reasons.

Wood Eaton / 0 / 1 / 0
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  1. Turning still being used causing potential danger on A40.
  2. Don't think rat-running in area is a problem. Ban has increased traffic on Banbury Road, measures in place i.e. traffic islands, prevented rat-running anyway.

Wren Road / 1 / 4 / 0
Road name / Opinion / Comments
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  1. This will be ignored as was the residents parking charge consultation.
  2. Been lovely not having so many cars going by. Certainly would like it made permanent.
  3. Causing unnecessary traffic congestion.
  4. Road works have affected flows on A40. By-pass should be constructed as agreed on in 1990's.
  5. Good idea to make permanent - most residents seem to be coping.

Unknown / 4 / 7 / 1
